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I just want to help you traducir español

368 traducción paralela
I just want to help you.
Quiero ayudarte.
I just want to help you
Quiero ayudarte
I just want to help you, not hurt you.
Yo quería ayudarte, no herirte.
- I just want to help you out a little.
- Solo quiero ayudaros un poco.
I just want to help you.
Solo quiero ayudarte.
I just want to help you.
- Pero, ¿ se está haciendo el gracioso?
I just want to help you!
¡ Sólo trato de ayudarle!
Look, I... I just want to help you.
Mira, yo... sólo quiero ayudarte.
I just want to help you.
Sólo deseo ayudarlos.
I don't want no money. I just want to help you, baby.
- Lo está haciendo mal.
I just want to help you.
Yo solo quiero ayudarte.
I just want to help you.
Sólo soy yo.
I just want to help you to get to Asgaard.
Solo quiero ayudarte a llegar a Asgaard.
-'I asked you a question, Doctor.'-'I just want to help you.'
-'Le hice una pregunta, Doctor.'-'Solo quiero ayudarte.'
I just want to help you.
Sólo quiero ayudarte.
I just want to help you a bit.
Solo quiero ayudar.
I'm after you, just for you. I just want to help you.
Lo hago por ti, porque quiero ayudarte de verdad.
I just want to help you.
Solo quiero ayudarte
~ I just want to help you carrying the bucket. ~ No.
- Nomás quiero llevarte el cubo.
Come on, I just want to help you!
! Solo quiero ayudarte!
This is just to prove that I want to help you.
Esto es para demostrar que quiero ayudarte.
Not just stay, I want to be part of your shows, help you in your work, share your simple pleasures.
Quiero estar en tus espectáculos... ayudarte en el trabajo, compartir los placeres simples.
Jack, you ought to understand and help me... because you love Loxi... and she wants to be with you, just like I want to be with Dan.
Jack, debe entender y ayudarme... porque ama a Loxi. Quiere estar con Ud. Igual que yo quiero estar con Dan.
Just want to say I'm proud to help you any way I can.
Estoy orgulloso de ayudarles.
- You said it was important, I just want to help.
- Pero es importante, quiero ayudar.
I just want you to help me!
¡ Quiero que me ayude!
All right. You must do as you think best, but I'd just like you to know that... although I know you don't want my pity, I would like to be of some help.
Debe hacer lo que crea mejor, pero me gustaría que supiera que... aunque sé que no quiere mi compasión, me gustaría serie de ayuda.
I want to help you. Just help you...
Deseo ayudarte.Ayudarte...
I said that just now... because I was just trying to help. You don't want to offend those people.
Lo dije tan solo porque intentaba ayudarte para que no los ofendieras.
Listen. I just want you to help me watch Henry Camerero for a few days. That's all.
Sólo quiero que me ayudes a vigilar a Henry Camerero unos pocos días.
I just assumed that you'd want to know and want to help him.
Supuse que querría saberlo y ayudarle.
I'm just trying to help. If you want to help me, leave!
Sólo estoy tratando de ayudarte.
It's true. I haven't. - Well, you just don't want to help us
- Es verdad.
Just as I would want someone, if I really were in the situation that you all seem to think I am, to help me.
Así como me gustaría que alguien me ayude si realmente estoy como ustedes piensan.
I assume that this case has something to do with it, and I don't care how or who runs it, I just want you to use it to help find my son.
Esto tiene algo que ver con eso, pues esas operaciones existen aquí, y me da igual quién o cómo las dirija, solo quiero que las usen para encontrar a mi hijo.
Listen, I want to help, but the lawyer said you're just gonna use me and chump me off!
¡ Quiero ayudar, pero el abogado dijo que me usarán como un tonto!
I know you don't want to go to the doctor's. But you just haven't slept the night right through since the tornado. And then, you're no help to me in the morning.
Sé que no quieres ir al médico, pero no has dormido una noche entera desde el tornado y luego no me ayudas por las mañanas.
I just figured since you were the one who got my pal in trouble, you might want to help get him out.
Sólo me imaginé, ya que tú eres el que metió a mi amigo en problemas, quizás quieras ayudarlo,
Look, if you really want to help just go out there, catch the vampires and bring them here so that I can kill them. - Ok, Mr. Vincent.
Si quiere ayudar ¡ vaya afuera, atrape vampiros y tráiganlos aquí para poder matarlos!
Of course I wouldn't want nice little boy like that to die, but if we just couldn't help it, like you say, it'd sure turn out nice for us.
En fín, no querría que ese precioso niño muriera, pero si no podemos evitarlo, creo que nos vendría bien.
Can't you just accept the fact that I care about you, and that I want to help you and stop twisting it around?
¿ No puedes aceptar el hecho de que me importas y que quiero ayudarte y dejar de retorcer todo?
I just want to be with you, and help you and your little boy.
Sólo quiero estar contigo, y ayudarte a ti y a tu hijito.
I just want you to know we're gonna help you in every way we can.
Le ayudaremos en todo lo que podamos.
Look, Kay, I'm your partner and I am your friend and I just want you to know that even if I can't help you, I'm there for you.
Mira, Kay, estoy a tu pareja y yo soy tu amigo y sólo quiero que sepas que incluso si yo no te puedo ayudar, yo estoy ahí para ti.
I just want you to know that if there's anything I can do to help...
Solo quiero que sepa que si puedo ayudarle en algo...
but if you ever want to go out... I'd be happy to babysit. - Yea, i was just going to offer that myself, if you ever need help.
Pero si algún día queréis salir, yo me quedo de canguro.
I just want to help you.
Es lo único que deseo hacer.
Look, I don't want the answers, I just want you to help me study.
Mira, no quiero las respuestas, sólo quiero que me ayudes en el estudio.
I just want you to know I couldn't have done that without your help.
No lo habría hecho sin tu ayuda.
He's your biggest client. I know you just want everyone to be happy, but you can't help yourself.
Es tu principal cliente, sé que quieres que quede contento pero no puedes evitarlo.
I'm sorry, it's just I feel so guilty about my dad, but I feel like if I help him it hurts you, and I don't want to hurt you, I love you.
Lo siento, es solo Que me siento culpable de lo de mi papa, Pero siento que si lo ayudo terminare hiriéndote, y no quiero hacerte daño, Te quiero.

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