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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ I ] / I just want to talk to you

I just want to talk to you traducir español

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I just want to talk to you.
Sólo quiero hablar contigo.
I just want to talk to you for one minute - and it's a very important minute for you.
Sólo quiero hablar con usted un minuto y es un minuto muy importante para usted.
- I just want to talk to you.
- Sólo quiero hablar con usted.
No, I just want to talk to you.
Sólo quiero hablar contigo.
I just want to talk to you!
Sólo quiero hablar con Ud.
I just want to talk to you.
Sólo quiero hablar con usted.
I just want to talk to you, that's all.
Sólo quiero hablar contigo, eso es todo.
I just want to talk to you, that's all.
Solo quería hablar contigo, eso es todo.
I just want to talk to you one second.
Sólo quiero hablar un momento con usted.
I just want to talk to you.
Quiero hablarte.
I just want to talk to you.
Quiero hablar contigo.
I just want to talk to you a minute.
Solo quiero hablar contigo un minuto.
Please, I just want to talk to you.
Por favor, solo quiero hablar con usted...
What's the matter? I just want to talk to you that's all.
Sólo quiero hablar contigo.
I just want to talk to you, that's all.
Sólo quiero hablar contigo.
Brothers and Sisters, I just want to talk to you... for a minute!
Hermanos y hermanas, sólo... quiero hablarles un minuto.
Please, I just want to talk to you about it.
Por favor, quiero hablar contigo.
I just want to talk to you.
Solo quiero hablar contigo.
- I just want to talk to you.
- Sólo quiero hablarte.
I just want to talk to you for a minute.
- Nada. Sólo quiero hablarte por un minuto.
I just want to talk to you for one second.
Solo quiero hablar con usted un segundo.
I just want to talk to you.
- Sólo quiero hablar contigo.
I just want to talk to you.
Sólo quiero hablar con Uds.
I just want to talk to you.
Quería hablarte.
I just want to have a little talk with you.
Sólo quería charlar un poco con usted,
I just want to talk. If you'll overlook this informal visit... I'll forgive you for slighting me in the dining room.
Si perdona esta visita informal... yo le perdonaré su desaire en el comedor.
I tell you, I just want to talk to somebody!
Te digo que quiero poder hablar con alguien.
Here I am offering you just the kind of job you said you wanted... and you talk about traveling 700 miles to go sightseeing. Well, it ain't that I don't want to work.
Le ofrezco el tipo de trabajo que dijo que quería... y usted habla de viajar 1.100 kilómetros para contemplar paisajes.
I was just leaving. I want to talk to you.
Antes de irme, quiero hablarte.
I just want to talk with you.
Sólo quiero hablar contigo.
No. I just thought you might want to talk about it.
No, pensé que querías hablar de ello.
Look, Doctor, I want to talk to you a moment, just...
Oiga, doctor, quiero hablar con usted un momento...
And I want you to talk to the chef. He's so accustomed to planning just for us.
Y aconseja al chef, acostumbra a cocinar sólo para nosotros.
What is it? Just a second, I want to talk to you.
- Un momento, tengo que hablaros. ¡ Sólo un momento!
I want to talk to Hilary for a moment, and if you see Victor, you just keep him away as long as possible.
Quiero hablar con Hilary un momento, y si ves a Víctor, entretenlo tanto tiempo como puedas.
Mr. MacNamara, I don't want to take up your time... so if you'll just let me talk to Miss Hazeltine.
Sr. MacNamara, no quiero tomar su tiempo... así que si me deja hablar con la Srta. Hazeltine.
I just want to talk with you.
- Sólo quiero hablar contigo.
Mother... listen, darling, i want to talk to you quietly just for a minute.
Horace, siéntate. Toca su frente. ¿ Queréis dejarme en paz?
That's just what I want to talk to you about.
De eso quería hablarles.
That's just the sort of thing I want to talk to you about.
Sr. Bloom, precisamente de eso quiero hablarle.
I just want to sit down and have a talk with him about his work. Are you interested in germinology, hmm?
Sólo quiero sentarme y hablar con él acerca de su trabajo. ¿ Está interesado en la germinología, ¿ eh?
Honey, come on, I want to talk to you for just a minute.
Ven, cariño, quiero hablar contigo un momento.
I want to see you again, and not just to be friends... and not just to talk about children.
Quiero verte de nuevo no solo para hablar de los hijos.
I just want to have a nice sociable talk with you, that's all.
Sólo quiero tener una agradable charla con usted, eso es todo.
Excuse me, coach, if you want to talk to Gale here, I'll just...
Disculpe entrenador, si quiere hablar con Gale, yo me...
Hi. I just want to talk to you.
Sólo quiero hablar contigo.
I just want to talk to you.
Sólo debo hablar contigo.
- l won't stop you. I just want to talk.
No te detendré, sólo quiero hablar.
You know, that kind of standard parent shit like my family did. Because I don't want to fuck my kids up like I'm fucked up. So I just talk to them, you know,
Y hacer ese tipo de cosa que me hicieron a mí, porque no los quiero joder sicolígicamente, como me pasí a mí.
I'll talk, it's just that you don't want to face the things I want to talk about.
Hablaré, pero es que tú no quieres afrontar las cosas de las que yo quiero hablar.
I just want to talk-you and me.
Sólo quiero que hablemos, tú y yo.

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