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I knew it was coming traducir español

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I knew it was coming.
Sabía que pasaría.
I knew it was coming.
Se veía venir.
I knew it was coming up, but is it seven years already?
Recuerdo la fecha ¿ pero el 7º ya?
I knew it was coming, man.
Sabía que llegaba, tío.
At least there I knew it was coming.
Al menos, ahí me lo esperaba.
I knew it was coming? I wanted this to happen?
¿ Crees que yo quería que pasara esto?
I knew it was coming. With my family, never two boobs in a coffin.
Ningún familiar está enterrado con las dos tetas.
You're being a jew! I knew it was coming, you goy is her fuck.
- ¡ Sabia que ibas a decir eso!
I knew it was coming.
Supuse que esto pasaría.
JEFF V. : I knew that that that Alicia / Kimmi explosion was coming. I knew it was coming.
Yo sabia que esa explosión entre Alicia y Kimmi iba a ocurrir, lo sabia.
I knew it was coming. I knew it!
Yo lo sabía. ¡ Lo sabía!
Even the kidney failure didn't bother me because I knew it was coming.
Incluso la deficiencia renal no me molestó, porque sabía que vendría.
I mean, I guess I knew it was coming, but, I don't know.
Bueno, sí sabía que iba a pasar pero... no sé
I knew it was coming.
Sabía que vendría.
- I knew it was coming.
- Ya lo veía venir.
I knew it was coming, but... come on, man, she called me crying.
Sabía que sucedería, pero... vamos, amigo, me llamó llorando.
What's it worth to you? I knew that was coming even before you said it.
Lo sabía, incluso antes de venir.
It's almost like my father knew, he had fifty appointments, as if I was leaving for Korea and not coming back!
Es como si mi padre lo supiera, tenía 50 citas. Como si me fuese a Corea para no volver más.
I don't get it, She knew I was coming.
No lo entiendo, Mamá sabía que yo iba a venir.
I had to have 20 quid by this morning or the bookie said he was coming round here to get it, and I knew what that would mean if the boss found out, so I got Martin to let me stay on the lift last night.
Necesitaba 20 libras para hoy. EI corredor vendría por ellas. Sabría qué pasaría si el jefe se enteraba.
No, it's all right. My mother knew I was coming swimming.
No se preocupe, mamá sabía que iba a venir.
Well, like I said, they knew I was coming, so they all had guns and none of them got it in the back.
Como dije, sabían que yo vendría, así que tenían pistolas y ninguno recibió un tiro por la espalda.
I think we both knew it was coming, and it was kind of sad for both of us.
Creo que los dos lo veíamos venir, y fue un poco triste para ambos.
Oh, I knew it. I knew that was coming! The "o" word!
Sabía que saldría la palabra orgasmo.
I knew in my head what I was planning wasn't exactly good... but I figured if Dad wasn't coming home... and wasn't gonna help... it was up to me to save my mom.
Sabía que lo que yo planeaba no era precisamente bueno... pero pensé que si papá no iba a regresar a casa... y no nos iba a ayudar... era yo el que tenía que salvar a mi mamá.
If I knew exactly what it was it wouldn't be coming, it would already be here.
Si supiera qué sería, no estaría por venir... sino que ya estaría aquí.
I just knew it was a bad idea coming to Japan.
Sabia que no era buena idea venir a Japon.
It has nothing to do with what anybody said, it's just... I always knew why I was coming in here, but if people are going to... take it wrong and give it this whole meaning that I never made it to have...
No tiene nada que ver con lo que dijeron, es sólo... yo sé por qué entro aquí, pero si la gente se lo va a... tomar a mal y le va a dar más importancia de la que tiene...
I knew this was going to happen, and now it's too late to stop her coming.
Yo sabía que esto iba a suceder, y ahora es demasiado tarde para evitar que venga.
See, I knew it was a good thing coming here.
Sabía que el venir aquí era algo bueno.
I have a feeling he knew it was coming.
Siento que sabía lo que se le venía.
- It's like they knew I was coming back.
Es como si supieran que volvía.
We knew it was coming And I'll tell you one thing, Kenny
Sabemos lo que viene y te diré una cosa, Kenny.
Either you were going to leave me, or I was going to leave you. But we both knew it was coming.
O tú me ibas a dejar, o yo te iba a dejar.
I knew it would happen, it was coming.
Sabía que sucedería, lo presentía.
At one point, just to make it very clear where I'm coming from... At one point I thought that if what we did together was all that you wanted, it was because you knew more than me.
Para dejarte claro de qué voy, en un momento pensé que si... lo que hacíamos, era lo que tú querías, era porque tú sabías más que yo.
I knew it was nuts coming back here.
Sabía que era peligroso volver aquí.
You know, it's funny, because I absolutely knew this was coming.
Saben es gracioso por que definitivamente sabía que este momento llegaría.
I knew nightfall was coming. We'd have no light, and we'd be able to cook nothing, um... and we wouldn't have a bonfire, so it was... it was pretty critical.
Pero bueno yo sabía que la noche estaba cayendo y no teníamos luz ni podríamos cocinar nada y si no encendíamos una hoguera sería bastante crítico.
I could smell the diesel coming out of the fuel tanks and I knew it was about to go off.
Podía oler la nafta saliendo... de los tanques de combustible... y sabía que estaba a punto de estallar.
And you knew it was coming, and yet, every time it happened I laughed and I laughed and I laughed.
Y tú sabías lo que pasaría, y aún así, cada vez que sucedía yo me reía, me reía y me reía.
Well, you know. It's OK,'cause... I knew Frank was coming with the money... and everything anyhow, so...
- Bueno, tú sabes... está bien porque yo sabía que Frank conseguiría el dinero.
Well, I still don't get it- - you knew the guy, you had a thing with the guy, but that was some time ago, and yet here you are coming to court every day.
Bueno, todavía no lo entiendo, tú conocías al muchacho tenías algo con él pero eso fue hace un tiempo atrás y todavía estás aquí viniendo a la corte todos los días.
You just realize that she knew everything I knew and more, probably, and it was coming out of a woman's head.
Me di cuenta de que ella sabía lo mismo que yo y, quizá, más y que todo eso provenía de la cabeza de una mujer.
They knew I was coming, they've blocked it off.
Sabían que venía. La han bloqueado.
I just knew it was coming.
Sabía lo que venía.
I... you know, as that was coming out of my mouth, I knew that it was wrong.
Saben, conforme las palabras salian de mi boca, supe que estaba equivocado.
As that was coming out of my mouth, I knew that it was wrong.
Cuando eso salió de mi boca, supe que estaba mal.
The second I saw it, I knew what was coming the next day.
Apenas la vi, supe qué pasaría al día siguiente.
It was weird, when I knew I was coming over here, I was like ;
Tengo dos preguntas : ¿ Cuánto vales y en qué gastas el dinero?
And I think she would have agree to do it even if she knew what was coming to her.
Y creo que ella aceptaría, aún sabiendo lo que podía pasar.

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