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I knew something was wrong traducir español

387 traducción paralela
- I knew something was wrong.
- Sabia que algo andaba mal.
I knew something was wrong. But why did you have to tell me?
Sabía que había algo raro, pero ¿ por qué teníais que contármelo?
I knew something was wrong when I saw the guard wasn't on the door.
Sabía que algo estaba mal cuando no vi al guardia frente a la puerta.
I knew something was wrong the minute I found out you took that job at Michael John's.
Sabía que algo iba mal en cuanto me enteré de que habías aceptado ese trabajo en Meiklejohn. ¿ Qué ocurre?
I knew something was wrong. I saw the blood in the seat.
Algo me latió y vi el asiento lleno de sangre.
- Oh, I knew something was wrong!
- Sabía que le pasaba algo.
I knew something was wrong here.
Ya sabía yo que aquí pasaba algo raro.
By then, I knew something was wrong.
Entonces ya supe que algo iba mal.
I knew something was wrong because of her outfit.
Supe que algo no encajaba por su ropa.
I knew something was wrong... even before he tried suicide. But I thought that- -
Sabía que algo no funcionaba incluso antes de que intentara suicidarse pero pensé que...
Each time I saw it, I knew something was wrong.
Algo no estaba bien.
I knew something was wrong up here.
Sabía que algo no iba bien por aquí.
I knew something was wrong, because about a month ago I sat next to him at dinner, and he asked me what I thought
Supe que algo andaba mal porque un mes atrás me senté al lado de él en la cena y me preguntó qué pensaba
Well as soon as I arrived yesterday evening I knew something was wrong.
En cuanto llegué ayer por la noche supe que algo no iba bien.
I knew something was wrong.
Sabía que algo malo pasaba.
I knew something was wrong.
Sabía que algo estaba mal.
I knew something was wrong when they didn't show up for the bloodmobile.
Supe que algo iba mal cuando no se presentaron a la unidad móvil de donaciones.
I knew something was wrong from the get-go.
Sabía que había algo raro en ese tipo.
All this time, I knew something was wrong.
Durante todo este tiempo, sabía que algo andaba mal.
I knew something was wrong,'cause you never call me Dave.
Supe que algo andaba mal porque nunca me llamas Dave.
I knew something was wrong.
- Sabia que algo iba mal.
I saw Emily come home about 6 : 00, and I knew something was wrong.
Emily volvió cerca de las 6 y supe enseguida que algo andaba mal.
I knew there was something wrong when I saw that light.
Sabía que pasaba algo malo cuando vi esa luz.
I knew there was something wrong.
Sabía que algo estaba mal.
I knew there was something wrong, even then.
Sabía que algo andaba mal, incluso entonces.
- Mmm. - I knew there was something that seemed wrong.
Sabía que había algo que parecía raro.
I knew there was something wrong with me when I came up here.
Sabía que algo me pasaba cuando vine a verlo.
Mr Gowrie I think you knew last night that something was wrong You knew that Lucas would be dead some time after midnight or as soon as you could have got into town
Señor Gowrie, usted sabía que algo anda mal o anoche habrían ido a la ciudad a colgar a Lucas.
I knew there was something wrong with them.
Cada vez lo hacen peor.
Not any harder than fighting for something I knew was wrong.
No más difícil que pelear por algo que sabía que estaba mal.
Well, the minute he came home, I knew there was something wrong- -
En cuanto llegó a casa, supe que algo andaba mal.
I knew there was something wrong with that guy.
Sabía que había algo en él que no cuadraba.
I knew there was something wrong.
Sabía que algo andaba mal.
Of course, I knew there was something wrong with you this morning.
Ya sabía que te pasaba algo esta mañana.
Then when this letter arrived with your husband's signature on it I knew something must be wrong because he knew that Penny was dead.
Cuando llegó esa carta firmada por su marido me di cuenta que algo andaba mal, porque él sabía que Penny había muerto.
I knew there was something wrong when I saw that light.
Sabía que algo iba mal cuando vi esa luz.
- I knew something wrong was going to happen..... the minute I saw her going out with that Milan Djordjevic guy, son of a drunkard from 28.
¡ Estoy calmada! Sabía que algo malo le iba a pasar al verla salir con Milan. ¿ Milan Djordjevic?
I knew there was something wrong with him.. ... I didn't feel at ease...
Me lo hubiera dicho desde el principio que había algo que no funcionaba...
You see, sir, as soon as I saw the body, I knew right away something was wrong.
En cuanto vi el cuerpo, supe que algo no encajaba.
I always knew something was wrong with her.
Siempre pensé que a ella le pasaba algo.
I knew there was something wrong with her.
- Sabía que había algo raro.
I knew there was something wrong with him the first time I saw him.
Sabía que había algo raro desde la primera vez que lo vi.
I knew there was something wrong Even when I was in the womb.
Sabía que algo iba mal. Ni en el útero... me sentía cómoda.
I knew there was something wrong with you.
Sabía que algo malo te pasaba.
I knew there was something wrong with that project.
Sabia que algo iba mal en el proyecto.
I knew there was something wrong with this set-up.
¡ Al Capone! Yo sabía que era un montaje.
As I reached the middle, I knew at once that something was wrong.
Cuando llege a la mitad, sabia que algo estaba mal.
I finally knew something was wrong when she didn't wanna play.
Supe que le pasaba algo cuando no quiso jugar.
I knew there was something very wrong.
Sabía que era algo muy mal.
I knew there was something wrong.
Sabía que me pasaba algo.
And I knew right away that something was wrong.
Enseguida supe que algo iba mal.

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