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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ I ] / I meant to tell you

I meant to tell you traducir español

371 traducción paralela
I meant to tell you about him last night, but I guess it slipped my mind.
Quería hablarle de él anoche, pero no me acordé.
That's what I meant to tell you.
Debes culparme a mí, es lo que tengo que confesarte.
Doc, I meant to tell you. I'll have to work this out.
Doc, por supuesto, le pagaré esto.
But I meant to tell you, Margaret weighs 39 pounds, bomb included.
Pero quise decirle, que Margaret pesa 39 libras, bomba incluida.
I meant to tell you.
Iba a decírselo.
I meant to tell you about that... about how I woke up one morning with a nasty headache, owing Miss Farrel a lot of money, just like your father did.
Es lo que quería decirle- - Una mañana desperté con dolor de cabeza... y le debía a la Srta. Farrel mucho dinero, igual que su padre.
I meant to tell you.
Quería decírtelo.
I meant to tell you a long time ago not to wait.
Debería decirle que no me esperase.
Last night I meant to tell you before you went out.
Iba a decírselo anoche antes de que saliera.
I meant to tell you.
Quise decírtelo.
I meant to tell you about it earlier.
Intenté decírtelo antes.
I meant to tell you yesterday, you'd better change it.
Se lo quería decir ayer, será mejor que lo cambie.
I meant to tell you
Quise decírtelo
- I meant to tell you.
- Pensaba decírtelo.
By the way, I meant to tell you there are trees in this forest very similar to elm.
Por cierto, quería decirle que aquí hay árboles parecidos a los olmos.
Oh! I meant to tell you before, he's on your payroll.
Oh, quería decírtelo antes, lo tienes en nómina.
I meant to tell you she's on this women's committee for the Parkman Centennial.
¡ Oh! Casi lo olvido. Es del comité de mujeres, para el centenario de Parkman.
I meant to tell you how impressed I am.
Quería expresarle mi admiración.
I meant to tell you I brought the translation of that German article.
Te había traído la traducción del artículo alemán.
L - I meant to tell you about that.
Iba a contártelo.
Oh, um, I meant to tell you, don't forget you can shower with it.
quería decirles, no se olviden de que pueden ducharse con él.
- I meant to tell you about him, but I was in a hell of a rush.
Quise hablarte de él, pero tenía prisa.
I meant to tell you. I had a smashing vision last night.
Quería decirte que tuve una visión fantástica anoche.
I meant to tell you.
Se me olvidaba.
I meant to tell you.
Iba a decírtelo.
- Oh, I meant to tell you...
- Me olvidaba decirle.
I'll tell you what I mean. There's the bid for that Army contract. That meant thousands of dollars to me.
Es la oferta por el contrato con el ejército. miles de dólares.
I hadn't meant to tell you this soon. But I think you've got the right to know.
No te lo había dicho, pero debes saberlo.
You said you were going to sing. I meant I am going to tell everything I know.
Entonces usted se traje una maquinación infernal.
Someday I'm going to tell you how much it meant to me getting this message.
Algún día te diré lo mucho que significó para mí este mensaje.
Tu marido me ha dado la idea al quejarse... de que no distinguía cuándo eras sincera o actuabas.
But I'll tell you something. You were not meant to rule a country.
Pero ten presente que no es tu misión gobernar el país.
I can't tell you how much our association has meant to me.
No puedo decirle cuánto significa nuestra asociación para mí.
That's why I wanted to stop. To tell you how much you meant to me and.. How you've made me begin to think of other things.
Por eso quise que parasemos, para decirte cuánto significabas para mí, y que me estabas haciendo empezar a pensar en otras cosas, no sólo en las que he perdido.
Uh, before we say good-bye... - I'd like to tell you that your friendship has meant a great deal to me... and our evenings together, they've been wonderful.
Antes de despedirnos... quiero decirle que su amistad significa mucho para mí... y nuestras veladas juntos han sido maravillosas.
I've got a lot of things to tell you. Things I always meant to say and never did.
Tengo muchas cosas para decirte que siempre quise decir, y nunca lo hice.
I didn't tell you because it meant she had stolen them to protect Korvo.
No se lo dije porque significaba que los había robado para proteger a Korvo.
- No, Paula, I meant to tell you
- hoy a las 9 : 00, ¿ no?
No, I always meant to tell you about it, Bert but I just never got around to it.
No, yo siempre quise decírtelo, Bert pero nunca tuve la oportunidad.
Well Harold, you know of course, I don't have to tell you what you've meant to me. We've been through so much together.......... and here we are in life, in death we face it together.
Bueno Harold, no es preciso que te diga lo que significaste para mi, hemos pasado por tanto juntos y aquí estamos en la vida y en la muerte, siempre juntos.
And since we are at it, I'll tell you,.. I meant to face my responsibility, but, for heaven's sake,.. I have to tell the truth, your daughter is pesky, she annoyed me!
Cavaliere, quería asumir mis responsabilidades, pero tengo que decirle la verdad, ¡ su hija es desesperante!
I can't tell you how much it's meant to us to have him.
No sé cómo explicar lo que significa para nosotros.
I can't tell you what this music has meant to me.
No se imagina lo que ha significado su música para mí.
Mr Briggs. If I could only tell you what this job has meant to me. What working with you has meant to me..
Sr. Briggs, este empleo representa mucho para mí y el trabajar para usted fue un honor.
I wanted to tell you... We meant to tell you, but...
Quería decírtelo, queríamos decírtelo pero...
Because, I'll tell you this right now, you're the only girl that ever really meant anything to me at all.
Porque te digo que, eres la única chica que ha significado algo para mí.
I meant to tell you that night.
Quise decírtelo esa noche.
I just wanted to tell you how much your music meant to me.
Solo quería que supieses cuanto significa tu música para mi.
I can't tell you how much this talk has meant to me. Not at all at all.
No sabes cuánto me ha ayudado esta charla.
Aren't you meant to tell me I can call a lawyer?
¿ Quieren decir que he de llamar a un abogado?
I never meant to tell you this, but I can't let her die for me.
Nunca quise decirte esto pero no puedo dejar que ella muera por mi.

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