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I never told you this traducir español

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You know, I never told you this but when Catherine was born Alison had a hell of a time of it.
¿ Sabes? Nunca te lo dije... pero cuando Catherine nació... Alison la pasó muy mal.
I never told you this, Joycella, but my Ben had his fling too.
Nunca te lo conté, Joycella, paro mi Ben tuvo una crisis también.
You know, I never told you this.
¿ Sabes? Nunca te dije esto.
You know what, I never told you this, Merle. But you are an asshole.
Sabes, nunca te lo he dicho, Merle, pero eres un capullo...
'Cause, I never told you this, but I often think of the nights that we spent together.
Porque, nunca te dije esto, pero siempre pienso en las noches que pasamos juntos.
I never told you this, but Bodhi...
Nunca te dije esto, pero Bodhi...
I never told you this'cause it's not really a story... but one time I woke up in the middle of the night...'cause of this bright light in my face...
Nunca les conté esto, porque en realidad no es una historia- - Pero una vez me desperté a la mitad de la noche porque tenía una luz brillante sobre la cara.
You know, I never told you this, cos I knew it'd crush you.
¿ Sabes? No te lo había dicho nunca porque sabía que te hundiría.
I never told you this, Peter, but after Marjorie left me, I settled a block of shares on her and the boy.
Nunca te he dicho esto, Peter, pero después de que Marjorie me dejara, les dí un puñado de acciones a ella y al niño.
I never told you this?
¿ Nunca se las he contado?
I never told you this, bro.
Nunca te conté esto.
Harold, I never told you this, but I always wanted to be an Alpha Beta.
Nunca te lo he dicho, pero siempre quise ser un Alfa Beta.
And ifI told you that just getting out on this barge and being on the sea had changed me and made me feel different about things as if all that I've been through wasn't me, didn't count it was just like it never happened you'd laugh, wouldn't you?
Si te dijera que el sólo hecho de hacerme a la mar en esta barcaza me cambió y me hizo ver la vida de otro modo te reirías, ¿ no?
Haven't I told you never to come beyond the front of this desk?
¿ No te he dicho que no pases a este lado de mi escritorio?
I told you never to come into this room unless I send for you.
Te dije que nunca entraras a este cuarto, a menos que te llamara.
Look, I never told nobody this but I always knew that someday you'd pass by here and you'd see me.
Mira, nunca le dije esto a nadie pero siempre supe que algún día pasarías por aquí y me verías.
When I told you that I'm never seen in places like this, I meant it.
Te dije que nunca voy a estos sitios y era en serio.
Don't do this, Mr. Seanacy I never should have told you where she was
Si. No lo haga, sr. Seanacy
This stinking patrol. I told you we'd never make it back.
Esta maldita patrulla, te dije que no volveríamos.
I've never told you this before, but when Johnny was being born it was Ken you cried out for, not me.
Nunca te lo he dicho, pero el día que nació Johnny era a Ken a quien llamabas, no a mí.
I told you once to never come in this store.
Te dije que no volvieras por mi tienda.
I told you she could never leave this house.
Le dije que jamás podría marcharse de esta casa.
The truth is, I've never told you this before, but my husband did have a child who never lived with us.
Creo que no pasa nada si Ie digo que tenía un hijo con otra mujer.
I've never told you this, but the first time you asked me to dance, I said no because I didn't know how.
Nunca te había contado esto, pero la primera vez que me pedistes que bailáramos, te dije que no, porque no sabía.
I had never told you this, but...
Nunca te lo había dicho, pero...
We never see each other, we never talk, we never... look, i told you before right after i put this deal across, i'm going to start taking it easy.
Pero, ¿ crees que me gusta trabajar 28 horas al día? Bueno, se trata de lo mismo, ¿ no? Nunca nos vemos, nunca hablamos, nunca...
I never told anyone this before, but, well, at home, he often refers to you as "Da-Da Gateman."
Nunca le había contado esto a nadie, pero... bueno, en casa... a menudo se refiere a usted como " "Papito Gateman".
Slade, I told you never to set foot in this house.
Slade, te dije que jamás pisaras esta casa.
Bubber Kelly, I told you that you're never to speak to me again in this lifetime.
Bubber Kelly, te dije que no volvieras a hablarme en tu vida.
I told you I would never support this cause.
Os he dicho que nunca apoyaría esta causa.
I told you to take care this town for me... but I never asked you to take care these useless delinquents and women!
Te dije que te encargaras de esta ciudad por mí ¡ pero nunca te pedí que te encargaras de mujeres y de inútiles delincuentes!
I'm talking to you in confidence. Now, I've never told anybody this before.
Nunca antes se lo había dicho a nadie.
because you never told me about enter this I just appeared
por que nunca me hablaste de entrar en esto yo solo apareci
Listen, David, if you never remember anything else I ever told you, remember this :
Escucha, David, si sólo vas a recordar una única cosa de lo que te digo, recuerda esta :
Well, I found this place about two years ago. But I never told anybody about it, so you'll be safe here.
Encontré este lugar hace 2 años... pero jamás se lo dije a nadie.
I told you never to lay a hand on this child.
Te dije que no pusieras la mano encima a Bryan.
I told you never to come in this place!
¡ Te dije que no vinieras aquí!
I've never told you this but when I was your age...
Quizás nunca te lo he dicho,... pero también yo, ¿ sabes?
I have tried to guide you as he would've done, but if he had any plan for this moment, he never told me.
He intentado guiaros como lo hubiera hecho él, pero... si tenía algún plan para este momento, nunca me lo contó.
A month ago, I mean, the last time you told me this, you went away to never return and to be a lead actress with F. Fernán-Gómez.
Hace un mes, o sea, la última vez que me dijiste lo mismo, acabaste yéndote para no volver y hacer una protagonista con F. Fernán-Gómez.
I told you. You must never come to this place.
Te he dicho que no debes venir aquí.
If I hadn't had this affair... you never would have told me about yours, would you?
Si yo no hubiera tenido esta aventura... tú nunca me habrías dicho de la tuya, ¿ verdad?
This is something I've never told anyone, so you've gotta swear to me what you hear will not leave this room.
Esto no se lo he contado a nadie, así que júrame que no saldrá de esta habitación.
You know, I've never told you this.
Sabes, nunca te he dicho esto.
I told you never to call me on this wall!
¡ Le dije que no me hablara por esta pared!
Look, Todd, I never would've told you about this, but- -
Mira, Todd, Nunca pense decirte esto, pero- -
Sir... You don't know this... no one knows this, because I've never told anyone.
Señor usted no lo sabe nadie lo sabe porque nunca se lo he dicho a nadie.
I've never told anyone this - never - but I want to tell you.
Nunca se lo he contado a nadie, nunca. Pero quiero contárselo a usted.
- I told you, we never did anything. - He hurt you like this?
¿ Te lastimó así?
I told you never to play with this man.
Te dije que nunca jugases con este hombre.
I've never told you this but the very first time I ever saw you standing up on the podium you were cleaning your glasses and I felt so sorry for you.
Nunca te he dicho esto pero la primera vez que te vi de pie en el podio limpiabas tus anteojos y sentí lástima por ti.

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