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I said i don't know traducir español

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I don't know why you just said that.
No sé por qué acabas de decir eso.
I just, you know, went out there and did my crying on the side of the studio, and I said, "I don't know what's going on here, Lord." I said a prayer.
Sabes, fui allá afuera y llore a un lado del estudio, y le dije, "Yo no sé qué está pasando aquí, señor." Dije una oración.
I said, " I don't know what's going on here, Lord, but you gotta tell me how to walk.
Le dije, " no sé qué está pasando aquí, Señor, pero tú tienes que decirme cómo caminar.
I don't know what God has planned, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared, but... I know I'm not alone.
No sé qué tiene planeado Dios, y mentiría si dijera que no temo pero sé que no estoy solo.
And I said, "Marina, I don't know if I want to have" the responsibility of having " given you the permission to do that.
"Marina, no sé si quiero tener la responsabilidad de haberte dado el permiso para hacerlo."
And I don't even know if I believe any of it, but Justin said our whole relationship was fake.
Y ni siquiera sé si me lo creo, pero Justin dijo que toda nuestra relación fue falsa.
I don't know why I said that.
No sé por qué dije eso. Adiós.
I don't know, I just said that they got jobs from somebody in a white van, and I'm supposed to call if I see it.
No lo sé. Solo dije que consiguieron trabajo de alguien de una furgoneta blanca, y se supone que tengo que llamar si la veo.
I don't know how you could've raised me for so many years, and seen all the damage that was done to me, and pretend that there's nothing wrong with what you just said.
No sé cómo pudiste criarme tantos años, y ver todo el daño que me hicieron, y fingir que lo que acabas de decir no tiene nada de malo.
I don't even know why I said that.
Ni siquiera sé por qué he dicho eso.
She said that my weakness was that I don't know enough about her past, so I've decided to summon someone who does.
Dijo que mi debilidad era que no sabía suficiente sobre su pasado, así que he decido invocar a alguien que lo sabe.
He said we'd fucking know, but I don't, so... uh...
Dijo que lo sabríamos, diablos, pero no lo sé. Entonces...
He said he was getting on a plane for the west coast, but I don't know for sure.
Dijo que iba a coger un avión a la costa oeste, pero no lo sé seguro.
I don't know, but he said it's my time.
WYATT : No sé, pero dijo que es mi turno.
I don't know what that guy said to Oliver in there, but he, uh...
No sé lo que ese chico le dijo a Oliver allí, pero él, uh...
I don't know why I said that.
No sé porqué dije eso.
I don't know why I said that.
No sé por qué dije eso.
I just... there's a lot going on with Lacey right now, and... and like you said, my job, and I... you know, I just don't know when there's gonna be time
Yo... Están pasando muchas cosas con Lacey ahora mismo, y... como tú has dicho, con mi trabajo, y yo... Ya sabes, no sé cuando va a haber tiempo para, ya sabes, nosotros.
I know that because she said to dad, "I don't approve of Sarah," and then he told me, so...
Lo sé porque le dijo a papá, "no apruebo a Sarah", y luego él me lo dijo a mí, así que...
I don't know why I said that, but anyway I did.
No sé por qué dije eso, pero lo dije
I don't know- - I don't- - then they came back in and they said the lights were on.
No sé - Yo no - luego se volvió y les dijo que las luces estaban encendidas.
Anyway, like I said, I don't even know why I'm calling.
Da igual, como dije, no sé ni siquiera por qué estoy llamando.
I don't know, from what I said and what you said and what they're telling me, 6 : 30 to 9 : 30's really fucked up.
No sé, por lo que he dicho, lo que tú has dicho lo que me dicen ellos, hay un problema de 18 : 30 a 21 : 30.
- You know, I don't know who said it, but I like it... - Mm.
Ya sabes, no sé quién lo dijo, pero me gusta...
And I know that if I never said anything, then we'd always just be friends, and I don't want to be that shy girl always wishing that her life would turn out the way that I want it to.
Y sé que si nunca decía nada, entonces siempre seríamos solo amigos, y ya no quiero seguir siendo esa chica tímida siempre deseando que su vida se convierta en lo que yo quiero que sea.
Yeah, you know, I don't wanna talk too much more about Glenn Greenwald, other than what I previously said.
Sí, ya sé, no quiero hablar mucho más sobre Glenn Greenwald, aparte de lo que dije anteriormente.
I would if I could, but, like I said, I don't know any Quarles.
Lo haría si pudiera, pero, como he dicho, no conozco a ningún Quarles.
And again, I don't know why someone hasn't said something about that little game you're playing.
Y de nuevo, yo no se porque alguien no a dicho algo sobre ese pequeño juego que estas jugando
I don't remember what I said, but I know I said some horrible things and I'm really, really sorry.
No recuerdo lo que dije, pero sé que dije cosas horribles y lo siento mucho.
I said, I don't know. Maybe one of the ones we have, will do?
- Ya dije, no lo se, quizás uno de los que tenemos, podrá verla, ¿ vale?
I don't know who those people are, you said you were a half.
No sé quienes son esas personas, dijiste que eras una mitad.
Like I said, I don't know anything.
Como dije, no sé nada.
I'm sorry, but as I said, I don't know what my husband was doing down there. Well, thanks for your time.
Lo siento, pero como dije, no sé lo que mi marido estaba haciendo allí.
Don't know if she said, but when we first met, I'd lost my partner, Robert.
No sé si te dijo, pero cuando la conocí, perdí a mi compañero Robert.
Look, I don't know what Sam said to you, but it's gonna be fine.
Mira, no sé lo que te ha dicho Sam, pero va a salir bien.
The woman said : "I don't know", and the baby whimpered, as it still didn't know how to speak.
La mujer dijo : "No lo sé", y el niño lloriqueó. porque todavía no sabía hablar.
And, Riley, I don't know if I've ever said this before...
Y, Riley, no sé si te he dicho alguna vez esto antes
I don't exactly know what he said to her, and I don't exactly know what went on.
no sé exactamente qué le dijo y no sé exactamente lo que pasó.
I don't know why I said that.
No se porque le dije eso.
Yeah, the owner of the place said that I had exactly what she was looking for, and she uses her eyes and her guts and - - I don't know.
- Sí, la propietaría del lugar dijo que yo tenía exactamente lo que estaba buscando, y usaba su intuición y su voz interior y...
I don't know, when you retired, There was a lot of things you said you wanted to do.
No se, cuando te jubilaste había un montón de cosas que dijiste que querías hacer.
And I don't know what you told him last night, But she said he's in a real good place today.
y no se qué le dijiste anoche, pero ella dice que él está muy bien hoy.
♪ and I don't know if I can do it ♪ ♪ oh, no, I've said too much ♪ ♪ I haven't said enough ♪
- Gracias.
I don't know exactly what I said, but she did not react well.
No sé exactamente lo que dije, pero no reaccionó muy bien.
Um... my ex-wife said that if I didn't come to rehab... that she wasn't gonna let me see my - - my son anymore, And, uh... If I lose that kid, I don't know what I'm gonna do.
Mi exmujer dijo que si no venía a rehabilitación, no me dejaría volver a ver a mi... hijo y... si pierdo a ese niño, no sé lo que voy a hacer.
We don't even know for sure he heard what I said.
Nunca sabremos seguro que él oyó lo que he dicho.
Don't let him know I said that, though.
No le digas que dije eso...
I don't know why I said that.
No sé porqué lo dije.
I mean, she said thank you and everything, but I don't know, she seemed kind of funny about it.
Es decir, dijo que gracias y todo eso, pero no sé, parecía un poco gracioso al respecto.
I know I said that we had to wait until I got divorced, but now that I am divorced, I just don't feel comfortable jumping right into bed with you.
Sé que dije que teníamos que esperar que estuviera divorciada, pero ahora, no me siento cómoda yéndome a la cama contigo.
You don't want to know the last thing I said to Shahir.
No quieras saber lo último que le dije a Shahir.

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