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I saw him last night traducir español

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I saw him last night.
Lo vi anoche.
I saw him last night at the Monte Carlo.
Le vi anoche, en el Montecarlo.
He sure was acting funny when I saw him last night, though.
Aunque estaba actuando raro anoche cuando Lo vi.
Funnily enough, I saw him last night in his car
Es gracioso, lo vi anoche en su auto.
I saw him last night.
Le vi anoche.
I saw him last night at the Luxor.
Le vi la otra noche en el Luxor.
You're wrong. Anyway, I saw him last night.
Además ya lo vi ayer por la noche.
I saw him last night. Don't you know that's impossible?
Traducido por Hummungus.
I saw him last night.
Anoche lo vi.
I saw him last night at Shrublands, but he was dead.
Lo vi anoche en Shrublands, pero estaba muerto.
Because I saw him last night.
Porque le ví anoche.
Yes, I saw him last night.
Sí, lo vi anoche.
I saw him last night at seven o'clock.
Lo vi anoche a las 7 : 00.
I saw him last night and...
Lo vi anoche.
I saw him and Callum together last night.
Le vi con Callum juntos anoche.
He was tossing the last night I saw him.
Estaba agitado cuando le vi anoche.
As a matter of fact, I never saw him before last night.
En realidad, nunca lo vi antes de anoche.
Some fellow saw him in this neighborhood last night, and I was patrolling along in the car when I spotted him back there.
Un tipo lo vio anoche en el barrio, y estaba de patrulla cuando lo he visto ahí atrás.
I saw him kissing her in the ward last night.
Le vi besándola en la sala anoche.
I saw him again last night.
Anoche volví a verlo.
Last night he snuck in on us and I just saw him sneaking out of...
Anoche entró en nuestro compartimiento y acabo de verlo...
Frank was here last night. I saw him ride by my farm.
Frank estuvo aquí anoche, le vi pasar.
- Last night I saw him.
Lo vi ayer por la noche.
Yes, I saw him in Montparnasse last night.
- Sí, le ví ayer.
Last night I saw him.
La pasada noche lo vi.
He was in the office every night at 7 : 00 the last, I saw him myself.
Siempre va a las siete a su consulta. Fue la última vez que le vi.
I saw him watching the sunset last night with a short little guy.
La otra noche la vi con un tipo de metro treinta.
I saw him last night.
Era uno de los chicos de anoche.
Let me tell you, i saw him last night on randolph street.
Te lo digo, le vi.
I just saw him last night.
¿ Muerto? Pero si lo vi anoche.
Last night I saw him very much alive.
Anoche estaba bien vivo.
- No, I mean, I I saw him, last night, just before you came back from the theatre.
- No, quiero decir que lo vi, ayer a la noche, antes de que volvieras del teatro.
Not exactly. I saw the judge last night... but I didn't kill him.
He estado con el juez Rasto ayer noche,... y no le he matado yo.
Yes, of course I know Michael Lally. And you know very well I know him because you saw me talking to him last night in the club.
- Claro que lo conozco... y usted lo sabe porque me vio hablando con él anoche en el club.
Hilly, the man that I saw outside the window last night... this is him.
El hombre que vi por la ventana anoche, es él.
Bro', I saw a guyjust like him gambling in Ezaki's game last night.
Hermano, vi a un tipo igual que él apostando en la timba de Ezkai anoche.
I saw this monk last night he was really unmoved by beauty but his greed got the better of him
Anoche el monje se mantuvo pasivo ante la belleza, pero le traiciono su avaricia.
I saw him at the El Encanto. I was there last night.
Lo vi anoche en El Encanto.
I saw him the night before last. We went to the show together.
Hace dos noches, fuimos a la costa juntos.
last night I saw him.
Pero anoche... Anoche lo vi.
I saw him watching them last night.
Anoche se dio cuenta del robo.
I saw him in my dreams last night. He looked taller than the other times.
Lo vi en sueños anoche me pareció más alto que las otras veces
Last night I saw him in my dreams again.
Anoche volví a verlo en sueños
Last time I saw him here was for Sportsmen's Night.
Lo vi por última vez la Noche de los Deportistas.
I went to dad's office last night, and I saw him there kissing another woman.
Fui a la oficina de papá anoche, y lo ví besando a otra mujer.
I haven't seen him since the last night I saw you.
No lo he visto desde la última noche que te vi.
Yeah, but who's that lady I saw him with last night?
Sí, ¿ pero cómo se llamaba la señora que estaba con él anoche?
I saw him with her last night.
Yo lo vi con ella anoche.
I saw him with my own eyes last night in Trachas.
Lo vi con mis propios ojos, anoche en Trachas.
Regarding Mr Seltzer, I understand that you saw him last Wednesday night.
En cuanto al Sr. Seltzer, entiendo que lo vio por última vez la noche del miércoles en una fiesta.
I saw him murder a man last night.
Anoche lo vi matar a un hombre.

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