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I thought you were sleeping traducir español

80 traducción paralela
I thought you were sleeping.
Pensé que dormías.
I thought you were sleeping.
- Creía que estaba durmiendo.
I thought you were sleeping.
Creí que estabas durmiendo.
That's because I thought you were sleeping.
Eso es porque pensé que estabas durmiendo.
I thought you were sleeping.
Pensé que estaba durmiendo.
I thought you were sleeping.
Creí que estuvieses durmiendo.
I thought you were sleeping.
Creía que estaba durmiendo.
I guess I thought you were sleeping.
Supongo que pensé que estabas durmiendo.
Honey, I thought you were sleeping.
Cariño, pensé que estabas dormido.
- I thought you were sleeping together.
Creí que Celia y tú dormían juntos.
I thought you were sleeping with my girl.
Pensé que eras amante de mi novia.
I thought you were sleeping.
Pensé que estabas dormido.
You're not leaving. - I thought you were sleeping.
No te vayas.
I didn't realize how much I wanted to be with you till I thought you were sleeping with Todd.
No supe cuánto quería estar contigo hasta que creí que salías con Todd.
I thought you were sleeping.
Pensé que estabas durmiendo.
I thought you were sleeping.
Creí que estarías durmiento.
- I thought you were sleeping. - Anything?
- Creía que estabas durmiendo.
I thought you were sleeping in the park tonight.
Creí que hoy ibas a dormir en el parque
- I thought you were sleeping.
- Creí que dormía.
- I thought you were sleeping.
- Pensaba que estabas dormido.
I thought you were sleeping over at Bobby's place.
Creía que dormirías en casa de Bobby.
Yeah, I thought you were sleeping.
Sí, yo creía que usted estaba durmiendo.
Hey. I thought you were sleeping.
- Hola, pensé que estabas durmiendo.
- I thought you were sleeping.
- Pensé que estabas durmiendo.
- I thought you were sleeping.
- Creía que dormías.
I thought you were sleeping.
Pensé que estabas dormida.
- Gram! I thought you were sleeping in.
- Abuela, ¿ no estabas durmiendo?
- I'm sorry, I thought you were sleeping.
- Lo siento, pensé que dormías.
Well, I thought you were sleeping.
Bueno, yo creía que estabas dormida.
I thought you were sleeping at your mother's house.
Pensé que estarías durmiendo en casa de tu madre.
I thought you were sleeping at my place.
Pensé que estabas durmiendo en mi casa.
I thought you were sleeping!
¡ Pensaba que estabas dormida!
But I thought you were sleeping with Emma?
Pero pensé que estabas durmiendo con Emma.
Alina, I thought you were sleeping.
Alina, pensé que estabas durmiendo.
I broke up with you because I thought you were sleeping with your father... before I knew he was your father.
Yo rompí contigo porque pensé que te estabas acostando con tu padre antes de saber que era tu padre.
I thought you were still sleeping.
Creí que estabas dormida.
I know. I thought you were sleeping.
Mira Al, para serte honesta, es muy lenta, consume mucha energía, ya está obsoleta.
I thought you were sleeping.
Creía que estabas durmiendo.
No, I thought you were sleeping.
No, está bien, no pasa nada
She thought you and I were sleeping together when she met you at the club last week.
Ella pensaba que tú y yo nos acostábamos cuando te conoció en el club la semana pasada.
He's been assisting for Sasha, you know the fashion photographer and I thought that they were, you know, sleeping together but now they're not.
Es asistente de Sasha, el fotógrafo de modas y creí, tú sabes, que dormían juntos pero no es así.
In my defense, I initially thought you were sleeping with him.
En mi defensa, inicialmente pensé que se acostaba con él.
I thought you said that you were sleeping?
Pense que habias dicho que estabas dormida?
I kinda freaked out when you said that everyone thought we were sleeping together.
Me asusté cuando dijiste que todos pensaban que nos acostábamos.
I thought that you were sleeping at Lindsay's house?
Pensaba que ibas a dormir en casa de Lindsay.
Uh, yeah, I thought that you were sleeping over at Nate's.
Sí, pensé que estabas durmiendo en casa de Nate.
Sleeping, I thought you were right.
Durmiendo, pensé que tenías razón.
- I thought Brad fired you'cause you were sleeping with cindy.
- Pensé que Brad te había despedido porque te acostaste con Cindy.
It's just that you were so concerned about my sneaking around and sleeping around and then you go out and stay out hours longer than I thought you would.
Es sólo que estabas tan preocupada de que anduviera a escondidas acostandome por ahí y luego sales y te quedas fuera por más horas de lo que pensé que estarías.
So I thought maybe you were sneaking around and sleeping around.
Así que pensé que tal vez podrías estar escondiéndote y acostándote por ahí.
Oh, hey, hey! I, uh, I thought you were still sleeping.
Pensé que estabas durmiendo.

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