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I told you last night traducir español

378 traducción paralela
You remember I told you last night I was going to meet the Mauritania? Well, he came in.
Mi cita del Mauritania... ha llegado.
You know what I told you last night?
¿ Recuerdas lo que te dije anoche?
I told you last night.
Se lo dije anoche
- I told you last night I'm Swedish.
. Anoche te dije que soy sueca.
You didn't tell them what I told you last night?
¿ No les ha contado lo que le dije anoche?
Marcus, I told you last night... my life means more now than...
Marco, anoche te dije... - que mi vida significa más ahora que... - No lo he olvidado.
Listen, I told you last night you are too fresh.
Escuche, anoche le dije que es demasiado descarada.
Te lo dije anoche y estoy aquí para decirte una vez más que no tuve nada que ver con la redada.
Have you made up your mind about what I told you last night?
¿ Ha tenido tiempo de pensar en lo que le dije anoche?
I told you last night, this is our home.
Anoche les dije que éste es nuestro hogar.
I'd... advise you to forget everything that I told you last night.
Yo... te aconsejaría que olvidaras todo lo que te dije anoche.
- You remember what I told you last night?
- ¿ Recuerdas lo que te dije la otra noche?
I told you last night I hate you.
Te dije que te odiaba.
Clem, I told you last night to leave Tombstone and go back East.
Clem, te dije que te marcharas de Tombstone y volvieras el este.
But you know what I told you last night. Yes, I do.
Pero si ya te dije...
Now, I told you last night, what happens to me every time I get close to you.
Ya te dije anoche lo que me sucede cada vez que me acerco a tí.
I told you last night I would bring you the check this morning.
Te dije a noche que te traería el cheque esta mañana.
Now because I told you last night about the sewing machine,
- ¿ Por qué no voy a pedir la máquina? ¡ Orden!
- Now, look, Fred, I told you last night...
- Escuche, Fred, ya dije anoche...
Why, I hate to bother you, But I told you last night I want to pay you for that outfit I ruined.
Bueno, odio molestarla pero ya le dije anoche que quería pagarle el vestido que le estropeé.
I told you last night.
Te lo dije anoche.
Bob, last night when you told me that you'd taken it, I just couldn't believe it.
Bob, anoche, cuando me dijiste que lo tomarías, no podía creerlo.
I know I should have told you, but... I didn't want to spoil our last night.
Sé que te lo debería haber dicho, pero... no quise echar a perder nuestra última noche.
I told you that last night, and I meant it. Do you understand?
Te lo dije anoche y era en serio.
When I told them last night that unless you were on the ticket, they could count me out,
Pero anoche les dije que si no borraban su nombre, no contaran conmigo.
If you have told me last night who you were, if I had only know that I had in my arms the richest widow, I'll...
Si me hubieras dicho quién eres, si hubiera sabido que tenía en mis brazos a la viuda más rica, habría...
Thought I told you to get him out last night.
- Creí haberte dicho que lo hicieras anoche.
I often told you that thing with Clausen will end badly after all, those rich people... you've seen for yourself last night listen to me, my child put an end to that whole affair
¡ Siempre te he dicho que lo de Clausen acabaría mal! Después de todo, los ricos... Ya lo viste tú misma aquella noche...
I just told you I haven't seen Her since last night.
Le he dicho que no la he visto desde anoche.
I should've told you last night. But you were so happy. You were laughing.
Pude decírtelo ayer a la noche, te vi tan contenta, reías,
And I must also apologize to for deceiving you last night when I told you that your troubles were over I knew that they weren't.
Pido disculpas también por haberlo engañado al decirle que sus problemas habían acabado, sabiendo que no era así.
Last night, I asked Maida for a divorce. I told you not to do it.
Ayer le pedí a Maida el divorcio.
Now Lennie, I just told you just last night.
No, Lennie. Te lo conté hace nada por la noche.
All right, what would you think if I told you that Angela Merrova paid him a little visit last night, and she had a blood transfusion?
¿ Qué creerías si te dijera... que ÁngeIa Merrova Io visitó anoche... y que Ie hizo una transfusión?
I'm not blaming you. I told you that last night.
No te culpo, ya te lo dije anoche.
I suppose he told you about my experiences last night.
Supongo que le habrá explicado lo que me sucedió anoche.
Well, when you telephoned me last night, I told him it was a girl I knew a date I couldn't get out of.
Cuando me llamaste anoche, le dije que eras una chica que conocía... ... un compromiso que no podía cancelar.
I told you last night. I told you there wasn't any food in the house and you wouldn't let me go to the store.
No teníamos provisiones y te negaste a que fuera a la compra.
I was talking to them last night, Robbie, and I told them that if anybody could lick this case, it would be you.
Anoche hablé con ellos, y les dije... que si alguien podía resolver el caso, eres tú.
- I told you why last night.
- Ya te lo dije anoche.
I told you where I was last night.
Ya dije dónde estaba.
[Babbles] Mrs. King, as I told you last night,
Señora King, como le dije anoche, odio cordialmente a los niños.
Last night the girl came and told me to put you back together again, so she must know what why were released and so do I. They want the diamonds and they know you'd never tell them.
Anoche vino y me dijo que te curara. Sabe por qué te hirieron. Y yo también.
I told you to get the tickets last night!
¡ Ayer noche te dije que cogieras los billetes!
What would you say if I told you we had a phony to dinner last night?
¿ Qué dirías si supieras que anoche cenamos con un impostor?
I'd like to know what he told you last night.
- Me gustaría saber lo que le dijo anoche.
Anoche, dijo que había creído cada palabra que le dije.
I'm sorry about last night, but it's like I told you, honey.
Lo siento por lo de anoche, pero, es como te dije, querida.
Mr Mayo... I guess I should of told you last night but I just couldn't.
Señor Mayo sé que debí contárselo ayer, pero no pude.
Last night at the council fire, I told you evil Apaches would not be punished by the White Eyes but by the Apache Reservation Police.
Anoche, ante la hoguera del consejo, os dije que las faltas de los apaches ya no serán castigadas por los Ojos Blancos sino por la policía apache de la reserva.
I know you told me to stay away, but last night, I just couldn't help myself.
- Me dijiste que no viniera, pero anoche no pude evitarlo.

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