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I told you the truth traducir español

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I told you the truth.
Os digo la verdad.
I told you the truth about all this, Jerry.
Te dije toda la verdad, Jerry.
Demostrarán que he dicho la verdad.
- I told you the truth!
- ¡ Te dije la verdad!
And, under the circumstances, if I told you the truth I'd be accused of hypocrisy.
Y en estas circunstancias... si le dijera la verdad, me acusarían de ser hipócrita.
I told you the truth.
Dime la verdad.
Now, I told you the truth.
Le dije la verdad.
He always told me I'd be afraid of him and of you until I told you the truth.
Siempre me decía... ... que tendría miedo de él y de ti hasta que dijese la verdad.
- I told you the truth, always.
- Siempre os he dicho la verdad.
And since I'm not attached to my husband, I told you the truth.
Y puesto que no estoy comprometida con mi marido, os dije la verdad.
Mr. McNeal, I told you the truth about the divorce.
Sr. McNeal, le dije la verdad sobre el divorcio.
- I told you the truth, I swear.
- He dicho la verdad, lo juro.
I told you the truth, and I want to prove it.
He dicho la verdad y quiero probarlo.
I told you the truth. I'm a baseball player.
Te he dicho la verdad, soy jugador de béisbol.
I told you the truth to -
Te dije la verdad...
I told you the truth.
Te dije la verdad.
I told you not to talk rubbish, just tell me the truth!
¡ Deja de dar vueltas y dime la verdad!
Now that I'm with you, I'm beginning to believe that I told her the truth.
Ahora que estoy contigo, comienzo a creer que le dije la verdad.
- No. But I haven't told you the whole truth about myself.
Pero no te he dicho toda la verdad.
I haven't told you the whole truth about myself either.
No te lo he dicho todo sobre mí.
Why, I've told you the absolute truth.
Bueno, le he dicho la pura verdad.
Well, if the truth must be told, I telephoned your house and found that you were on the way here.
En realidad, telefoneé a tu casa y me dijeron que venías aquí.
I just telling the truth like you told me to.
Sólo digo la verdad como Ud. me indicó.
And you'll find out that I've told you the truth.
Y verás como te dije la verdad.
─ Yes. But I don't think I told you the whole truth about yourself.
Sí, pero no le dije toda la verdad.
I would have obeyed my mother even if you had told the truth.
Hubiese obedecido a mi madre aunque me hubieseis dicho la verdad.
Listen, I'm telling you the truth. I told you on the train... and after that election meeting. I'm telling you now for the third time.
Oiga, le digo la verdad, igual que en el tren... y después del mitin de esta tarde.
I've told you, I'm the kind of person to whom the truth is always distasteful.
Ya te lo dije, soy el tipo de persona a la que disgusta la verdad.
Now I've told you the truth, and you're mad.
Te digo la verdad, y te enojas.
I told him I was going straight back to you and tell the truth.
Le dije que volvía con usted para decirle la verdad.
Well, I've told you the truth.
Bueno, pues te he dicho la verdad.
Every word I told you was the truth
Todo lo que dije era cierto.
I've told you the truth, Mr. Big Eagle.
Le dije la verdad, Sr. Águila Grande.
Le he dicho la verdad.
Now, I haven't told you the real reason you're being sent away for the whole day. The truth is I want to be entirely alone with Miss Fiske for a few hours.
Si os mando a pasear todo el día, es porque quiero estar a solas con la señorita.
I know. And I suppose you told the truth?
Ya lo sé. ¿ Acaso has dicho tú la verdad?
- I have told him the truth. - You haven't.
- He dicho la verdad.
I knew you wouldn't come if I told the truth.
Sabía que no lo aceptarías si te decía la verdad.
─ I wish there were a little girl, Toni. I wish you'd told me the truth.
Desearía que ella existiera, Toni, que me hubieras dicho la verdad.
You should not have told the whole truth go away from here ; begin a new life don't stay out of consideration for me ; i shall have my memories no, i don't want time to forget me any more
No era necesario que lo supieran todo. Aléjate de aquí ; empieza una nueva vida.
One thing I told you is the truth.
Pero te dije algo que es cierto.
If you told the truth, you didn't have interest in her except as the wife of your boss, then you gotta do something. I...
Si ha dicho la verdad, usted no tenía más interés por ella que como esposa de su jefe, así que tiene que hacer algo.
You think they would've believed me, if I'd told the truth?
No trabaja para Masterson. No me hubieran creído.
I don't have any evidence,... everything I told you was the truth.
No tengo ninguna prueba. Todo lo que te dije era la verdad.
- I told you the truth.
Le he dicho la verdad.
Don't say I told you. The truth is she's in love with someone.
No digas que te lo he dicho, pero la verdad es que... está enamorada de alguien.
Everything I've told you has been the truth.
Todo cuanto os he dicho ha sido verdad.
I've told you the truth, strange as it sounds.
Ya dije la verdad, por extraña que suene.
He knows what I've told him's the truth, and he'll hate you for your sympathy.
Sabe que le he dicho la verdad, y te odiará por tu compasión.
What I told you now is the truth.
Lo que le he dicho es la verdad.
I remember well, Captain Kidd, when you'd let the crabs have their fill of them first and find out if they told the truth after.
Yo recuerdo bien, Capitán Kidd, cuando usted permitía que los cangrejos se hartaran de ellos primero y averiguaba si decían la verdad después.

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