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I understand that you're upset traducir español

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I understand that you're upset with your cellmate's death, but try to answer the questions clearly.
Entiendo que usted está molesto con la muerte de su compañero de celda, pero trate de responder a la pregunta claramente.
I understand that you're upset- - l don't want to beg, but I'm asking you, please, as a friend.
Entiendo que estés molesto... No quiero rogar, te lo pido como amigo.
I can understand why you're upset, but I assure you that reliable sources say the situation in the country is under control and things are gradually returning to normal.
Entiendo su preocupación, pero Les puedo asegurar que nuestras fuentes... decir que la situación en el país es gradualmente bajo control.
I know that you're very upset and I understand, but I want you to stop that moping.
Sé que están muy asustados, y lo comprendo. Pero no quiero que estén desanimados.
this time is- - look, willie, you're upset, i understand that, but before you pop a blood vessel, let me show you something.
Esta vez lo es... Mira, Willie, estás enfadado... Lo entiendo,
Now, I know that you're all upset at me, and you don't really understand why I'm doing this, but I will not roll over and die, and I will rest easy, because I sleep the sleep of the righteous.
- Fácil.
You're upset. I understand that. OK, listen.
Estás disgustada y lo entiendo.
David, look, I know you're upset about your mom and I understand that.
David, mira, sé que estás molesto por tu mamá y lo entiendo.
- I do. You're a little upset, and I understand that.
Estás algo disgustada y lo entiendo.
I can understand if you're upset about my claiming that aneurysm. But I don't see why my surgical education should suffer.
Comprendo que siga enfadado por haberme atribuido ese aneurisma pero no veo por qué mi formación quirúrgica debe sufrir.
Harm, I understand that you're upset.
Harm, entiendo que estés disgustado.
Okay, I understand that you're upset and that's why I'm not gonna kick your butt.
Bueno, entiendo que estés molesto y por eso no voy a patearte el trasero.
Yes, I understand that you're upset.
Sí, entiendo su molestia.
- I understand that you're upset...
- Entiendo que estés enojada...
Look, I understand that you're upset, but I mean, this is- - this is a very big step for me, you know?
Entiendo que estés enojada, pero este es un gran paso para mí.
Darren, look. I understand that you're really upset.
Darren, sé que estarás muy enfadado.
I understand you're upset, Packard... but it doesn't excuse that kind of talk. lt's unprofessional.
Entiendo que estés molesto... pero no justifica lo que dices. No es profesional.
I understand that you're upset.
Entiendo que estén molestos.
Yes. I understand that you're very upset, but...
Si, entiendo que estés muy molesto, pero...
- I understand that you're upset, sir.
- Comprendo que esté molesto, señor.
Look, son, you're upset, I understand that.
Mira, hijo, estás alterado, lo entiendo.
I-I understand that you're upset.
Entiendo que estés molesto.
Look, I understand that you're upset, and I really wish you hadn't found out like that, but Rory, I love you.
Mira, entiendo que estés disgustada, y de veras lamento que te hayas enterado así, pero Rory, te quiero.
I understand you're upset, miss, but there's no need to take that tone.
Entiendo que esté molesta, pero no necesita usar ese tono.
Look, I understand that you're really upset, but I don't think you want to take this to court.
Mire, entiendo que esté muy molesta, pero... no creo que lo quieras llevar a la corte.
I understand that you're upset, but the longer we wait...
Sé que estás alterada, pero mientras más esperemos...
Just calm down... I understand that you're upset,
Sólo cálmate... entiendo que estés molesta,
Yeah, I, I know that you're upset, and, uh... I understand that I've hurt you. And... believe me when I say, that was the last thing I wanted to do.
Yo... yo sé que estás enfadada y... y entiendo que te he hecho daño... y... créeme cuando te digo que era la última cosa que hubiera querido hacer.
Okay, brooke, I understand that you're upset, but is there something else that's going on?
Ok, Brooke, entiendo que estés molesta, ¿ pero pasa algo más?
Oliver, i understand that you're still upset with me.
Oliver, entiendo que aún estés enfadado conmigo.
Mr. Leitner, I understand that you're upset, but the best thing that you can do for Cody right now is to get him to the medical center.
Entiendo que esté molesto pero lo mejor que puede hacer por Cody es llevarlo al centro médico.
Amanda, I understand that you're upset and I'm sorry.
Amanda, entiendo que estés enojada y lo siento.
WOMAN : I understand that you're upset.
Comprendo que estes molesta.
Ms. Carr, i understand that you're upset with blair.
Ms. Carr, entiendo que esté molesta con Blair.
I can understand that you're, you're upset and I screwed up.
Puedo comprender que usted esté disgustado, La he fastidiado.
Look, I understand that you're upset.
Mira, entiendo que estás molesta.
Uh, look, I understand that you're upset, but let's not blow this thing out of proportion.
Mira, entiendo que està © s enfadado, pero no hay que exagerar las cosas.
Listen, I understand that you're very upset right now, but there may come a time when you'll regret not having some of this stuff.
Escucha, entiendo que estés muy molesto en este momento, pero ya llegará el momento cuando te arrepientas de no tener algunas de éstas cosas.
♪'Cause I'm a billionaire, I still have all my hair. ♪ I-I understand that you're upset, but you have to see this from our viewpoint.
Entiendo que estes molesto, pero velo desde nuestro punto de vista.
I understand you're, um, upset by Maureen's manipulations, but Trip was completely in the dark about her antics with that river rescue.
Entiendo que estés molesto por la manipulación de Maureen, pero Trip estaba completamente ciego acerca de sus travesuras en el rescate del río.
I understand that you're upset with me, Rebekah...
Entiendo que estés molesta conmigo, Rebekah.
I understand that you're upset, it's upsetting to everyone.
Entiendo que esté alterada, todos lo estamos.
Look, I understand that you're still upset, but it'll kill Mike if you don't come to our wedding.
Mira, entiendo que aún estés molesta, pero matará a Mike si no vienes a nuestra boda.
Eddie, I understand that you're upset, okay?
Eddie, entiendo que estés molesto, ¿ vale?
Everybody's pretty wound up right now, and I understand that you're upset, okay, I do.
Oye, todos están bastante nerviosos ahora mismo, y entiendo que tú también estés dolida, es lógico, lo entiendo.
I understand that you're upset, but there is no reason for you...
Entiendo que estés enfadado, pero no hay motivo para que...
I understand that you're upset your mom is gone, I know you're struggling with a lot of feelings, but that doesn't mean you don't have to listen to me.
Entiendo que estés molesto porque tu madre se haya ido, sé que estás lidiando con un montón de sentimientos pero eso no significa que no tengas que escucharme.
I understand that you're upset,
Entiendo que esté molesto,
I understand that you're upset.
Comprendo que esté molesto.
I understand that you're upset that the venue is sold out, but there's nothing we can do about it.
Bueno, ha cogido un mal resfriado.
And I can understand that you're upset.
Y entiendo que estés enojada.

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