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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ I ] / I want to sleep with you

I want to sleep with you traducir español

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Because I want to sleep with you again.
Quiero volver a acostarme contigo.
I want to sleep with you again because you're beautiful.
Quiero acostarme otra vez contigo porque eres guapa.
Lola, I want to sleep with you again.
Lola, quiero dormir contigo otra vez.
- I want to sleep with you.
- Quiero dormir con vosotros.
I want to sleep with you.
- Quiero dormir con vosotros.
I want to sleep with you every night.
Quiero dormir contigo cada noche.
I want to sleep with you, wake up with you.
Quiero dormir y despertar contigo.
- Sure, I want to sleep with you.
- Claro, quiero acostarme contigo.
I want to sleep with you
Quiero dormir contigo
I want to sleep with you.
Quiero acostarme contigo.
I want to sleep with you. Right now!
Quiero acostarme contigo. ¡ Ahora!
- I want to sleep with you.
- Esta noche quiero dormir contigo.
I want to sleep with you here.
Yo quiero dormir con usted aquí.
- No. I want to sleep with you.
Quisiera acostarme con usted
I want to sleep with you.
Quiero dormir con ustedes.
And I want to sleep with you in your cottage, and I will.
Yo te amo, y quiero dormir contigo en tu cabaña. Y lo haré.
I want to sleep with you.
Quiero dormir contigo.
I want to sleep with you again.
Quiero dormir contigo de vuelta.
I want to sleep with you 25 times, but... you don't want to sleep with me at all, am I right?
Quiero dormir contigo 25 veces, pero... usted no quiere dormir conmigo en todo, ¿ me equivoco?
Today I want to sleep with you.
Hoy no quiero dormir contigo.
- No, no, I want to sleep with you.
- No, no, yo quiero dormir contigo. - No. 00 : 03 : 16,500 - - 00 : 03 : 19,651
- I want to sleep with you.
- ¿ Por qué? . - Para echar un polvete.
Not only don't I want to sleep with you I've never even fantasized about it.
No sólo no quiero hacerte el amor. No se me había ocurrido jamás.
Uh, Martha, there's... one other thought I want you to sleep with.
Uh, Martha, hay... otro pensamiento con el que quiero que te vayas a dormir.
I don't want to sleep with you.
No quiero dormir contigo.
sure I want to sleep with you, still, take care of that mattress. Bye.
I want to see whether you sleep with your memories.
Quiero ver si duermes con tus recuerdos.
I don't want to pry, but you don't sleep with him?
No quiero ser indiscreto, pero ¿ tiene relaciones con él?
If you want to sleep with me, I'd be very happy.
una para ti y otra para mí. Si quieres dormir conmigo, encantado.
You can't sleep well... with a scream in your ears. I want them to hear it, all day, every day.
No se puede dormir... esos tipos no pueden dormirse con un alarido en los oídos... y es ese alarido continuo en sus oídos... lo que les quiero hacer escuchar, todos los días.
If we split up, I have just one condition. I still want to sleep with you.
Si un día nos separamos, te pongo la condición... de volverme a acostar contigo.
I don't want to sleep with you.
No quiero hacer el amor contigo.
In any case, I don't want to sleep with you.
En cualquier caso, no follaré contigo.
Besides, I want to sleep in with you in the morning.
Además, mañana quiero quedarme en la cama contigo.
I don't want to sleep with you anymore.
No quiero dormir más contigo.
I just don't want to sleep with you.
Es sólo que no quiero dormir contigo.
Because I want to sleep with you?
¿ Por qué no quieres acostarte conmigo?
I want Sorrow to come and sleep with me. Have you seen him?
Y quiero que Sorrow duerma conmigo. ¿ Lo habéis visto?
I don't want to sleep with you.
No quiero acostarme contigo.
All I want is to sleep with you, hand in hand, listening to the forest, the sea, the running water,
Solo quiero dormir junto a ti y dándote la mano, escuchando el bosque, el mar, el agua que huye
I'd be sick not to want to sleep with you.
Estaría loco si no quisiera acostarme contigo.
It's you I want to sleep with... the rest of my life.
Es con vos con quien quiero dormir... por el resto de mi vida.
I cook for you, I do your laundry, I sleep with you, now you want a ride to work?
Cocino, lavo, duermo contigo, ¿ y quieres que te lleve a trabajar?
I just want you to know that I don't intend to sleep with another woman until I'm back here in your arms with my head resting between your creamy thighs.
Solo quiero que sepa que no intentaré dormir con otra mujer, hasta que no esté aquí a tus brazos, con mi cabeza descansando en tus pechos...
Excuse me, miss. I just want you to know that I don't intend to sleep with another...
Disculpe Srta. Solo quiero que sepa que no intentaré dormir..
You don't want to sleep with me any more? Hey, I'm a big boy.
¿ No quieres acostarte conmigo?
Listen, you don't want to sleep with me or let me touch ya, I'll live with that.
No quieres acostarte conmigo.
I just didn`t want to sleep with you, and you had to write it off... as a character flaw instead of dealing with the possibility... that it might have something to do with you.
Nada más no quise acostarme contigo y tú tuviste que considerarlo... una falla de carácter en vez de lidiar con la posibilidad... de que quizás tuviera algo que ver contigo.
- your literature professor oh yes i know you shouldnt get mixed up with him people will think you sleep with him to get a better grade people are disapointing let me intruduce you to Mark i dont want to get involved with anyone right now
¿ A quién? A tu profesor de literatura. Ah, sí...
Or, if you want me to, I could sleep with you. And, if you want, I'll let you do things to me.
Y si eso quieres, te permito... que me hagas lo que quieras.
Just because I was vaguely excited touching a man's calf and I don't want to sleep with you, no.
Solo porque estaba vagamente emocionado tocando la pantorrilla de un hombre y no quiero dormir contigo, no.

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