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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ I ] / I wanted to be with you

I wanted to be with you traducir español

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I wanted to see you. I wanted to be with you.
Quería verte, estar contigo.
Every time I wanted to be with you, I just closed my eyes and there it was.
Cuando quería estar contigo, cerraba los ojos.
I wanted to be with you this Christmas... to see you again and meet your wife...
Di, no necesitamos a nadie más. Nunca.
I came along tonight because I wanted to be with you more than anything else in the world.
He venido esta noche... porque quería estar contigo más que nada en el mundo.
I wanted to be with you.
Yo quería estar contigo.
Besides, I wanted to be with you.
Además, quería estar contigo.
I didn't have another way to express that I wanted to be with you.
Porque no sabía otra manera de decirte que ya me dolía no estar contigo.
The point is I wanted to be with you.
El tema es que yo quería estar contigo.
I wanted to be with you a little, I wanted your advice, because...
Quería pasar un rato contigo. Quería que me aconsejaras porque...
ALBERT : I wanted to be with you.
Ya en el barco, yo quería estar contigo...
Otto, I left you three times because I wanted to be fair with you :
Otto, te he dejado tres veces porque quería ser justa contigo.
I wanted to ask her to ask you... if you would be good enough to go out to dinner with me tonight.
Quería pedirla que te preguntara... sí serías tan bueno de salir a cenar conmigo esta noche.
I wanted to talk to you, be with you...
- Sí. - ¿ Qué pensabas?
I just wanted to be with you, that's all.
Quería estar contigo. Nada más.
Because I wanted to be alone with you.
Quería verte a solas.
I wanted to say how happy I am to be here, with your parents, with you...
Y he pensado una cosa. ¿ Qué cosa?
You see, Case, the trouble with me is that I never could decide whether I wanted to be Joan of Arc, Florence Nightingale or John L. Lewis.
Ya ve, Case, mi problema es que nunca he podido decidir... si quería ser Juana de Arco, Florence Nightingale o John L. Lewis.
If Ashley wanted to marry you, it would be with misgivings I'd say "yes."
Si Ashley quisiera casarse contigo, tendría mis dudas.
I wanted so much to be with you.
Quería venir contigo. ¿ No estás enfadada?
All I wanted was to be alone with you for once.
Quería estar a solas contigo por una vez. - ¿ Ves?
You know how much I wanted to come to the hospital and be with you.
No sabes cuánto quería ir al hospital para estar contigo.
I wanted to make you something outstanding, something you could be proud of, something that would realise the potentialities of film as the sociological and artistic medium that it is, with a little sex in it. Something like...
Quiero hacer algo muy importante que os enorgullezca algo que muestre las posibilidades del cine con un pizca de sexo.
I see why you wanted to be alone with her!
Ahora comprendo por qué quería quedarse solo con ella.
Look, I don't mean to be chasing you, but I heard you say you wanted to be alone, so I figured you wouldn't mind if I walked with you.
No quería perseguirla, pero quiere ir sola y no le importará que la acompañe.
I only wanted to be with you.
Pero es que solo quiero estar contigo.
I wanted to be just with you.
Quería estar contigo.
You see I wanted to be able to remember the good times with Dad when we were all together.
Vereis queria recordar los buenos tiempos con papa cuando estabamos todos juntos.
You see, i told daddy i wanted a real live baby brother to play with, but he said, since he and mommy are divorced, that it would be impractical.
Verás, le dije a papá que quería un hermanito para jugar, pero dijo que desde que se había divorciado de mamá eso no era práctico.
I think he sincerely believed that he was in love with you And that he wanted to be free. But, when he left me the next morning,
Cuando David vino aquella noche,... pude ver claramente que estaba enamorado de usted,... y que quería estar libre.
I wanted to be alone with you.
Para quedarnos solos.
- Well, I wanted to be alone with her - - Ah, you did?
- Quería estar con ella a solas- - - ¿ Sí?
I brought you bad luck from the first day we met but I so wanted it to be different with you.
Te traje mala suerte desde el primer día. Deseaba que contigo todo fuese distinto.
I told him you was just leaving, and you wanted him to stay with me. Being such a good friend of Ray's, I told him you didn't want me to be alone.
Le he dicho que te vas y quieres que se quede conmigo para que no esté sola.
I just wanted to tell you that if you're in trouble and need any help your Captain will be always with you.
Sólo quería decirte que si andas metida en un mal paso y necesitas ayuda, tu capitán está siempre contigo.
I wanted to be alone with you.
Yo quería estar a solas contigo.
I've wanted so much to be with you, dear.
Lo que he deseado estar contigo, querido.
I always wanted to be with you, darling, always.
Bueno, yo siempre quise estar contigo, mamá
I wanted to be so sure I couldn't go out with you tonight.
Quería asegurarme de que no saldría esta noche con usted.
I just wanted to say I wish for each one of you that you may come to be on the same terms with God as I am. While I still lived in sin,
Únicamente quería decir, que os deseo a cada uno de vosotros... que estaís con nuestro señor como lo estoy yo... que mientras seguia vagando en mis pecados... estaba totalmente oprimida por ellos.
In your day, you were faster with a gun than I ever wanted to be.
En tus tiempos, eras más rápido con un revólver de lo que yo nunca quise ser.
I wanted you to know that when you come to Moscow with me, you will not be turning your back on sex and feminine beauty,
Quería que supieras que cuando vinieras a Moscú conmigo no te perderías el sexo y la belleza femeninos.
I only wanted to be with you, as we are now.
Sólo quería estar contigo, como ahora.
Then when I found out we were going to have a kid, I wanted to make sure there'd be one Rico who could grow up free of all the things that you, Gino or I ever grew up with.
Cuando supe que íbamos a tener un hijo, quise asegurarme de que este Rico podría criarse sin las cosas con las que nos criamos nosotros.
I wanted to be alone with you.
Quería estar solo contigo.
All my life, all I wanted to do is to be friends with you.
Lo único que he querido es ser tu amigo.
I just wanted to be with you.
Yo solo quería estar contigo.
All I wanted was to be with you.
Solo quería estar contigo.
I wanted so much to be with you.
Tenía muchas ganas de estar con usted.
I know now that I've always wanted to be with you.
Ahora sé que siempre quise estar junto a ti.
I wanted to die with that image of you with you in my heart, craving to make you mine. but that will never be, alas!
Hubiera querido morir en aquel momento morir así con aquella imagen tuya dentro del alma, con ese deseo inmenso que tengo de sentirte mía y que la vida nunca me concederá!
I wanted you to be truly in love with me,... and not for ambitions.
Sí, ¿ y cómo debo llamarte a ti? Perdóname. Quería que me amaras por mí misma y no por ambición.

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