I was born here traducir español
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You know, i was born here and my father and his and his.
Yo nací aquí... Todos adoraron estas tierras.
I was born here in New York in the wilds of 179th Street.
Nací aquí, en Nueva York, en las afueras de la Calle 179.
I was born here in San Francisco, And when I was a youngster... I used to think they were singing about this Golden Gate.
Yo nací aquí, en San Francisco, y cuando era un chiquillo, creía que la canción iba sobre este Golden Gate.
I was born here.
- Nací aquí.
I was born here, and I know these people.
Nací aquí y conozco a esta gente.
It all seems kind of brutal and primitive while it's a-boiling, but, well, I was born here and I know.
Todo parece brutal y primitivo mientras sucede, pero yo nací aquí y sé cómo es.
- That I was born here.
- Nací aquí.
I've never seen you I was born here.
- Sí. Nunca la he visto.
- I was born here.
- Nací aquí.
I was born here, and my father was born here.
Nací aquí y mi padre nació aquí.
I was born here.
Yo nací aquí.
I was born here and this is where I'm to be buried.
Aquí nací y aquí me han de enterrar con Ios míos.
But I was born here, I live here, and the only pace I know is the pace of my own life.
Pero yo nací aquí. Aquí vivo. Y el único ritmo que yo conozco es el de mi propia vida.
I've lived here all my life. I was born here.
Mi casa está aquí, yo... he vivido toda mi vida aquí.
I was born here. My mother just told me.
¿ No puedo ser un refugiado?
Since I was born here.. .. I should die here?
¿ Que porque he nacido aquí tengo que morir aquí dentro?
I was born here and have never left the island.
Aquí nací y nunca he salido de la isla.
I was born here, my folks moved north.
- Aquí nací, pero mi familia se mudó.
I was born here, here I live, here I die.
Aquí nací, aquí vivo, y aquí moriré. Sea como sea.
Yes, I was born here.
Sí, yo nací aquí.
You forget, Boltar, I was born here.
Olvidáis que he nacido aquí.
I was born here in the slums, on the outskirts of Warsaw.
Nací en Budy, un suburbio, en las cercanías de Varsovia.
I was born here, Miss. Stanhope.
¿ Es mucha hora aquí?
I was born here too.
Yo nací aquí.
He used to live here in this town before I was born.
Me saludaba a mí.
Well, I was almost born here.
Bueno, casi nací aquí.
I was right here, in this very chair when her first child, the little Princess Thérèse, was born.
Yo estaba justo aquí, en este mismo asiento cuando nació su primera hija, la pequeña princesa Thérêse.
Sitting out here tonight's The first time I've ever felt peace Since I was born.
Estar aqui sentado hace que me sienta tranquilo por primera vez en mi vida.
I was born in England. went to school here, not Eton, Herald but workhouse of Children poppers
Fui aquí a la escuela. No era Eton ni Herold. Era el asilo de pobres de Saint Asphord para niños huérfanos.
I was born and raised not far from here.
Nací y me crié cerca de aquí.
Here we are in my home, the house that I was born in... alone and together in my favorite room.
Estoy con alguien que me ama. En la casa donde nací. Estoy sola contigo, en mi cuarto favorito.
He used to live here in this town before I was born.
Solía vivir aquí en esta ciudad antes de que yo naciera.
Why, I was born and brought up here myself.
Yo mismo nací y me crié aquí.
I had to come all the way out here to meet a tough sergeant named Kelly... who was born in a slum and educated in an army camp... before I was fit for a woman like Valentine.
Tuve que venir hasta aqui para conocer a un sargento duro llamado Kelly... que nació en una barriada y se educó en un campamento militar... antes de merecerme a una mujer como Valentine.
She was here long before I was born.
Vive aqui desde antes de que yo naciera.
- I was born right here in Brookhaven.
- Yo nací aquí, en Brookhaven.
Don't forget I was born and bred here.
¿ Te educaron?
I was born here.
Nací aquí.
I've known Bill here since the day he was born.
Conozco a Bill desde que nació.
Because the theater means life to me, I was born and will die here
Porque el teatro significa todo para mí, he nacido y moriré aquí.
She say : "Here I was born, this is my country."
Ha dicho : "Aquí nací yo, ésta es mi tierra".
I thought she was boasting because she was born here.
Yo creía que presumía porque nació aquí.
I was born here.
No puedo ir.
I was born and brought up here.
Nací y crecí aquí.
I was born up here.
Yo nací aquí.
I was born in Venice, I grew up here
Yo nací en Venecia y aquí he crecido y me he educado.
Sure you told me I was a silly woman for talking about it, but... if our son should be born here... where you've worked so hard...
Ah, claro. Me dijiste que era una tonta por hablar de eso, pero... Si nuestro hijo naciera aquí, donde has trabajado tan duro...
Well, I was born and raised here, and this is my home.
Bueno, nací y crecí aquí, y este es mi hogar.
My name is julie GiIIis and I was born right here in New York City.
Me llamo Julie Gillis y nací aquí en la ciudad de Nueva York.
I was born at 200 km. from here.
Nací a 200 km de aquí.
I was born right here in this town, right top of Telegraph Hill.
Nací aquí, en la cima de la Colina del Telégrafo.
i was 6414
i was born ready 48
i was wondering 516
i was just thinking about you 101
i wasn't listening 61
i was here 250
i wasn't paying attention 53
i was just wondering 282
i was thinking about you 32
i was born 51
i was born ready 48
i was wondering 516
i was just thinking about you 101
i wasn't listening 61
i was here 250
i wasn't paying attention 53
i was just wondering 282
i was thinking about you 32
i was born 51