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I wasn't even there traducir español

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I wasn't even there.
Yo ni siquiera estaba allí.
You know... even if there wasn't any ivory, I'd be glad I made the trek now.
Verás, aunque no hubiera marfil, me alegraría haber venido hasta aquí.
In the old days, there wasn't a bootlegger in my class, even if I do say it myself. But this laying off is killing me.
Antiguamente, no había otro contrabandista como yo, pero esta inactividad me está matando.
I didn't do no shooting, I wasn't even there when it happened.
Yo no disparé, ni siquiera estaba allí.
I wasn't even there.
No he hecho nada.
You didn't even prowl. I could have told you there wasn't a buck in the till.
Voy tirando.
I wasn't even there yesterday!
¿ Y quién estaba ayer en la Florida?
I wasn't there He didn't even see I wasn't there
Ni siquiera se dio cuenta de que estaba allí.
Then I.I just can't believe it myself, no matter how well it was documented no matter how much evidence there was, no matter what they said in the court or in the newspapers, it wasn't true to me even while it was happening
Simplemente no puedo creerlo, no importa lo bien documentado que esté. No importan las pruebas, no importa lo que haya dicho en el juicio o en los periódicos ; no era verdad para mí incluso mientras sucedía.
I could have sworn I left a cigarette burning in there... and I wasn't even smoking.
Hubiera jurado que me había dejado un cigarrillo encendido. Ni siquiera estaba fumando.
He sold even the pots when I wasn't there.
Vendió hasta las ollas cuando yo no estaba.
You ate... -.. and didn't even notice I wasn't there.
Te sentaste a la mesa y ni te diste cuenta de que no estaba.
- I wasn't even there.
- Ni siquiera estaba ahí.
I'd have heard a fight if there was one. Frankie didn't do it - he wasn't even here.
Frankie no lo ha hecho, no ha estado aquí.
"I had a magazine, thought I'd wait around." And he sees that there wasn't even much chance to catch the bus.
Compré una revista y esperó a que el autobús!
I wasn't even there!
¡ Claro que no! ¡ Ni siquiera estaba allí!
I wasn't even there.
- ¿ Estás loco? Ni siquiera estuve allí.
- I wasn't even there.
- ¿ Tus patrones?
Number one, there's the blacklist, and even if there wasn't, his men have to read music, and I mean read.
Número uno, Hay la lista negra, e incluso si no habría, sus músicos tienen que leer música, y Yo creo que leo.
I wasn't even there.
Ni siquiera estaba ahí.
I said I knew as surely as I was kneeling there that the blessed virgin had smiled and given me her consent but mother Elizabeth said I must be more sure than that even, that I must prove it wasn't simply my imagination.
Le dije que estaba tan segura como de estar ahí de rodillas. La Santa virgen me había sonreído. Y me daba su consentimiento.
I can still hear my old man yelling at me from the stands even though he wasn't there.
Todavía puedo escuchar a mi padre gritando desde las gradas aunque no estuviera allí.
Why then, when I returned, wasn't there a trace of that wound not even a bruise?
Entonces, ¿ por qué cuando volví no había ni rastro de la herida? Ni siquiera un moratón.
And even if there wasn't any I'm rather certain I can prove negligence on your part.
Y aunque no existiera tal... estoy seguro de que puedo demostrar negligencia por su parte.
A little while ago, I put my drink on the armrest and there wasn't even a ripple. Didn't lose a drop.
Se puede dejar una copa en el reposabrazos sin que se caiga ni una gota.
And I wasn't even there when she died.
Y ni siquiera estuve cuando murió. A ella le habría gustado eso.
I mean, there wasn't even an inch of floor space left, and so Bruno, who didn't know me from Adam... Or Eve. Well, Bruno took me home to his place.
No había un centímetro libre en el suelo... y Bruno, que nunca me había visto vestida... o desnuda... bueno, Bruno me llevo a su casa.
I mean, he was actin like I wasn't even a person, like I wasn't even there.
Actuo como si no fuese una persona, como si no estuviese allí.
I wasn't crazy when they sent me there, but then I beat up them two guards and... now I'm a-here, and even if they get me pretty quick,
No estaba loco cuando me metieron allí, pero les di una tunda a unos guardas.
I must confess, I wasn't sure whether you'd trust me. or even care enough to ask if there was a message.
Tengo que confesar que no estaba seguro de que confiarais en mi... o que os preocuparais de preguntar si había algún mensaje.
I wasn't even there!
¡ Yo ni siquiera estaba ahí!
I wasn't even there, man.
Ni siquiera estaba allí.
Now, you probably didn't even notice I wasn't there.
- Quizás no lo notó, pero no fui a verla.
I wasn't even there.
Ni siquiera estaba allí.
One day I wasn't even in the game and there was this real cutie there.
Una vez ni siquiera jugaba y vi a una belleza en las gradas.
There wasn't much joy still I'd live with him even if he beat me for ever!
No me trajo alegría, pero viviría con él ¡ aunque me pegara toda la vida!
I nominated her for class rep, and she wasn't even there.
La nominé para ser delegada de clase y ni siquiera estaba allí.
I wasn't even there!
trabajo con estos hombres, pero no estaba ahi!
I mean, Superman can see through steel like it wasn't there even. Huh.
Superman ve a través del acero como si no hubiera nada.
I wasn't even there!
¡ Fue Dicko! ¡ Dicko!
Well, I know I've been having a very good time, and there wasn't even a man in the room.
Que nos estamos divirtiendo mucho y aqui no hay hombres.
i wasn't even there.
Yo ni siquiera estuve aquí.
They talked over me as if I wasn't even there.
Hablaban como si yo no estuviese allí.
Even if I wasn't there, I know what Stalin wants.
Aunque no hubiera estado allí, sé lo que quiere Stalin.
I wasn't even introduced to her, but she would just sit there... and her influence would be felt.
Ni siquiera me la presentaron, pero ella se sentaba ahí... y su influencia se sentía.
I wasn't even there!
¡ Ni siquiera existo!
There was a big load of guilt that went with it, even though it wasn't that much money... and I never really counted on having it.
Me sentía culpable, aunque fuera poco dinero y no contara con él.
I'm telling you, the blast went through the suit like it wasn't even there.
Te digo que atravesó el traje como si no estuviera.
I couldn't even do that for my dad because I wasn't there when he died.
A mi padre no pude hacérselo porque murió cuando yo no estaba.
I mean, there wasn't even no golden arches outside.
Quiero decir, no había ni siquiera hay golden arcos exterior.
I wasn ´ t even there.
Ni siquiera estaba allí.

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