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I won't believe it traducir español

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I just want you to know it and to believe me. I haven't loved anyone before you came, and that I certainly won't love anybody when you don't love me anymore.
Sólo quiero que lo sepas y que me creas que yo no he amado a nadie más que a ti, y que no amaré a nadie más cuando ya no me quieras.
She won't believe it when I tell her, but it's her I love.
Sí. Ella no me creerá si le digo, pero mi corazón le pertenece.
I won't believe it.
- No lo creo.
- I won't believe it.
No me lo creo.
You won't believe it, but I was young once, too.
Tal vez le cueste creerlo, pero yo también fui joven.
It isn't true! I won't believe it!
No me lo creo.
I won't believe she's dead till I see it with my own eyes.
No creeré que está muerta hasta verlo yo mismo.
Even then I won't believe it.
Ni así Io creeré.
I won't believe it until we really open.
No lo creeré hasta que estemos en Baltimore.
If you prove it to me 100 times, I still won't believe it.
¿ No sabías que había vendido su alma por ella? No creo que Ronnie desertara.
I knew everything about her and I won't believe it.
Yo sabía todo de ella.
When I tell my grandchildren about this, they won't believe it.
Cuando se lo cuente a mis nietos, no van a creérselo.
You won't believe this, you've probably heard it before... but I've never known any artists.
No va a creerlo, y quizá se lo dijeron alguna vez pero nunca conocí a un artista.
If he has won, I shan't believe it, frankly.
Si la ganó, francamente, no podré creerlo.
I won't believe it.
No puedo creerlo.
But I believe that if England and Ireland come together and discuss it on a friendly basis partition won't last very long.
Pero creo... que si Irlanda e Inglaterra discuten amigablemente... la división no durará.
You won't believe it, the first 6 years, I shaved at night before I went to bed.
No lo creerás pero, los primeros seis años, me afeité cada noche antes de dormir.
Maybe you won't believe it, but.. I murdered her for love.
Quizá no lo crea, pero la maté por amor.
- Because I won't believe it.
- Porque no le voy a creer.
I won't believe it!
No lo creo!
- Easy or not, I won't believe a word of it.
- Fácil o no, no creeré ni una palabra.
Even if they believe you, it won't go too hard with me. Because I'll be the guy that cracked the biggest case ever pulled in the country.
En todo caso mi suerte será mejor, porque habré descubierto el mayor robo de este país.
The public simply won't buy it, but the point is... my father would still believe that Harry Fabian is an honorable man... and I can't touch him.
El público sencillamente no lo aceptará, pero el hecho es... que mi padre todavía creería que Harry Fabian es un hombre honorable... y no puedo tocarlo.
Like a woman who's just had a baby, I won't believe it till I see it.
Todavía no me lo puedo creer.
I believe you. But I can rig it so a jury won't.
Le creo, pero puedo hacer que no le crea el jurado.
I knew everything about her, and I won't believe it.
No, yo lo sabía todo sobre ella. No lo creo.
I won't believe it.
No me lo creo.
"Paggy McFarland, I won't believe that Sarah'd be selling White O'Mornin'." ( WILL ) : Why, it would be like building a fence between your land and mine.
"Paggy McFarland, no me creo que Sarah haya vendido'Blancas Mañanas'Eso sería levantar un muro entre sus tierras y las mías para que un extranjero se instalara allí", le dije.
If I tell you it was because of a maid, you won't believe me
Si te digo que ha sido por una doncella, no me ibas a creer.
She says, " Darling, you won't believe it but I found the most adorable baby on our doorstep and I've decided to keep it for our very own.
"pero he encontrado un bebé precioso en la puerta " y he decidido quedármelo.
You won't believe it, but on some stretches, with this car, I did 25 kilometers per hour.
No lo creerán, pero con este automóvil, en algunos trechos, hemos alcanzado los 25 kilómetro por hora.
I won't believe it.
Nunca lo creeré.
I won't believe it!
No me lo creo.
My darling, I know it's a dreadful thing to ask, so banal, but believe me, in this desperate extremity, your mother knows best, and you won't hate me for it, darling.
Hija mía, sé que lo que te pediré es tremendo y vulgar, pero en esta situación desesperada tu madre sabe lo que te conviene.
Dear Monsignore, you won't believe it, but the 7 0-80,000 lire..... I need to get a house, I don't have it!
Querido Monseñor, no me va a creer, pero aquellas 70-80.000 liras que necesito para entrar en una casa, no las tengo.
I just won't believe it.
No puedo creerlo.
You won't believe me if I say it's the first time.
No me creerás si te digo que es la primera vez.
Please believe me. I'll kill you, too. It won't make any difference.
Créame, Sra. Lampert la mataré a usted también, uno más no me importa.
As I was saying, uncle, I think... There's reason to believe... the workers won't be able to resist much and it's expected...
Estaba diciendo, tío, que yo creo... que hay razón para creer... que los obreros no podrán resistir mucho y se espera...
I won't believe it until I see Noah come off of that deck.
No lo creeré hasta que vea a Noé y animales en la cubierta.
Maybe you won't believe what I have to tell you. - But it's true! - Max!
Pero quizá sea mejor que lo sepas o sospecharás de mí si no lo has hecho ya.
wearing these knickers and... you won't believe this... but i swear it's true.
¡ En serio, nunca!
Abner, you won't believe it when I tell you what just happened.
Lo siento, amigo.
Abner, you won't believe it when I tell you what just happened.
Abner, no te vas a creer lo que acaba de ocurrir.
Don't tell me it's Marec, I won't believe it!
No me digáis que ha sido Marreck ;
No, it's not true No, I won't believe it
Una chica me quería, sin saberlo me decía...
- What are you doing here? I won't believe it.
- ¿ Qué haces aquí?
Maybe you won't believe it, but... as soon as the first one was run through, I grabbed the spear, and before he could...
- Sé que no vais a creerme, pero conseguí desarmar al primero y cogí su lanza. Y entonces cargué contra los que quedaban y... ¡ Ay!
You won't believe this, Fred, but... I think we can handle it.
No lo vas a creer, Fred... pero creo que sí la tenemos.
You won't believe me, but I said it before you.
No me creerás, pero lo dije antes que tú.
If you say Velasquez was also involved, I won't believe it.
Si decís que Velázquez también estaba involucrado, no lo creeré.

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