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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ I ] / I won't give up

I won't give up traducir español

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I won't give up.
¡ No cederé!
I won't give it up!
¡ No lo permitiré!
I won't give you up, that's all!
No voy a renunciar, eso es todo!
I won't give them up.
No las entregaré.
Right or wrung, you might as well know that I won't give him up - nut { or you, not for the children, not { or anyone.
Tienes todos los argumentos y todos los derechos.! No voy a renunciar! !
I won't give you up like this.
No pienso renunciar a ti.
I won't give up my car.
No quiero dar mi coche.
I won't give up my car!
¡ No quiero dar mi coche!
No, no pagaban para ir al este, esta vez.
I won't give it up. Not a cent.
No resignaré ni un centavo.
I won't give up.
No me rendiré.
I won't give you up.
No te rindas.
I'll give up eating and drinking, but I won't let you go!
¡ pero no te dejaré ir!
Tell them I won't give up my child!
¡ Díganles que no renunciaré a mi hijo!
Oh, I give up. Won't do any good.
- Seguro que no le sentará bien.
Remember that. No matter what happens, I won't give up.
No importa lo que pase, no renunciaré.
And tomorrow, I'll take you back safe and sound to your father and mother... and I won't be a bit surprised if I just hate to give you up.
Y mañana te llevaré sano y salvo con tu padre y tu madre, y me costará muchísimo tener que devolverte.
- You rascal! If you won't give up, I'II just tire you out.
Si no te rindes, la agarro cansada.
I say anybody that can write like that won't give it up to sew socks for a guy in the insurance business.
Nadie capaz de escribir así se dedicará a remendar calcetines.
you won't give up now that would be the limit but I'm still here and you won't get rid of me that easy
no se rendirá ahora ése sería el límite pero todavía estoy aquí y no se librará de mí tan fácil
They're not a man's business. I won't give them up!
No son negocio de hombre. ¡ No renunciaré a ellas!
Anyway, now that I'm back and ready to give myself up, I guess... they'll take Mr. Kockenlocker back on the job all right, won't they?
De todas formas, ahora que he vuelto y estoy dispuesto a entregarme, supongo... le devolveran su trabajo a Mr. Kockenlocker, ¿ verdad?
Anyway, I won't give up.
De todas formas, no me rendiré.
Because I won't give up?
¿ Porque no me doy por vencida?
He's mine, and I won't give him up.
Él es mío y no pienso cederlo.
I won't give you up, you're a great artist!
¡ No puedo dejar que olvides que eres una gran artista!
I won't give up... until that brooch is found.
No me rendiré... hasta que ese broche aparezca.
I finally discovered my true life, and I won't give it up, whatever people say!
Al fin he descubierto mi verdadera vida, y no renunciaré a ella, ¡ Digan lo que digan!
- I won't give up...
- Yo no me rindo...
I give up my job, jeopardize my career for her sake, and she won't even wait a couple of minutes.
Dejo mi trabajo, arriesgo mi carrera por ella... y ni siquiera me espera unos minutos.
Naturally, I will bring up your request, but we won't be able to give you much.
Naturalmente presentaré su solicitud, pero lo que podemos darle es muy poco.
I won't give it up.
No lo dejaré.
I've flogged Danites, hung them in chains, burned them, but they won't give him up.
He azotado a danitas, los he encadenado, quemado... Pero ninguno le entrega.
But I won't give up.
No me rendiré.
I can't help that, I won't give him up.
No puedo evitarlo, no voy a abandonarlo.
I won't give you up.
¿ Cómo que me vaya?
I won't give up my share.
Yo no cedo mi parte.
I hope that John won't have to give up his music permanently.
Espero que John no tenga que abandonar su música para siempre.
I got anything i want to have, but i won't have anything at all if trouble makes me go and give up.
Consigo todo lo que me propongo. Pero no llegaré a ninguna parte si cedo ante el primer obstáculo.
I won't give up!
¡ No me rendiré!
I'm haunted by the thought that she won't give up her new position... after I regain my freedom.
Me atormenta pensar que no quiera abandonar su nueva posición cuando yo recupere mi libertad.
She won't give up, she came to me, and I advised her so.
Ella no cederá, ha venido a verme a mí, le he aconsejado yo.
Barney, I won't let you give up.
Barney, no te dejaré renunciar..
I won't ask Suyin to give up being a doctor to be my wife, sir.
Señor, no pediré a Suyin que deje su profesión para ser mi esposa.
I won't give him up
No lo voy a ceder
Why don't you come up to my house and I'll give you a free beauty treatment. If you're hard-pressed for ready cash, it won't cost you a nickel.
¿ Por qué no viene a mi casa para que le dé un tratamiento facial sin costarle nada?
- I-I won't give you up.
- No te dejaré.
I won't give you up.
No me rendiré.
The experiment I want to perform in front of Séverin is the conclusion of years of work, and I won't give that up!
El experimento que debo realizar en presencia de Séverin justifica toda una vida de trabajo. Y no renunciaré.
I've given up singing, and Shankar's maestro won't give him permission
Yo he dejado de cantar y el maestro no le dará permiso a Shankar.
- I won't give up Mother this soon.
- No voy a dejar a mamá tan pronto.

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