If it's bad traducir español
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If it's this bad, you should've come to me.
Si te parece tan mal, no haberme preguntado.
If it's bad news, you can worry about it then.
Si son malas noticias, preocúpate después.
If it's this bad for us, imagine what Kung Lao's going through.
Si esto es malo para nosotros, imagina lo que le está pasando a Kung Lao.
I mean, if a guy has a lot of bad shit happen to him, and another guy comforts him, I mean, that's all it is, right?
Me explico, si a un hombre le pasan muchas cosas malas y otro hombre lo consuela, es decir, eso es todo, ¿ no?
Honey, it's bad luck if - if-if you see each other before the ceremony.
Es mala suerte si nos vemos antes de la ceremonia.
If there's one thing I've learned over the years it's that bad news invariably comes in the middle of the night.
En los últimos años he aprendido algo : las malas noticias siempre llegan en mitad de la noche.
If you don't like Danny, just tell her it's a bad idea.
Si no te gusta Danny, dile que es mala idea.
What I mean is, if this poster is supposed to be propaganda promoting student life, it's very bad.
Lo que quiero decir es que, si esto fuera propaganda de la vida estudiantil, estaría muy mal.
If it's your ship you should be the one to break it the bad news.
Si es su nave usted es el que debe de dar las malas noticias.
You say that as if it's a bad thing.
Lo dices como si fuera algo malo.
This one is right now. If it's half as good as i think it is... it's not a matter of good or bad.
Si ésta es la mitad de buena de lo que creo...
It's when I realized that the person we pick, the guy that's on TV all day long, doesn't even have to be good. I mean, if he's good, great, but if he's bad, even better.
Al darme cuenta de que la persona elegida no tenía que ser interesante.
I got $ 3,000 of highly perishable ice cream product... that tastes bad enough when it's frozen, so if you don't mind- -
¡ Tengo $ 3,000 de helado perecedero que de por sí sabe mal!
It's bad luck if I land in it.
Trae mala suerte si yo caigo en eso.
Not sure if it's good or bad?
¿ No estás segura de si es bueno o malo?
If something bad happens, it's me they'll blame.
Con DNI puedes entrar. Si te dejo entrar y pasa algo, ¿ qué?
It's bad if they don't take your fingerprints, then you're a goner.
El problema es cuando no te fichan. Ah ¡ s ¡ cagaste.
If it's true, it's bad.
Si eso es cierto, es algo horrible.
If it's a bad infection, the fluid can be cloudy.
Si la infección fuera maligna, el fluido sería turbio.
You're fine if I tell you that it's bad?
¿ Está bien si te digo es que fea?
I said you're fine if I say that it's bad.
Dije, estaría bien si dijera que estaba fea.
Well, if it's that bad, why don't you just leave?
Bueno, si es tan malo, ¿ por qué no te vas? - Gracias.
I felt bad about fooling you, but, hell, what's the harm of a little fantasy if it makes you feel good?
Me siento mal por engañarlos, Pero, que diablos, a quien le hace daño algo de fantasia Si te hace sentir mejor?
You know, it wouldn't be bad if people saw my back. But my front's a whole other story, you know?
No sería tan malo que la gente me viese por detrás, pero de frente eso ya es otra historia.
You know, if it's bad, the ADD, they put Anthony in special ed.
Si tiene TDA, le pondrán en educación especial.
If it's so bad here, why don't you guys just quit?
Si les va tan mal, ¿ por qué no renuncian y ya?
If it's so bad for them, how can it be good for you?
Si no es bueno para ellos como nunca va bien para usted?
If you run your mascara, it's gonna look really bad.
Se te va a correr el rimel.
You know, certain Indian tribes say if a woman's all wet the first time you see her it's bad luck.
Algunas tribus indígenas dicen que si la mujer está húmeda la primera vez trae mala suerte.
You know, I think it's time that the big, bad, scary lesbians... went inside and had sex, if anybody cares.
Sabes, creo que es hora de que las malvadas y peligrosas lesbianas... se metan dentro y follen agusto, si a alguien le importa.
If this one's so bad you can't tell me about it... just think what I might imagine.
Pero si es tan malo que no puedes contarlo, piensa lo que puedo imaginar.
Yeah, I realise it's not a fashion competition your honour, but if he'd have worn what he was gonna wear, you'd have given him 20 years for bad taste.
Sé que no está de moda, pero si se hubiera puesto el suyo, le hubiera dado 20 años por mal gusto.
I guess it's hard for some people who are used to things the way they are even if they're bad to change.
Supongo que es difícil para gente acostumbrada a las cosas como son incluso si están mal llegar a cambiar.
I guess it's hard for some people who are used to things the way they are. ... even if they're bad to change.
Supongo que es difícil para gente acostumbrada a las cosas como son incluso si están mal llegar a cambiar.
But if you grab the wife's hand they say it's bad luck.
Pero si agarras la mano de la esposa, dicen que da mala suerte.
It's bad enough as it is. If...
No es muy divertido, sí además...
If it's bad?
¿ Y si es mala?
If he's back to his old ways, how bad can it get?
Si vuelve a su antigua forma, ¿ cuán malo puede llegar a ser?
A date even if it's a bad one, is just another moment.
Una cita, aunque sea mala, no es más que otro momento.
If it's bad news, then uh, don't want to lose all hope.
Si son malas noticias no quiero perder todas las esperanzas
If it's as bad as you say it is, I don't see how I'd come.
Si es tan terrible como dices, no entiendo como puedo ir.
- And if it's still bad tomorrow...
- Y si mañana hay mal tiempo...
If we can imagine Hadrian's Wall as not such a bad posting, it's because our sense of what life was like at the time has been transformed by one of the most astonishing finds of recent archaeology - the so-called Vindolanda Tablets.
Si el muro de Adriano no nos parece ahora mal destino, se debe a que nuestro conocimiento de cómo era la vida entonces se ha visto transformado por un descubrimiento extraordinario de la arqueología reciente, Las llamadas Tabletas Vindolanda.
My special class is having a family day and, if that's not bad enough, it's on the weekend that Francis is home.
Mi clase organizó un día en familia. Para colmo, es el fin de semana en que Francis está en casa.
If you think it's bad, Michael, then I know it's the right thing to do
Si tú crees que es mala, entonces, es lo correcto.
Wade's father was just about to give it to the dog, but if he's already had it, that would be bad.
El padre de Wade se lo estaba por dar pero si ya lo tomó, no le haría bien.
I'm excited about it being a big group, because right now there's not a lot of personalities going on and it's quiet and we've seen every inch of this little place here, and I'm excited to meet new people, and even if it's some good, some bad, or whatever, at least, it's something.
Estoy entusiasmada por formar parte de un gran grupo porque ahora no hay mucha gente y está todo silencioso nos conocemos cada centímetro de este lugar y estoy entusiasmada por conocer nueva gente sean buenos o malos, o lo que sean, al menos es algo.
If something bad happens to you it's my fault. She wants me to enroll in her school.
Quiere que yo vaya y me inscriba en su universidad.
It's bad enough he hardly talks to me anymore If he goes to live with Frank
Ya es bastante duro que casi no me hable.
You know your job's really not so bad, if you think about it.
¿ Sabes? Tu trabajo no está tan mal, si lo piensas un poco.
Yes, and as if that weren't bad enough, Mel he'll have to do it in The Babe's backyard where he hasn't had a home run all year.
Como si eso no fuera suficiente tendrá que hacerlo en el patio de Babe donde no hizo un home run en el año.
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