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If it's meant to be traducir español

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If this is meant to be humor it's very ill time.
Si todo esto es una broma, es de muy mal gusto.
I don't doubt that you meant it kind but I'd rather not be acquainted with you any longer, if it's all the same to you.
No dudo de sus buenas intenciones pero preferiría no saber más de ustedes por un tiempo si no les importa.
It's as if I was meant to be here.
Era como si estuviera destinado a este lugar.
Well, Kelly, if it's meant to be, it's meant to be.
Kelly, si tiene que ser, será.
If you trust that if it's meant to be, then it will be again.
Si confías en ello. Si está destinado, pasará.
Maybe it's up to us to decide if it's meant to be.
Tal vez depende de nosotros decidir si tiene que suceder.
It is if it's a part of the body that was meant to be... concealed by an undergarment.
Sí lo es si se trata de un órgano que nos dio para que... lo tapemos con ropa interior.
If that's the way it was meant to be...
Si es el destino, no puedo hacer nada.
Cory, I know you want us all to be together, but if it's meant to happen, it will.
Cory, sé que quieres que todos estemos juntos, pero si tiende que suceder, lo hará.
I don't think it's a subject for discussion if we're meant to be getting along.
No es un tema de discusión adecuado si queremos tener la fiesta en paz.
If you say something like "It's not meant to be," I'll vomit.
SI dices algo como "No iba a funcionar" Vomitare
It's as if we're meant to be, isn't it?
Es como si estuviéramos predestinados, ¿ no?
And if they come back to you with very expensive jewelry then it's meant to be.
Y si vuelve a ti con joyas muy caras es lo que debía ser.
What he's saying is, if for some reason it isn't meant to be that we break up quickly, or you leave me for some other man...
Lo que quiere decir, es que si por algún motivo, rompemos pronto, o me dejas por otro....
If it's meant to be, it'll be.
Si va a ser, será.
I mean, if it's meant to be does it matter how or where I ask you?
Si tiene que pasar, ¿ Qué importa cómo o dónde te lo pida?
If a thing's meant to be, sometimes it's best not to force it.
Si esta predestinado, es mejor dejar que las cosas sucedan y no forzarlas
I'll get her. Hmm, if it's meant to be.
Si es lo que debe suceder.
If it's any consolation, it wasn't meant to be serious.
Si te sirve de consuelo, no era serio.
But if this was meant to be a portrait of a respectable, middle-class housewife, then it's a very odd one indeed.
Pero si la intención fue la de un retrato de una respetable ama de casa de clase media, resultó uno muy raro sin duda.
If it's meant to be, I'II guess it.
Si lo nuestro es para bien, lo adivinaré.
If it was meant to be, it's meant to be.
Si no era para mí, no era.
I believe a couple has a better chance if they just cut the cord and know that if it's meant to be, fate will bring them back together.
Una pareja tiene más posibilidades si lo dejan. Si estaba escrito, el destino volverá a unirlos.
Besides, if it's meant to be, it'll still be meant to be after college.
Además, si tiene que ser, será después de la universidad.
Um, I came out the second time to play the game to win, and I would be upset if I was voted off tonight, because it meant that a lot of people lied, and that's, I mean, that's a big deal.
Um, vine por segunda vez a jugar el juego para ganar, y estaría molesta si me expulsan esta noche, porque significaría que muchas personas me mintieron, y eso es, osea. eso es delicado.
What if it's meant to be, Johnny?
¿ y si significa lo que es, Johnny?
If it's meant to be, then it's meant to be, otherwise fuck it.
Si tiene que ser, será, de lo contrario, al carajo.
If it's meant to be, it will be.
Si debe suceder, sucederá.
It's meant to be a test to see if the gas works in the first place.
Esto pretende ser una prueba para ver si el gas funciona en primer lugar.
If it's meant to be, things have a way of working themselves out.
Si está destinado a suceder, las cosas encuentran una forma de solucionarse.
Well, then I'll still be here. And if it's meant to be, we'll be together.
Entonces, aún estaré aquí, y será para estar juntos, juntos para siempre.
And if your sarcasm is meant to be funny, it's not.
Y si su sarcasmo intentaba ser gracioso, pues no lo es.
If it's not meant to be, it's not meant to be.
Si no esta destinado a ser, no está destinado a ser.
Since you asked, I'm calm because I know if two people are meant to be together, there's nothing anyone can do about it.
Ya que lo preguntaste estoy calmada, porque sé que si dos personas deben estar juntas no hay nada que nadie pueda hacer al respecto.
If it's meant to be we'll run into each other.
Si tiene que pasar, nos cruzaremos.
Billy, if it's meant to be, we'll get there.
- Si tiene que ser, llegaremos.
If it's meant to be, it will be.
Si tiene que ser, será.
If Kathryn's meant to be with women, so be it, but I just can't help but think maybe I did something to cause it.
Si a Kathryn le gustan las mujeres, está bien... pero no puedo evitar creer que hice algo mal que lo provocó.
I seeked you and I found and what's happened since I found you was meant to be it makes no difference now if you say yes or no somehow
"Y lo que pasó desde que te encontré, estaba escrito." "No importa ahora..." "... si me dices que sí o que no. "
If that sounds familiar, it's because it's meant to be.
Si esto te suena familiar, es porque lo es.
If this is all it's meant to be, I'm still so happy I met you!
Si esto es lo que tuvo que ser, soy tan feliz por haberte conocido!
And if she comes back to you, you know it's meant to be.Okay?
Y si ella vuelve a ti, sabrás que estan destinasdos a estar juntos, ¿ ok?
fiona is a wonderful girl, but if it's not meant to be... it's not meant to be.
Fiona es una chica espectacular, pero no están destinados a eso... No estamos destinados.
It's just--it's where I'm meant to be right now, and I'll--I-I'm sorry if I lost that- - sight of that for- -
Es sólo--es dónde estoy destinado a estar ahora mismo, y yo--yo-lo siento si perdí esta- - señal de para esto.
It's meant to be happy ever after, even if you marry a clot.
Se supone que se va a ser... feliz para siempre incluso si te casas con un idiota.
I mean, look, if it's meant to be, it'll be.
así será.
Well, I go with my gut. 90 percent of the time if it feels right, it's meant to be.
Me guío por mi instinto el 90 % del tiempo. - Si se siente bien, debe ser así.
If it's meant to be, Carl, it's the perfect moment.
- No, aún no. Si tiene que hacerse, Carl, éste es el momento perfecto.
They say in the first minute you know if it's meant to be.
Ellos dicen que en el primer minuto tú sabes si está hecho para serlo
As for finding the one, I think if it's... meant to be eventually, it will be.
Sobre encontrar al indicado, creo que si está destinado a serlo, eventualmente, lo será.
Well, if that's what happens, then it wasn't meant to be, right?
Bueno, si va a pasar eso, es porque así estaba escrito, ¿ verdad?

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