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If it wasn't for her traducir español

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If it wasn't for me, you would die before you'll sell her!
Si no fuera por mí, te morirías antes de venderla.
If it wasn't for her, I'd be gone.
Si no fuese ella, ya me habría escapado.
If it wasn't for Lily, I'd marry her.
Si no fuera por Lily, me casaría con ella.
If it wasn't for that old gypsy witch driving her wagon down to buy their provisions, we'd never see any of them.
Si no fuera por que esa gitana bruja viene en su carreta... a comprar provisiones, nunca los veríamos.
If it wasn't for Norton and his striped-pants ideas about company policy... I'd have the police after her so fast it'd make her head spin.
Si no fuera por Norton y sus ideas acerca de cómo opera la compañía... tendría a la policía buscándola ahora mismo.
If it wasn't for her, marriage would have disappeared long since.
Si no fuese por ella, el matrimonio habría desaparecido desde hace tiempo.
It'd be a shame if the divine Juliana should discover that her lodger wasn't Wiliam Burton, an eager young writer. But Lewis Venable, an unscrupulous publisher digging for the love letters of Jeffrey Ashton.
Sería una pena que Juliana descubriese que su huésped no es William Burton, el escritor, sino Lewis Venable, un editor sin escrúpulos que busca las cartas de amor de Jeffrey Ashton.
If it wasn't for her, we'd all be at Barratto's by now.
Si no fuera por ella, ahora ya estaríamos en Barratto'.
If it wasn't for Gina, the poor daughter,.. .. I'd have taken her eyes out! - Gina, the poor daughter?
Si no fuera la pobre Gina le hubiera arrancado los ojos.
If it wasn't good for her, would you want her to go?
Si no le sentara bien, ¿ querríais que fuera?
If it wasn't for her, would I have a key to the executive washroom?
A no ser por ella, ¿ tendría la llave del baño de ejecutivos?
If it wasn't for her I wouldn't know the secrets of the universe.
Si no fuera por ella no sabría los secretos del universo.
If it wasn't for me you'd be using the Crusade to lure her to some motel right now, or into the back of your car if you had one.
Si no fuera por mí usarías la Cruzada para llevarla a algún hotel ahora mismo, o al asiento trasero de tu coche, si lo tuvieras.
I wouldn't be won'th a damn today, if it wasn't for her.
Y yo no sería nadie, nadie sin ella.
If it wasn't for Tiziana. Remember her?
Si no fuese por mi mujer, Tiziana. ¿ Te Acuerdas de ella?
I could've slept with her, if it wasn't for something I said.
- Sí. Si no hubiera metido la pata.
If it wasn't for her, I'd set light to the place.
Si no fuera por ella, quemaría todo esto.
You know, if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't even live in this fucking town.
Si no hubiera sido por ella, no viviría en esta maldita ciudad.
And if it wasn't for her, we would've drowned long ago.
Y si no fuese por ella, nos hubiésemos hundido hace mucho
I'd be playin'for the Flames by now if it wasn't for her.
Si no fuera por ella, ya estaría jugando para los Flames.
If it wasn't for her show, I'd still be in denial about my drinking.
Si no fuera por su programa, me still estar en deniaI sobre mi forma de beber.
If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have had an excuse to talk to her.
De no ser por ti, no hubiera tenido una excusa para hablar con ella.
If it wasn't for your wife, for her phone calls, you'd be a dead man to us. That's the truth! What do you want me to do?
Si no fuera porque tu esposa llama... estarías muerto para nosotros.
I can tell you that if it wasn't for your mother I would kick her out.
Si no fuera por tu madre la echaría ya.
Well, if it wasn't for her, we would have been eating Chinese food.
Si no fuera por ella habríamos tenido que comer comida china.
That if it wasn't for you, I never would have met her.
De no ser por ti, no la hubiera conocido.
I wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for her.
Yo no estaría aquí si no fuera por ella.
If it wasn't for her, I would never have got out of it.
Si no fuera por ella, seguramente no hubiera podido.
If I wasn't fighting her and I knew what it meant for Jolinar to be a Tok'ra, it might've been I don't know... enlightening.
Si no hubiese estado luchando contra ella y supiese lo que significaba para Jolinar ser Tok'ra, hubiese sido... no sé... revelador.
If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be here now.
Y de no ser por ella, yo no estaría aquí.
We live together! ... and if it wasn't for me, she would never leave her room
llevo cuatro años viviendo con ella y si no la obligara a salir se quedaría en casa siempre.
Because if it wasn't for her, I never would've met you, Peter.
Porque, si no fuera por ella, jamás te habría conocido, Peter.
I wouldn't have become a Starfleet Captain if it wasn't for her.
No me habría convertido en Capitán de la Flota Estelar si no fuera por ella.
He would have been out of the picture long ago if it wasn't for her.
Si no fuera por ella, él estaría fuera de escena desde hace mucho.
Because if it wasn't for her, I don't think either of us would ever sleep.
De no ser por ella, creo que ninguno de los dos dormiría nada.
But If we Invented anothercareer for Amanda... It wouldn't be a lle, the same way It wasn't a lle... to Invent her bucolic past.
pero si quisiéramos inventar otra profesión para Amanda... no llegaría ser una mentira, de la misma manera que no fue mentira... inventar su pasado bucólico.
But I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her lies an deceit!
Pero yo no estaría aquí de no ser por sus mentiras y su traición.
If it wasn't for her, neither one of us would be alive right now.
Sabes, si no fuera por ella, ni una de nosotras estaría viva ahora mismo.
You know, if it wasn't for her, neither one of us would be alive right now.
Tú sabes, si no fuera por ella, ninguna de nosotras estaría viva ahora.
If it wasn't for them, I'd have been there to protect her from that pervert.
Por su culpa, no pude protegerla de ese pervertido.
I think the police would have given up on who murdered Potts if it wasn't for her.
La policía habría dejado de buscar al asesino de Potts de no ser por ella.
If it wasn't for Karin, who thank God is like her mother, you wouldn't exist at all for me.
De no ser por Karin, que gracias a Dios se parece a su madre, para mí no existirías.
If it wasn't for her tolerance she would have died instantly.
Si no hubiera sido tan fuerte, habría muerto.
If it wasn't for people like Helen Zamorski risking her life every day... you guys would be making less than schoolteachers.
Si Helen Zimorski no arriesgara su vida a diario ustedes ganarían menos que un maestro de escuela.
If it wasn't for her mother's help...
Si la mamá no la ayudara...
If it wasn't for her, I'd be lost like everyone else.
De no ser por ella, me hubiera perdido...
I probably wouldn't even be alive if it wasn't for her.
Probablemente yo no estaría vivo si no fuera por ella.
If it wasn't for her, I'd still be kal-el.
Si no fuera por ella, seguiria siendo Kal-El.
If it wasn't for bloody granny Zumbula and her bloody carpet, I wouldn't be here with these hyenas!
Si no fuera por esta puta abuela Zumbula y su puta alfombra, yo no estaría aquí con estas hienas.
If it wasn't for you, we might have let the whole case ride on the back of her false testimony, and we never would have linked the suspect to the knife.
Y si no llega a ser por ti... quizá hubiésemos dejado que todo el caso... se respaldase en un falso testimonio. Y nunca hubiésemos conectado al sospechoso con el cuchillo.
But if it wasn't for me you never would have gotten her back and the hospital never would have known where she hide the money.
Pero si no fuera por mí ella nunca habría vuelto al hospital y no habrías encontrado el dinero.

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