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If something happened to you traducir español

357 traducción paralela
It'd be really terrible, if something happened to you.
Sería espantoso si algo te pasase.
What if something happened to you?
disculpe... ¿ si tiene un accidente?
I feel bad because I'd be of no use if something happened to you.
Me siento mal porque no puedo ayudaros. Si os pasara algo.
Oh, darling, what if something happened to you? .
Ohh, Cariño, ¿ Y si te pasara algo?
If something happened to you, I -
Si algo te sucede a ti también, yo...
But I don't like your profession, what if something happened to you and I'd be alone... or with children... "
Pero no me gusta tu profesión. Si te pasara algo yo me quedaría sola. O con hijos.
I couldn't forgive myself... if something happened to you.
Podría ocurrirle cualquier cosa.
And if something happened to you?
¿ Pero si algo te pasara?
If something happened to you and some of this stuff came out, how the hell would I ever convince anybody I was only pretending to go onto the syndicate's payroll?
Si te ocurriera algo o si esto saliese a la luz... ¿ a quién podré convencer de que sólo estaba... infiltrándome en la Mafia?
After all, what would I do if something happened to you?
Después de todo, ¿ qué haría si algo te pasase?
If something happened to you, this other one here she'd be left to herself, will be all by herself.
Si algo te sucediera esta otra se quedaría sola para insultarme
I couldn't stand it if something happened to you.
No soportaría si algo te llegara a pasar.
I'd feel terrible if something happened to you.
Me sentiria fatal si te ocurriera algo.
If something happened to you...
Si algo te pasara...
I'd never forgive myself if something happened to you.
Si te pasara algo, no me lo perdonaría.
If you can't contact me afterwards, that means something happened to me.
Si no te vuelvo a llamar, significa que algo me ha pasado.
It was kind of awful waiting, wondering if something had happened to you.
Fue un tanto horrible esperar, preguntándome si te había ocurrido algo.
- Don't you think the doctor better stay? If something happened, I wouldn't know what to do.
El médico debería quedarse aquí, por si algo le ocurriera a MacLean.
I'd never forgive myself.. If something had happened to you while I was sitting safe in the dentist chair.
No me habría perdonado que le pasara algo mientras yo estaba en el dentista.
Of course, if turn my back on you... carelessly like... and you happened to grab my blackjack... and conk me over the dome with it... that would be something else.
Claro, que si te doy la espalda... como por descuido... y resulta que tu agarras mi porra... y me das un trastazo en el cráneo... eso ya sería otra cosa.
If something had happened to Paul, you'd have heard by now.
Si a Paul le ocurriese algo, ya lo sabrías.
If something happened to them, God won't forgive any of you!
- ¡ Jesús, protégela! Si les sucede algo, Dios no perdonará nunca ni a Ud. ni a los otros.
Did you really cared if something happened to me?
¿ De verdad te importaba si le hubiera pasado algo a tu madre?
If something happened, something important, You can't keep it to yourself.
Si ha ocurrido algo, algo importante, no te lo puedes guardar para ti.
Tell me, Talbot, when Fenton comes down tomorrow... if something happened to me in the meantime, a fatal accident, say... do you think he'd let you continue with the Slade Saunders books?
Talbot, cuando Fenton venga mañana... si me pasara algo, como un accidente mortal... ¿ crees que él te dejaría continuar con Slade Saunders? Claro.
If people wanted to argue about a scene in a picture of his you would find that they were arguing about something that hadn't happened.
Si la gente quería discutir sobre una escena en una de sus películas, descubrías que discutían sobre algo que no había sucedido.
Perhaps it's just me, but you seem to have such an unhappy, depressed look about you almost as if something had happened to you, some kind of great suffering.
Será impresión mía pero tiene un aire más triste, casi depresivo, como si le hubiera pasado algo malo, un gran contratiempo...
You asked me to call you if something unusual happened.
Me dijo que le llamara si ocurría algo inusual.
Perhaps it will help you to understand if I tell you something that happened to Nicholas when he was just a boy.
Tal vez le ayude a comprenderlo si le digo algo que le ocurrió a Nicholas cuando aún era un niño.
You speak as if something has happened to make you change your plans. Has it?
Habla como si algo hubiese pasado que los hizo cambiar de idea. ¿ Es así?
Pax, what would you do if something happened to me?
Pax, ¿ qué harías si algo me ocurriese? Yo soy tú.
I would prefer that, 1000 times more, than if something's happened to you.
Lo preferiría mil veces a que te haya ocurrido algo.
I just wondered if you might have happened to overhear something.
Solamente me preguntaba si usted podría haber oído por casualidad.
If something happened to me, how would you raise a child alone?
Si algo me sucediera, cómo podrías criar a un niño sola?
You look as if something unpleasant has happened to you.
¿ Te ocurre algo? No pareces contento.
And I was just thinking hypothetically, if something did happen to him, and somehow, Miss Farrow, you happened to be involved, you knew the people that Tony was associated with, you had to assume that if they found out, they'd kill you.
y solo pensaba hipotéticamente, si algo lo hizo desaparecer, y de alguna forma, la señorita Farrow, pasó a estar involucrada. Conoce a la gente con la que Tony estaba asociado, tiene que asumir que si ellos lo averiguan, la matarán. De nuevo, solo hablando hipotéticamente.
Nothing. If you'd have said something to them ages ago about the cat, this would never have happened.
Nada. ¡ Si hubieras resuelto lo del gato, esto no habría pasado!
And besides, as you well know, I travel a lot... and it would be awkward if something happened to me for the poor guy.
Y luego, pues ustedes saben, yo tengo que salir mucho, y sería muy peligroso si algo me pasara, pobre...
Eddie, if nothing happened after four hours, you expect something to happen in the next hour?
Eddie, si no pasó nada luego de cuatro horas, ¿ esperas que pase en la siguiente hora?
If something has happened to captain Solo and Chewbacca is alone, you will need me to interpret.
Si algo le ha sucedido al Capitán Solo y Chewbacca está solo..., entonces me necesitará de intérprete.
If something happened to me- - l'm not saying anything will- -but if a building fell on me would you consider taking care of Billy?
Si me pasara algo... No digo que vaya a pasar pero si me aplasta una casa ¿ podrías hacerte cargo de Billy?
You and I went through something out there you can tell your kids about... if you ever decide to buy a family. - What happened?
- ¿ Qué ocurrió?
If something had happened to you, Dad would have defended you.
Si a ti te hubiera pasado algo, papá te defendería.
You see, Mr. Lester is the very image of punctuality, and if he didn't show up to see the Minister at 11 o'clock today, it means something horrible has happened.
Usted ve, el señor Lester es la imagen misma de la puntualidad, y si él no se presentó a ver al Ministro a las 11 horas de hoy, que significa algo horrible ha sucedido.
I told you that, if I am going to be late, it's because something happened to me.
Ya les he dicho que si alguna vez me retraso, es porque me ha ocurrido alguna cosa.
You said that if something happened to us it wouldn't be all that bad because they would find our skeletons embracing and that had to be worth something.
Dijiste que si algo nos pasara no sería tan terrible ya que encontrarían nuestros esqueletos abrazados y que eso tendría algún valor.
If you only knew something almost happened to us
Jack, casi nos pasa algo.
Do you know if there was something happened to them?
Recuerda usted si sucedió alguna otra cosa?
What if something had happened to you? What if I couldn't get to you?
¿ Qué si te hubiera pasado algo, si no te hubiera encontrado?
Look, Mom, I know you're trying to do this... to distract me and all... but what if something happened to Grandma?
Mira, Mamá, sé que estás haciendo esto para distraerme y todo, ¿ pero que si algo le sucedió a la abuela?
If something happened to me... you'd be fine.
Si algo me pasara estarías bien.

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