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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ I ] / If that's okay with you

If that's okay with you traducir español

383 traducción paralela
If you wanna live with me, that's okay.
Si quieres vivir conmigo, de acuerdo.
And if you want to cheat on your husband, that's okay with me.
Si quieres engañar a tu marido, me parece bien.
A girl like you would be crazy about it, and I was figuring that if it's okay with you, well,
Una chica como tú se volvería loca, y pensé que... si estás de acuerdo, bueno...
Well, if that's the way you feel about it, it's okay with me.
Bueno, si crees que debe ser así, por mí está bien.
- What's wrong with that? - It's okay if you've got nothing better.
¿ Quieres pasarte el resto de tu vida oculto en oscuros callejones con dinero marcado?
If Shagrue wants you for his show, that's okay. Perfectly okay with me.
Si Shagrue te quiere para un show, a mi no me importa.
That is, if it's okay with you.
Si a usted le parece bien.
If you wanna walk out on that... it's okay with me.
Si quieres abandonar eso, por mí no hay problema.
But if you can't drink with me, that's okay, too.
Pues si no quieres beber conmigo, allá tú.
Okay. If that's all right with you.
¿ No hay inconveniente?
If you want to go through that old-fashioned rigamarole, it's okay with me.
- Muy bien, - se va casar... si quieres hacer ese anticuado ceremonial, por mí aceptado.
And if you've got your heart set on being a freak or an invalid... that's okay with me.
Y si quieres ser un bicho raro o una tullida, por mí no hay problema.
You give this to him. If he wants to gamble that we get into the war... it's okay with me.
Dale esto. me parece bien.
If that's okay with you, then our plan of action must be completely legal.
Tomadlo si queréis, siempre que sea en un plano de absoluta legalidad.
If that's okay with you Counselor or do you have any objections?
¿ Le parece bien, abogado, o tiene alguna objección?
That's okay, if you don't mind Dolores coming along with me.
Eso está bien, con perdón Dolores viniendo junto conmigo.
And... I'd like to use her as a relief dealer, if that's okay with you.
Y quisiera usarla como repartidora alterna, si estás de acuerdo.
If you want to take advantage of that, it's okay with me.
Si quieres aprovecharte de eso Está bien
If that's okay with you, Frank.
Si te parece bien, Frank.
Okay, if that's the way you feel about it, get over there with them.
Si eso es lo que quieres, ve con ellos.
That is, if it's okay with you, Al.
Es decir, si estás de acuerdo, Al.
If that's okay with you, just don't say anything.
Si estas de acuerdo, no digas nada.
When she heard that Master is in Guang Zhou she insisted on your staying here for a few days and performing praying for her, if it's okay with you
Cuando se entero de que estaba en Guang Zhou, insistio en que se quedase y realizase unas horaciones para ella, si no es molestia.
I'd like to be back with my baby in an hour or so, If that's okay with you.
Si no le importa, volveré con mi hijo dentro de una hora.
- That is, if it's okay with you, Sam. - Yeah.
- Es decir, si está de acuerdo con usted, Sam.
Yes, I thought we'd eat at Melville's, if that's okay with you, ma'am.
Sí, pensé que habíamos comer en Melville, si eso está bien con usted, señora.
If that's not okay with you, sue me... and I'II fight you all the way to the Supreme Court.
¡ Si no te parece... Demándame y pelearé hasta en la Corte Suprema!
I know that seniors don't normally hang out with freshmen, so if I see you around school, and I say hi and you ignore me as usual, it's okay.
Sé que los mayores pasan de los pequeños, así que, si te veo en el instituto te saludo y me ignoras no importa.
That is, if it's okay with you.
Eso si, si esta bien contigo.
If that's okay with you.
Si es que estás de acuerdo.
- No, I think I'll just go for a walk, if that's okay with you.
- Creo que iré a caminar. ¿ Está bien?
Okay, hon, if you want to pay for dinner. That's fine with me.
"Cariño, si quieres pagar la cena por mi bien".
- I was gonna stay for a little while if that's okay with you. - Could we make another car?
- Pensaba quedarme un ratito si te parece bien. - ¿ Podemos hacer otro auto?
Pero... tengo que bajar, si no te importa.
You know, actually, I was thinking maybe we could go a little shorter this time in the cut if that's okay with you.
Pensaba cortármelo un poco y pintarlo pero...
I mean, if that's okay with you? Okay.
Si te parece bien.
I'd like to finish my story, if that's okay with you, Hilary.
Quisiera terminar mi relato, si estás de acuerdo, Hilary.
Every time that Mom goes out, she asks if it's okay with you.
Siempre que mamá sale, te pregunta si te parece bien.
If that's okay with you.
- Si te parece bien.
I'm gonna take over Laura's route if that's okay with you.
Me ocuparé de la ruta de Laura, si te parece bien.
But we do have a scene to do, and if you don't mind, I would like to run some lines if that's okay with you?
Pero debemos actuar y, si no te molesta quisiera repasar algunas líneas, ¿ sí?
I mean, if that's okay with you.
Quiero decir, si eso está bien con usted.
Ruth-Anne, I probably can't make it till a little past 10 : 00 tonight, if that's okay with you. Let's go, girls.
Vamos, chicas.
I mean, you know, if that's okay with you, I'd like to do that, you know...
Quiero decir, si estás de acuerdo me gustaría hacerlo...
Oh. I'm gonna keep five if that's okay with you guys.
Oh. creo que me quedare con cinco. si no lo ven mal..
He's my assistant, if that's okay with you guys.
Es mi ayudante, Si eso está bien con ustedes.
I'll just stay over here in the neutral zone if that's okay with you.
Me quedaré en la zona neutral, si te parece bien.
We could use him for the rest of the summer, if that's okay with you.
Podría quedarse el resto del verano, si Uds. están de acuerdo.
If you wanna come with us - that's fine, let's go. You wanna commit suicide, that's okay with me but I am gone. If not, I'm taking the goddamn keys.
Si quieres venir con nosotros esta bien, y si no nos llevaremos las malditas llaves.
Well if you're going to arrest me I'd like to put on a different suit if that's okay with you.
Pero si va a detenerme me pondré un traje diferente.
Okay, if that's the way you feel, but Val, with you or without you, there's too much story here to let this die.
Bueno, si así es como te sientes. Pero, Val, contigo o sin ti hay demasiada historia aquí para dejarlo morir.

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