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If that's what he wants traducir español

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What's up? It's that, when a person wants to commit suicide,.. he has to see if there is someone under the bed!
Pasa que cuando uno quiere suicidarse lo primero que tiene que hacer es mirar si hay alguien debajo de la cama.
That's what he wants too, if he can only see it.
Es lo que quiere él también, si sólo se diera cuenta.
If that's what he wants, that's what I want.
Y si él quiere, yo también quiero.
It's you he wants, if that's what you wanted to find out. Now please go!
Él la quiere a usted, si es eso lo que quería saber. ¡ Váyase!
If that's what he wants, I want it too.
Si eso es lo que quiere, yo también lo quiero.
For a crazy minute I say to myself, I'll be respectable if that's what he wants.
Un hombre alocado. Me digo a mí misma... "Seré respetable, si es lo que él quiere".
Go on, let him go, if that's what he wants.
Suéltalo, si es lo que él quiere.
If that's what he wants to do and he loves her, yes.
Si eso es lo que él quiere y la ama, sí.
Tell him I am going to Australia... if that's what he wants.
Iré a Australia si así lo quiere
There's no way of talking someone out of beating you up if that's what he wants to do.
No hay manera de disuadir a alguien que quiere golpearlo... si eso es lo que quiere hacer.
But if that's what he wants, why does he bother painting you?
Si es eso lo que quiere, ¿ por qué te pinta?
But, if that's what he wants -
- ¿ A mí? ... A mí, no.
And if one arm isn't enough for him, he only has to let us know. If that's what he wants...
Y si un brazo no le bastó, entonces puede lograrlo, por mí que siga adelante.
If a customer wants a wine that we carry, that's what he gets.
Si un cliente quiere un vino que tenemos, se lo lleva.
No, let's fight about it if that's what he wants.
No, luchemos por ellos si es Lo que él quiere.
That's sensible enough if that's what he wants.
Es sensato, si es lo que de veras quiere.
If he can release our people by negotiations, that's what he wants.
Lo que quiere es liberar a nuestra gente mediante la negociación, si es posible.
If that's what he thinks he wants.
Si eso es lo que él cree que quiere.
I think it's admirable that you made a connection... but the purpose of this meeting is to determine what is best for Raymond... whether or not he's capable of functioning in the community... and what, in fact, he wants, if that's possible to determine.
Creo que es muy admirable pero el propósito de esta reunión es determinar qué es lo mejor para Raymond. Si puede o no funcionar en la comunidad y qué quiere realmente, si eso es posible.
If that's what he wants, Jennie, then you should do it. No.
Si eso quiere, Jennie, deberías aceptar.
Well, if that's what he wants
Bien, si es lo que él quiere.
I think if he's interested in what one of his contract employees is doing, that employee should be able to tell him, if he wants to stay an employee.
Creo que si está interesado en lo que está haciendo uno de sus empleados... ese empleado debería decírselo... si quiere seguir siendo su empleado.
If that's what he wants.
Si él lo quiere.
Alright, if that's what he wants.
Muy bien, si él lo ha dicho.
But he's Jean-Luc Picard, and if he wants to go on one more mission, that's what we're going to do.
Pero es Jean-Luc Picard, y si quiere emprender una nueva misión, eso es lo que haremos.
If that's what he wants to do.
Si es eso lo que quiere.
And I don't know if I should just let him... imagine what he wants to imagine... or if I should sit him down sometime and, you know, tell him... that his father's not such a nice person.
Y no sé si dejarle imaginar lo que él quiera, o si agarrarlo un día y decirle... que su padre no es un buen tipo.
If I get a confession from Gilmore, the drug will wear off and he could go back to his psychosis if that's what he still wants.
Si Gilmore confiesa, podrían pasarse los efectos y él podría volver a su psicosis si es lo que quiere.
So, if that's what he wants, that's fine.
Así que si eso es lo que quiere, no hay problema.
If that's what he wants, we'll do it.
Si eso es lo que quiere, lo haremos
And I haven't been able to figure out what she is or anything about her, except she wants the Key, which I have, and I don't even know if it's OK to tell anyone that.
Y yo no he podido descubrir que es o nada sobre ella excepto que quiere la Llave, la cual tengo y no se si está bien decírselo a alguien.
- and little Sean out of the city tonight. - Tonight? That's what he wants, if that's what you want.
Que fue Francis quien mató al hombre que mandaron para matar a Sean.
Listen, Julie... if that's what he wants...
- JuIie, si él Io prefiere así...
if you Henry Kissinger everybody knows what you want and does he know that they know what he wants sure does he know what they're going to do or how they gonna do it are you kidding anybody that would tell them what's going to happen is never going to get do
Si tú eres Henry Kissinger, todos saben lo que quieres - ¿ Sabe él que ellos saben lo que el quiere? - Seguro
Why doesn't he just kill us and get it over with if that's what he wants?
¿ Por qué no nos mata y acaba de una vez si eso es lo que quiere?
And he is still your father, after all, and if he wants to make a complete and utter fool of himself by trying in some pathetically cliché fashion to recapture his sorry state of manhood, by hooking up with not even a very attractive bimbo... then if that's what he wants, I'm fine with that.
Y es su padre, después de todo y si quiere quedar completamente en ridículo tratando de un modo patético y cursi de recobrar su lamentable virilidad, saliendo con esa tonta que ni siquiera es atractiva... si eso es lo que quiere, me parece perfecto.
do you know if that's what he wants?
¿ Sabes si ella quiere?
Streisand, ciruelas, kakis, si eso es lo que quiere, eso es lo que será.
You're the faithful husband. Talk to him if that's what he wants.
Tú eres un marido fiel, habla con él.
Denny, I don't need to tell you that Ernie dell is one of our biggest clients. If he wants a private investigator, what's the real harm? The harm would be to me.
Missy, sólo quiero asegurarte que lo que ocurrió entre Iván y yo no fue premeditado, fue sin malicia y sin la intención de herirte.
If that's what he wants.
Si eso es lo que él quiere.
If that's what he wants, then that's exactly what we're going to do.
Si eso es lo que quiere, eso es exactamente lo que vamos a hacer.
If there's one thing everyone knows about John Dorian is that he always wants what he can't have.
Si hay algo que todo el mundo sabe sobre John Dorian es que siempre quiere lo que no puede tener.
If Viktor wants a designer fridge that's what he'll get.
Si Viktor quiere un refrigerador de diseñador eso es lo que conseguirá.
I've shown you how we can stop them. But if you don't understand that, feel free to strangle each other. Just remember, that's exactly what this... marauder wants you to do.
Les he enseñado cómo podemos detenerlos pero si no lo entienden pueden estrangularse el uno al otro pero recuerden que eso es exactamente lo que este merodeador quiere que hagan.
Well, why didn't he just pull over... and let us pass then, if that's what he wants?
¿ Por qué no se hizo a un lado y nos dejó pasar
But if he wants the good shit that's what I'm talking about.
Pero si quiere la mierda buena de eso es que estoy hablando.
If he wants Gibb to show up with the money, that's sure as shit what's gonna happen. Am I right, Ron?
Si el quiere que Gibb muestre el dinero, eso va suceder.
I mean, come on, Amy. If Ephram wants to get back together with you, there's nothing I can do to stop him. But I really don't think that's what he wants anymore.
Si Ephram quiere volver contigo no puedo detenerle aunque ya no creo que quiera
Well, why didn't he just pull over... and let us pass then, if that's what he wants?
Bueno, me imagino que quiere volver a hacerse detrás de nosotros.
If that's what he wants...
Si eso es Io que quiere...

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