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If you didn't do it traducir español

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If you had to do it, why didn't you tell it to her instead of writing?
Tenía que hacerlo, ¿ por qué no se lo dijiste en lugar de escribirlo?
But if you didn't do it, why don't you save yourself?
Pero si no lo hizo, ¿ por qué no se salva?
Well, then, do you think he'd like it if you had a chance... to do me an act of friendship and didn't do it?
¿ Crees que le gustaría que tú pudieras hacer un acto de amistad por mí y no lo hicieras?
If you're going to claim you didn't do it, throw our case out the window, then -
Si te declaras inocente, tirarás nuestra defensa por la borda.
So what? You're saying she didn't do it if you say she's not guilty, and she already says she did it.
Estás diciendo que no lo hizo si dices que es inocente.
I didn't mean it. But I guess if you do poke, I'll think so.
No quise decir eso, pero supongo que si se hurga, lo pensaré.
- I may be down to my last couple bucks but do you think I'd do it if I didn't think there was oil?
- Me quedan los últimos centavos pero, ¿ cree que lo haría si no supiera que hay petróleo?
If he didn't kill you, you'd do it yourself.
Si él no te mata, tú misma lo harías.
If you knew this was going to happen why the devil didn't you do something about it?
¿ Si sabía que iba a pasar esto, por qué demonios no hizo algo?
If someone was going to kill you, why didn't they do it just now?
Pero si querían matarte, ¿ por qué no lo hicieron ahora?
She may be funny some ways, but she wouldn't do nothing wrong, so I'd like it if you didn't talk to people like it was.
Sé que a veces es un poco rara, pero no hace nada malo. Así que no hable así de ella, señor Barker.
You've got to do something about that. Because it'll look pretty funny if you didn't.
Tiene que hacer algo porque sería extraño que no lo hiciera.
If you didn't have anything to do with it, sign this.
Si no tiene nada que ver, fírmela.
If you didn't do it, we'll find out.
Si no fuiste tú, lo descubriremos.
I don't know what you're father did or didn't do. I couldn't possibly know. But you've got to realise, even if it's very hard to... that that really doesn't matter.
No sé lo que hizo o no hizo tu padre, pero debes entender que no importa.
Well, if you're so brave, why didn't you do it before?
Si eres tan valiente, ¿ por qué no lo hiciste?
You see, if I didn't bother to demousify the place, the State would never do it.
Si no me ocupo yo de desratizar, el Estado no lo hará.
If you kept me here all night, all I could say, over and over, is, I didn't do it.
Aunque me tuvieran aquí toda la noche... solamente repetiría que yo no lo hice.
Yes, what did you do if you didn't run for it?
Si, ¿ qué hicísteis sino salir corriendo?
Do you... Do you suppose it's ethical, even if you prove that he didn't commit a crime?
¿ Tú crees que es ético, incluso si demostrara que no ha cometido un crimen?
Do you think it would work with Al, if he didn't know what was up until the last minute?
¿ Podría funcionar si Al desconoce de qué se trata hasta el último minuto.
Now, you know, Morry - 20 shillings - if you save money like I do - 30 shillings - and didn't throw it away on that rotten brandy - 35 shillings - you would be a rich man.
Sabes, Morry - 20 chelines - si ahorras como hago yo - 30 chelines - y no lo tiras en ese coña asqueroso - 35 chelines - podrías ser un hombre rico.
If you didn't do it, start doing it.
Si es por dejar de hacer algo, hazlo.
Not that it'll look funny if you didn't, you know but will you do it?
Me gustaría muchísimo. No es que quedes mal si no vienes, pero... ¿ Vendrás?
If you've given up all hope, why didn't you do it before this?
Si no tiene ninguna esperanza... ¿ Por qué no lo ha hecho antes?
If you didn't do it, that is.
Si no lo hiciste tú, es decir.
Where do you think this fire came from if the Captain didn't light it?
¿ De dónde cree que salió ese fuego si no lo encendió el capitán?
Believe you me, if it didn't take men to make babies, I wouldn't have anything to do with any of you.
Puedes creerme, si se pudiera tener niños sin los hombres no tendría nada que ver con ninguno de vosotros.
You did what you had to do and if you didn't like it you liked it anyway.
Hacías lo que tenías que hacer y si no te gustaba te gustaba de cualquier forma.
It wouldn't surprise me if you couldn't do even better..... provided Shannon there didn't drink up your share of the profits.
No me sorprendería que no hicieran más siempre que Shannon no se beba las ganancias.
I knew that if I didn't do it I'd have lost you forever.
Sabía que si no lo hacía te perdería para siempre.
If you didn't mean to do it, why did you?
Si no querías hacerlo, ¿ por qué lo hiciste?
If I couldn't do it, I didn't want you to.
Como yo no podía hacerlo, tú tampoco.
If you didn't do it, who did?
Si no lo hiciste, ¿ quién fue?
Well no, but if you didn't do it... If!
Recuerda con quién estás hablando.
But if you didn't do it Lesterson, then the Dalek must have used your power supply and reactivated the others itself.
Pero si usted no lo hizo, Lesterson, entonces el Dalek debe haber utilizado la fuente de alimentación para reactivar a los demás.
But if you didn't even do it.
Pero ni siquiera lo hiciste.
Both murdered. If you didn't do it, who did?
Si tú no lo hiciste, entonces, ¿ quién?
Well, they can't hang you if you didn't do it.
Si no lo hizo, no lo colgarán.
Rita didn't do it if that's what you're thinking.
No fue Rita, si eso está pensando.
If it's all the same to you, I do not want to be forgiven for something I didn't do.
Si te es lo mismo, no quiero ser perdonada por algo que no hice.
It'd be silly if you didn't look at her, do you like her?
Serías un estúpido si no la mirases, ¿ te gusta?
But if I can prove you didn't do it?
¿ Y si puedo demostrar que tú no lo hiciste?
So if Mr Mathews was killed at 11, then you sure didn't do it.
Si el Sr. Mathews fue asesinado a las 11 : 00, usted no lo hizo.
And I'd hate to accuse you if you didn't do it.
Y no quisiera acusarla si usted no lo hizo.
And, if you knew, why didn't you do something about it?
Si lo sabía, ¿ por qué no hizo nada?
Well, if you didn't do it, who did?
Bueno, si no lo hicieron, quién lo hizo?
So why didn't you do it if this was the intention?
¿ Entonces por qué no lo hizo, si era esa la intención?
- If you didn't think she could do it...
- Si creías que ella no...
I wouldn't like to suspend it for two hours on the stage, cause I think it would take something away from it. Although I'm sure I could do two hours without it, I just feel that I'd missed a lot of important emphases if I didn't, uh, have access to the whole language, you know?
Me gustaría suprimirlas durante dos horas en escena, pero creo que se echaría algo en falta aunque estoy seguro de que podría pasar dos horas sin ellas, creo que echaría en falta mucho énfasis importante si no tuviera acceso a todas las posibilidades del idioma, ¿ sabes?
Didn't it occur to you to ask him before setting this up if he wants to do it... whether his ideas coincide with yours?
¿ No se te ha ocurrido preguntarle antes si quiere hacerlo, si sus ideas coinciden con las tuyas?

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