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If you don't come back traducir español

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You know what it means to me if I let you go and you don't come back.
Ya sabes lo que significaría para mí si te dejo ir y no vuelves.
* rolling, rolling * * across the fields That you won't see again * * when the sergeant Gives his orders * * if you don't come back * * if you don't come back, If you don't come back *
"rodando, rodando," "atravesando los campos que nunca más verás," "cuando el sargento da las órdenes"
What if you don't come back?
¿ Y si no vuelves?
Frank, if you'd just... - Don't come back.
- No vuelvas.
I don't like curtain speeches or the kind of people who make them, but if I don't come back, I'd like you to know that I did fight against loving her because I respected you.
No me gustan los discursos o la gente que los dice, pero si no vuelvo, me gustaría que supieras que luché por no amarla, porque te respeto.
If I don't come back with the biggest story you ever handled you can put me back in short pants and make me marble editor.
Si no vuelvo con un reportaje sensacional podrá relegarme donde quiera.
If I don't come back with Winkie, you'll have to fight your way through.
Si no regreso con Winkie, tendrán que luchar para pasar.
If you give us an idea when you're ready to talk over the setup we'll take a walk around the park and come back. We don't mind.
Decidnos cuándo hablaremos de lo de esta noche para que podamos dar una vuelta por el parque.
M. Saint-Clair, if you don't come back soon... Hear the engine?
Si no vuelve, si no vuelve pronto
You can go and I don't care if you never come back.
Puedes irte. Y no me importa que no vuelvas.
If you don't come down in five minutes, I'll come back and get you.
- No, Alec. Cinco minutos.
Yes, you see, I was sent here to bring you back, and if you don't come, why, naturally, they're going to feel that I messed things up.
Si, verá, me enviaron aquí para que la llevara, y si no viene naturalmente, pensarán que estropeé las cosas.
I'll think you don't like me if you don't come back.
¿ Será que no te gusto y por eso te vas? - Se equivoca, me gusta.
If you don't bring her home, don't come back!
Otra ostra.
If you don't mind, Miss Williams, I'd like to come back.
Si no le molesta, Srta. Williams, me gustaría regresar.
And if someone leaves you and then wants to come back, don't you punish them? - Punish?
Y si alguien se marcha y luego quiere volver, ¿ no lo castigan?
Frank, I'm warnin'you, if Reynolds isn't dead within a half hour, don't come back here!
¡ Te lo advierto : Si Reynolds no muere en media hora, no regreses!
And if I don't find Mog there... I'll come back and I'll do two years for you.
Y como no encuentre allí a Mog, volveré y sabrá usted quién soy yo.
If you don't want anything, beat it and don't come back!
Si no quiere nada, márchese. ¡ Y no vuelva!
Oh, if you have to leave, don't go until you come back.
Si hay que ir, se va. Pero ir para nada es tontería.
If I don't come back, you'll know I haven't succeeded.
Si no regreso, es porque no tuve éxito.
And if things don't go right for you, if we should win, then I'll come back.
Si las cosas no salen bien para ustedes, si ganamos, volveré.
No there isn't. If you don't come back to me now, you never will.
Si no vuelves conmigo ahora, sé que nunca lo harás.
Of course, my dear, if you don't find your sister you can always come back here.
Por supuesto, querida, si no hallas a tu hermana puedes regresar aquí.
If you don't mind, I've come back, but only temporarily.
Si no le importa, he vuelto, pero sólo de forma temporal.
Try it for two weeks and if you don't feel better, come back.
Pruebe eso dos semanas y vuelva a verme.
Don't you think those tanks had better get through if you want him to come back?
¿ No te parece que es mejor que esos tanques pasen si lo quieres de regreso?
- If you don't come back...
- Si no vuelves...
You can't get your strength back if you don't eat something.
No recuperará las fuerzas si no come algo.
But don't come leeching'back again... If you go, I'm through with you.
- Sí, te amaba sin saber lo que significa esa palabra.
If you don't come back we'll get you.
Si tardas mucho entrare a buscarte.
If you leave, don't come back.
Si se va, no se moleste en volver.
If you don't believe this how do you suppose I knew Johnny had come back?
Si no lo cree... ¿ Cómo me enteré de que Johnny había regresado? Por ella.
If I don't come back, tell the old man that I entrust the gang and you to him.
Si no regresamos, dile al viejo que le confío el grupo. Entiende que...
If you take it, don't come back!
Si lo coges, ¡ no vuelvas nunca más!
Even if you don't come back, I'll have confidence that someone will pay it.
Incluso aunque no vuelva, tengo confianza en que alguien la pagará.
And if you don't catch him, don't you come back!
Si no lo atrapáis, no volváis aquí.
If you can't find the money tonight, then don't come back!
¡ Si de aquí a esta noche no consigues dinero, no vuelvas!
If I don't come back, Mrs Spernanzoni will come and pick you up
- Sí, creo que sí. De todas formas, si no vuelvo, ¿ sabes quién viene a recogerte?
If i Don't come back, Always remember that Either in heaven or hell, Someone thinks Kindly of you.
Si no vuelvo, recuerda siempre que ya sea en el cielo o en el infierno, alguien piensa bien de ti.
Mitsuko, if you don't feel right then please come back earlier
Mitsuko, si no te sientes bien, vuelve antes...
Even if you don't come back... you'll always be an ex-con, so why not come the whole way?
Sí, aunque no volvieran a encerrarlo sería siempre un ex-presidiario. ¿ Entonces por qué no seguir?
If you don't give him everything you've got, I may come back and fight for the enemy.
Si no le dan todo lo que tienen, regresare a luchar para el enemigo.
Can I have you next egg if you don't come back?
¿ Podré tomarme su próximo huevo, si no vuelve?
If they don't treat you right, you come right back.
Si te maltratan, ¡ regresa enseguida!
If you get in trouble, don't come back.
Si surgen problemas, no vuelvas.
You may still have to fight if I don't come back.
Puede que aún tenga que luchar si no regreso.
If one of them don't come back, you can be thanking yourself.
Si uno de ellos no regresa, puede estar agradecido.
Don't you care if Mizushima doesn't come back?
¿ Debemos marcharnos sin Mizushima?
Even if one of us were going to kill you... you don't think he'd come back and do it right away, do you?
Además, si alguno ha de matarlo... ¿ cree que regresaría y lo haría ahora mismo?
If you don't find a place to go in Tokyo, come back here anytime.
Si no encuentras sitio en Tokio, vuelve en cualquier momento.

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