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If you don't like it traducir español

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If it's just for kicks, then you don't do it like that.
Si es por placer, entonces no lo hagas así.
I don't know if callous is the word but that's the first word that comes to mind, I think, if you're really going to open people up like that, you need to do it for a purpose not just for scientific curiosity and like to be helpful rather that just sort of smart or clever.
es la primera palabra que se me viene a la cabeza, yo creo que si realmente quieres, abrir a las personas con eso, debes hacerlo con un propósito no solo por curiosidad científica y tiene que ser de utilidad
If you don't mind I'd like to have a look at it.
Si no te importa me gustaría echarle un vistazo.
You know, I don't go sticking my nose in anyone's manure, but if you're asking if it feels like a square peg is being forced into a round hole, well...
No me meto en los asuntos de los demás pero si preguntas si siento que esto no está bien, bueno...
Just don't put it like that if you get interviewed by David Frost.
No lo digas como si te hubiera entrevistado David Frost.
The point is, we couldn't do our job if it weren't for you guys doing all the paperwork, answering the phones, and all that stupid shit that we don't like to do.
Nosotros no podríamos hacer nuestro trabajo si Uds. no llenaran... los papeles e hicieran lo que odiamos.
Even if you don't like what I'm going to say.. .. You'll surely think about it.
Auque no te guste lo que voy a decir Seguramente lo pensarás.
If you don't like it stop fishing and join my men.
Si no te gusta deja de pescar y únete a mis hombres.
Now, I don't like you knowing if you don't have a stake in it.
Ahora, no me gusta que sepas, si no vas a participar en esto.
Even if you don't care, how would it look like?
Aunque no te importa, cómo se verá?
If it hurts that I don't like you best or I didn't pick you yet again, sorry.
Si te duele que no me agrades más que él o que no te haya vuelto a elegir, lo siento.
I don't think it's that funny If you tell it like that is not funny.
A mí no me hace gracia. Si lo cuentas así no es gracioso.
I'll come and get it if you don't like it.
Pasaré a buscarla si no la quieres.
there's no point carrying on if you don't like it.
No, no, mira, no hay razón para continuar si no te gusta.
If you don't like it, you can't be a part of my life.
Si no te gusta, no puedes ser parte de mi vida.
Well, if you don't like it, you know,
Bueno, si no te gusta, sabes
Dude, it'll be fun, even if you don't like Star Trek.
Será divertido aunque no te guste Star Trek.
If you don't like it, leave.
Si no te gusta, vete.
Look, uh, I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but, uh, you're a bit of a celebrity now and the boys would really like it if you came.
Mira, uh, espero que no lo tomes a mal, pero, eh, tú eres un poco de una celebridad ahora y los chicos realmente les gusta si usted vino.
If you don't like it, you can go.
Si no te gusta, te vas.
If the Serenas of the world don't like me I'm screwed.You get it?
Si a las Serenas del mundo no les gusto, estoy muerta. ¿ Lo entiendes?
I don't like it. Well, how do you know you don't like it if you've never tried it?
¿ Cómo sabes que no te gusta si nunca lo has probado?
Believe it if you like, or don't.
Créela si quieres, o no.
I'll take it back if you don't like it.
Puedes devolverlo si no te gusta.
Quit if you don't like it.
Renuncia si no te gusta.
If you don't mind, I'd like to do it.
Si no te importa, me gustaría hacerlo yo.
You do what you have to do. If they don't like it, tough!
Vas, haces lo que tienes que hacer, y si no sale, no sale.
Look, if you don't like it, all you got to do is avoid me for a couple of weeks, and you're in the clear.
Mira, si no te gusta, todo lo que tienes que hacer es evitarme por un par de semanas - y estarás fuera de peligro.
Hey, listen, I... I heard this somewhere. I don't even remember where now, like, maybe on tv or something, that when you hear back from a college, if they send you a thick envelope, it means that you got in, and if they send you a skinny one,
Escucha, oí en alguna parte, no recuerdo dónde ahora, tal vez la tv o algo así, que cuando tienes noticias de una Universidad si te envían un sobre grueso eso significa que has entrado, y si te envían uno delgado, significa que no lo hiciste.
No, I know. And, justin, obviously, if you don't like it, we're not... We're not gonna buy it.
- No, lo sé, y Justin está claro, que si no te gusta, no la vamos... no la compraremos.
And if you don't like it, we're not gonna buy it.
Justin, obviamente, si no te gusta...
No, if you don't feel like it, do as you want.
No, si no tienes ganas, haz como quieras.
But you just don't remember what it feels like to be stranded and know you're just at the tip you're at the beginning of a long journey if you're lucky.
Pero no recuerdas lo que se siente al ser abandonado y saber que esto es sólo el principio, del comienzo de un largo viaje, si tienes suerte.
If you don't like it, we can just cut it, because it's quite something.
03 DE MAYO DE 2008 Si no les gusta, podemos cortarlo porque es algo increíble.
And I don't know if you know what it's like to have a job.
Y yo no sé si tu sabes cómo es tener un trabajo.
( LIBBY )'The human heart is a powerful muscle. 'Like all muscles,'if you don't flex it once in a while it becomes tired, flabby and weak.
El corazón humano es un músculo poderoso, como todos los músculos, si no lo flexionas de vez en cuando, se pone más tenso, flojo y débil.
And if you don't like it, you can eat it.
Y si no le gusta, puede comérsela.
If you don't like it, you're welcome to find yourself another heart surgeon.
Si no te gusta, te invito a buscar tu mismo otro cirujano cardiovaascular
Like if you don't get to do it, you'll die. That's what you have to give up. For what?
Eso es a lo que tienes que renunciar. ¿ Para qué?
And if you don't like'em, just down it and come on up to the stage.
Y si no te gustan, solo bajalos y vamos sube al escenario.
Not like you - -- I don't know if it's because you live in town,... but each day you're paler and thinning down to the bone.
No como tú, que no sé si será porque vives en la villa, pero cada día estás más pálida y más escuchimisa.
if you're against gay marriage, you just don't like gay people, and you want to stick it to'em.
I don't know if you know what that's like, But it's probably better than banging a piece of plastic, Uh, and smoking fake weed.
No sé si sabes lo que es eso, pero es, probablemente mejor, que darle a una pedazo de plástico, y fumar marihuana falsa.
Like... Like, if you get tapped for special handling, don't try and tough it out.
Como, si te seleccionan para una entrega especial no intentes resistirte.
Guys, if you don't like it, give me back the stuff!
Si no lo quieren, devuélvanmelo.
Go fuck yourself if you don't like it.
Te jodes si no te gusta.
Irene, I want you to know that if I'm implicated in this,... it's because of the sincere affection I have for your uncle... and because I don't want you to suffer,... a woman like you doesn't deserve it.
Irene, quiero que sepas que si me implico en esto, es por el afecto sincero que le tengo a tu tío, y porque yo no quiero que tú sufras, una mujer como tú no se lo merece.
And she was like, "well, if you don't wear it, then you can't play." "like."
Y ella sería como, "bien, si no te lo pones, entonces no puedes jugar," "como."
You'll find sarcasm is more effective if you don't giggle it out like a naughty schoolgirl, Private.
El sarcasmo te resultará más efectivo si no te ríes - Como una colegiala traviesa, Private.
It's also perfect for when you don't like leaving the house, because if you do, you'll be beaten.
También es perfecto para cuando no quieras salir de casa, porque si lo haces, serás golpeada.
Well, if you don't like it here, you can go spend a little time in the van on the wire and see how you like that.
Bueno sino te gusta estar aquí, puedes ir a pasar un poco de tiempo en la furgoneta con los micros y ver si te gusta eso.

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