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If you don't want to go traducir español

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If you go with that man... will you then be able to stop seeing the things that you don't want to see?
Si te vas con ese hombre... ¿ dejarás de ver esas cosas que no quieres ver?
If you don't want to go back to prison for 100 years, you better get me some intel on the Tooth Fairy.
Si no quieres volver a la cárcel por 100 años, será mejor que me consigas algo de información del Hada de los Dientes.
Where do you want me to go with her if I don't have those papers?
¿ A dónde espera que me retire yo con ella, si no tengo esos papeles?
If you don't want to make a murderer out of me then shut your eyes and let me go.
Si no queréis que me convierta en un asesino apartaos de mí y dejad que me vaya.
I don't want to go to the opera if you don't want to.
No quiero ir a la ópera si tú no vas.
- if you want to know, neither can I don't give up you've no idea what weariness a man can stand this isn't weariness, this must be something else - I can't go on.
- ¡ Si quieres saberlo, yo tampoco!
Si quiere viajar, ¿ por qué no va a Noruega?
If you want my advice - which you don't - you'll give up this whole idiotic business and go back to your studies.
Si te interesa mi consejo, aunque sé que no... deja estas idioteces y vuelve a estudiar.
If you four people want to play bridge, don't mind me, go right ahead.
Si ustedes cuatro quieren jugar al bridge, por mí no se preocupen, adelante.
It is getting late, and if you want to go to bed why, don't let your European etiquette stand in the way.
Ya es tarde, y si quiere usted acostarse... no deje que su etiqueta europea sea un obstáculo.
I don't want you to think I'm fresh or anything but if you'll sit down and wait till I'm hungry I'll break that door down and go in with you.
No quiero que pienses que soy un fresco o algo así... pero si te sientas y esperas hasta que esté hambriento... echaré la puerta abajo e iré contigo.
Fräulein Peters, I don't want to go into that... but I am convinced, if you would renounce of your own free will... a final irrevocable renunciation never!
Srta. Peters, no quiero entrar en eso... pero estoy convencido de que, si renunciara por su propia voluntad... una renuncia definitiva e irrevocable...
Poldi darling, if you really don't want to go to the opera, you don't have to
Poldi, cariño... si realmente no quieres ir a la ópera, no lo hagas.
I don't want to say such a thing, but if not, you go too much into raptures.
No quiero decir algo semejante, pero de no ser así, entrabas demasiado en éxtasis.
Well, darling, don't go if you don't want to.
Bueno querida, no vayas si no quieres ir.
If you don't want to think, go to bed.
Si no quieres pensar en nada, hay un modo : vete a dormir.
Well, if you don't want to go to Bagdad with him, you shan't. No. Never.
Si no quieres ir con él, no irás.
Stop there, Mr. Norton, if you don't want to go over too.
Quédese donde está, Sr. Norton, si no quiere que caigamos juntos.
If you don't want to go home, I'll go alone.
Si no quieres volver a casa conmigo, iré solo.
If you don't want to ski you'd better go back to the hotel and make other arrangements.
Si no quiere esquiar será mejor que vuelva al hotel y busque otro pasatiempo.
If you don't want to get a good beating, you better go out the same way you came.
Si no quiere recibir una paliza, será mejor que salga por donde entró.
They don't want to hurt you. But if you scare them, they go crazy.
No pretenden hacer daño, pero enloquecen cuando se asustan
Journet, if you don't want to remain in hiding for the rest of your life you must return to the hotel and help me to put an end to this monster for all time. Come let's go.
Journet si no quiere permanecer escondido el resto de su vida debe volver al hotel y ayudarme a terminar con ese monstruo.
If you don't agree with me, you can go back to Osaka whenever you want.
Si no estás de acuerdo conmigo, puedes regresar a Osaka cuando quieras.
And if you don't want to go, the maid will.
Y, además, si usted no quiere ir, irá Ia criada.
Why don't you go if you want to?
¿ Por que no vais si teneis ganas?
If you don't believe that I can never turn on you again and if you don't want me to go back with you you could swim back by yourself.
Si crees que volveré a atacarte y si no quieres que vuelva contigo puedes regresar tú solo.
I don't know what would interest you, but - If you want to, why, go ahead.
No sé qué puede interesarle, pero si quiere, adelante.
I'll go away. If you really want me to. I don't think he does...
Yo solía verlas en'Mirror House'antes de venir aquí.
Ave Caesar Imperator. If you want to have a good time, why don't you go fishing?
Ave Cesar, emperador.Si estas con ganas de divertirte, por que no te vas a planchar lochigas?
If you want to see him so bad, why don't you go to him?
Si tanto quiere verle, ¿ por qué no va a verle?
If you don't want me to go out with you, why don't you just say so?
Si no quieres que vaya contigo, dilo y ya está.
De acuerdo.
If you want to talk, don't think anything, just open this door, go down the stairs, cross the street, open the door and just call'Kayo.'OK?
Si quieres hablar, no lo pienses, abre la puerta, baja las escaleras, cruza la calle, entra y di tan solo'Kayo'. ¿ De acuerdo?
I don't know if I want to go away with you anyway...
No sé si quiero irme contigo de todas formas...
If you really want to help me, go away..... and don't look for me again.
Si quiere ayudarme, váyase... ¿ Quiere que no la busque más?
I don't think I want to go on with our talk tonight, if you don't mind.
Creo que no quiero seguir con nuestra conversación esta noche, si no te importa.
He said if I did, he'd... go to your wife. He knows I don't want to cause you any trouble
Sabe que no quiero causarte problemas y se aprovecha de ello.
There's no hard feelings if you don't want to go, but let me know now.
Si no quieren ir, no habrá resentimiento, pero avísenme ahora.
What if I tell you I don't want to go?
- ¿ Y si no quiero?
Look, if you want to throw your weight around, why don't you go outside where there's plenty of room?
Puede darse una vuelta por ahí. ¿ Por qué no se marcha?
If you want my advice, don't go to Giraffe Street.
Escuche, si quiere un consejo no vaya a la calle de la jirafa.
If you want to go, you don't need to ask our permission.
Si os queréis ir, sin formalidades, por favor.
If you want me to go, say so, I don't want to embarrass you with the others.
Si prefieres que me vaya dímelo, no quiero darte problemas.
All right. Stay if you want to, but don't you go getting any ideas, Doll.
Quédate el tiempo que te plazca, pero no te ilusiones Doll.
I can't send you home if you don't want to go.
No puedo mandarte a casa si no quieres ir.
If you really don't want to be here, you can go as soon as we finish the paperwork.
Si de verdad no quiere estar aquí, puede irse en cuanto acabemos el papeleo.
You don't have to go up there if you don't want to.
- No subas si no quieres.
If you don't want to spread it, go home and stay there.
Si no quiere contagiarla, será mejor que se vaya a casa.
Go with me if you don't want me to kill you.
Sal conmigo, si no quieres que te mate.
You tell me what I want to know, and I'll hold you as a material witness. If you don't, we'll let you go.
Si me dice lo que sabe le protegeré como testigo material, si no le soltaré.

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