Imagine that traducir español
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Imagine that.
I imagine that he is long dead.
Me imagino que lleva mucho tiempo muerto.
Dr. Strauss'death was a tragedy brought about by his willingness to betray those close to him, a trait I can't imagine that you would condone.
La muerte del Dr. Strauss fue una tragedia causada por su voluntad de traicionar a aquellos que eran íntimos suyos, algo que no creo que tú perdonaras.
I would have to get some kind of a thing to put on my face, and I just couldn't imagine that any of that would act vaguely real.
Tendría que coger alguna cosa para ponérmela en la cara, y no podía imaginarme que nada de eso pareciera remotamente real.
It was 39 years ago but... I can't imagine that makes it any easier to hear now.
Fue hace 39 años pero... puedo imaginar que eso ahora no lo hace más fácil de oír.
I couldn't even imagine that I could feel loved so unconditionally, by someone who wasn't my family.
No me imaginé que podría sentirme querida incondicionalmente... por alguien que no fuera de mi familia.
I didn't ever imagine that you would join hands with Do Hyun's mother.
Nunca imaginé que te aliarias con la madre de Do Hyung.
Oh, I'd imagine that was taken during the war.
Me imagino que fue tomada durante la guerra.
Imagine cherishing something for 150 years and then imagine that being ripped away from you.
Imagina apreciar algo por 150 años y luego imagina que te lo roban.
Imagine that?
- ¿ Te lo imaginas?
I have 23 tablets a day, imagine that!
Yo tomo 23 tabletas al día, imagínate.
Is there a microphone or do we imagine that, too?
¿ Hay un micrófono o lo imaginé?
Though it's no stretch to imagine that a cunning fugitive like Elias might have found a way to communicate that even the Machine can't trace.
Aunque no es difícil de imaginar que un fugitivo astuto como Elias podría haber encontrado un modo de comunicarse que ni siquiera la máquina puede rastrear.
- Imagine that.
- Imagínate eso.
You're the expert, but I imagine that irradiating the brain comes with some significant side effects.
Usted es el experto, pero imagino que irradiar el cerebro viene con algunos significativos efectos secundarios.
Imagine that.
Imagínate eso.
I had figured that we'd just leave them in the garage overnight, and then we would just figure out what to do with them in the morning.
Me imagine de que podiamos dejarla en el garaje durante la noche, y luego volveríamos a averiguar qué hacer con ella por la mañana.
I couldn't imagine her talking to the police about that, just sitting here right now.
No podría imaginarla hablando sobre eso con la policía, sentado ahora aquí.
I never imagined that you would kill him by breaking his heart.
Nunca imaginé que le matarías rompiéndole el corazón.
It's so hard for me to imagine him attacking Emily like that.
Es muy difícil para mí imaginarle atacando así a Emily.
I don't imagine you'll be here all that much in this area, except for that, but it's just to show you that area, so that's that.
No creo que pases mucho tiempo en esta área. Excepto por eso, sólo para mostrarte este sector. Es todo...
See, I figured that she'd be...
Ve, Me imaginé que estaría...
I can't imagine deluding myself like that.
No me imagino engañándome a mí misma así.
I mean... can you imagine the story that turned that sweet little girl into this?
quiero decir... ¿ puedes imaginar la historia qué cambió a esa dulce niña en esto?
Or is it the inability to imagine the series of events that led them to their present circumstance and correctly assess its probability?
¿ O es la incapacidad de imaginar la serie de eventos que los llevó a su actual circunstancia y evaluar correctamente su probabilidad?
I knew that that night stood for something so much bigger than me and beyond what I can even imagine, so I knew that no matter what I did on the stage that night, it was going to be a historical evening.
Yo sabía que esa noche era sinónimo de algo mucho más grande que yo y más allá de lo que puedo imaginar. Así que supe que no importando lo que hiciera en el escenario esa noche iba a ser una noche histórica.
Imagine if you found out That your eternity was going to be awful.
Imagine qué se entera qué su eternidad será terrible.
Imagine those villages in the south, all the houses just piled on top of each other, thrown in the middle of a lake inside of Dhaka, and that's what we have here.
Imagínense esas aldeas del sur, una casa encima de la otra... en medio de un lago dentro de Daca. Y eso es lo que hay aquí.
I mean, after that, I couldn't imagine being without you.
Quiero decir, después de eso, no podía imaginar estar sin ti.
- I know. But can you imagine the kind of business that another Bell, Book and Candle - Could do in a location like that.
Pero, ¿ te imaginas el tipo de negocio que otro Campanas, Libros y Velas podía hacer en un lugar como ese?
Imagine if that was you - slung in a corner and ignored, because it's more convenient for everybody else.
Imagina que fueras tú, tirado en un rincón e ignorado, porque es lo más conveniente para todos los demás.
So imagine my surprise when I caught your heartfelt performance, announcing to all the world that very same story... My story.
Así que, imagina mi sorpresa cuando vi tu sentimental actuación anunciando al mundo esa misma historia...
I just figured I'd work my way up to that one.
Imaginé que iría uno por uno hasta llegar a él.
That's always how I imagined you'd smell.
Siempre te imaginé oliendo así.
I just can't imagine her the way that she is.
No puedo imaginarla como es...
I can't imagine what it's like watching your child go through that.
No puedo imaginar lo que es ver a tu hijo pasar por eso.
I have to imagine all stalkers say that... before they stalk.
Imagino que todos los acosadores dicen eso... antes de acosar.
I imagine everyone in that room will be retrofitting as soon as they get home.
Imagino que todos los de esa sala se modernizarán tan pronto lleguen a casa.
I can't imagine how many must've been killed in that disaster.
No puedo imaginar cuántos deben haber muerto en ese desastre.
Do you honestly imagine his lawyers won't be able to bind up that generous request behind some trumped up technicality?
¿ Honestamente imaginas que sus abogados no serán capaces de atar esa generosa petición detrás de algún tecnicismo inventado?
But I want you to remember what your life really was with him, and imagine all that it could be without him.
Pero quiero recordarte que tu vida, en realidad era sin él, e imagina todo lo que podría ser sin él.
I can't imagine what it was like sitting there listening to that little girl talk about being raped by her stepfather and not wanting to shove a pipe up that guy's ass.
No imagino cómo fue escucharla hablar de cómo la violó el padrastro... y no querer meterle a él un caño en el culo.
You find that hard to imagine.
Usted encontrará que es difícil de imaginar.
Imagine how clean that blood is.
Imagina cómo de limpia está su sangre.
Imagine how quickly that thing that you've created would discard you.
Imagine lo rápido que esa cosa que ha creado le descartaría.
I imagined that, too.
También imaginé eso.
I figured that,'cause I bet she wouldn't let you do something so stupid.
Me imaginé que, porque yo apuesto a que no te permitiría hacer algo tan estúpido.
I imagine you weren't too, uh, too keen on that idea, seeing as you thought you were an only child just a couple weeks before, right?
Imagino que tú no estabas entusiasmado con la idea, creyendo que eras su único hijo hasta hace solo un par de semanas.
Can't imagine why I'd need that.
¿ Para qué ibas a necesitarlo?
Can you imagine, all that time, separated from a loved one?
¿ Puedes imaginarte, todo ese tiempo, separado de alguien querido?
In fact, I could never imagine I could be that far off, okay?
De hecho, nunca podría imaginarme que podría llegar tan lejos, ¿ vale?
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
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that is 2872
that's my line 54
that's my man 51
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that's for sure 889
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that's me 2273
that is 2872
that's my line 54
that's my man 51
that is so lame 16