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In case you didn't notice traducir español

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In case you didn't notice, you Texas longhorn bull,
En caso de que no lo sepas, tejano de cuernos largos,
In case you didn't notice, flight 139 is back on route.
Por si no os habéis dado cuenta, el vuelo 139 está en el aire otra vez.
I don't speak German, in case you didn't notice.
No sé si se ha dado cuenta, pero no hablo alemán.
But in case you didn't notice, I already am.
Pero, por si no lo notaste, ya lo estoy haciendo.
In case you didn't notice, Mrs. Fletcher, there was both blood and makeup on the front of his shirt.
Sra. Fletcher había sangre y maquillaje en la parte delantera de la camisa.
In case you didn't notice.
¿ No lo ves?
Just in case you didn't notice, you're the only cowboy in this place.
Por si no lo habías notado, eres el único vaquero en este lugar.
I mean, we lost power, in case you didn't notice.
Perdimos potencia, por si no lo notaste.
In case you didn't notice, the white people are melting out here!
Si no lo ha notado, los blancos nos derretimos aquí fuera!
But we've got a show to put on, in case you didn't notice.
Pero estamos montando un espectáculo, ¿ no ve?
In case you didn't notice... the enemy just pulled our shorts over our head and tied them in a knot.
Por si no lo han notado... el enemigo nos has puesto los calzoncillos sobre la cabeza y les hizo un nudo.
"In case you didn't notice, I don't like you."
"Por si no lo sabes, no me gustas".
They aren't in cradle school, case you didn't notice.
No están en la guardería por si no te diste cuenta.
I'm wearing it straight, in case you didn't notice.
Lo uso liso, por si no lo notaste.
In case you didn't notice, I outrank you, Captain.
En caso de no saberlo, mi rango es mayor al suyo, Capitán.
Good.'Cause in case you didn't notice when I had that gun shoved into my gut,
Bueno eso quiero. Por si no te diste cuenta cuando yo tenía esa pistola metida en mis entrañas,
In case you didn't notice, that is a scary man.
Si acaso no lo notaste, ése es el ogro malo.
Well, Xena, in case you didn't notice, I'm in a different kind of mourning.
Bueno, Xena, en caso de que no lo notaras, estoy con otra clase de mañas.
Extended-Range missiles, in case you didn't notice.
Misiles de largo alcance, si no lo habías notado.
In case you didn't notice.
Por si no lo notaste.
in case you didn't notice, i've got a new ship now, so prepare for a little anti-proton-fusion-tank spillover.
en caso de que no te hayas dado cuenta, Tengo una nueva nave ahora, así que prepárate para un poco desbordamiento del tanque de fusión de anti-protones.
In case you didn't notice, there's kind of a war going on between these two homes.
Por si no te has dado cuenta estos dos hogares mantienen una especie de guerra.
Well, I lost, in case you didn't notice.
Sí... perdí, en caso de que no lo hayas notado.
In case you didn't notice, I was in the diner.
Por si no te diste cuenta, estaba en la cafetería.
Hey, Newbie, just in case you didn't actually notice,
¿ Novato?
In case, you didn't notice, school's out.
Si no lo has notado, la escuela cerró.
He's okay, but in case you didn't notice, you almost obliterated our truck last night.
Mejor, pero por si no lo notaste, anoche casi arrollas la camioneta.
Well, in case you didn't notice, I actually saved yours.
Bueno, por si no lo notaste, yo te salvé a ti.
In case you didn't notice
Por si no lo notaron
In case you didn't notice, the lights are all on.
Oye, oye, oye. En caso de que no te hayas dado cuenta, todas las luces están encendidas.
- In case you didn't notice, we're in one!
¡ Por si no lo ha notado, estamos en una!
You know, I'm sitting right next to you going through the same shit... in case you didn't notice.
Sabes, estoy al lado tuyo examinando la misma mierda... en caso de que no lo notaras.
In case you didn't notice, we in drug rehab, man.
En caso de que no lo notaras, estamos rehabilitándonos de la droga, hombre.
In case you didn't notice, they get pretty mean.
Por si no te diste cuenta, pueden ser bastante crueles.
by the way we are having a big sale on refrigerators in case you didn't notice.
Por cierto tenemos una gran venta de refrigeradores.
You know, there was a theme going on, in case you didn't notice.
Sabes, habia un asunto en marcha, por si no te has dado cuenta.
In case you didn't notice, ladies and gents, we're making a movie here tonight and it's possible that later on in the programme, if we have something like audience participation, you'll be illuminated and...
Tom Fowler al bajo. George Duke al teclado. Y yo soy Zach Glickman.
Your hotel is a brothel, in case you didn't notice.
Hacemos la vista gorda, pero ese hotel es un burdel.
In case you didn't notice, I've been trying to bemore honest.
En caso de que no lo notaras, estoy tratando de ser más honesta.
In case you didn't notice, there's three of them in there instead of two.
Por si no lo has notado, ahí dentro hay tres personas en vez de dos.
And just in case you didn't notice, Jerry is indian.
Y, en caso de que no te dieras cuenta, Jerry es indio.
He thinks he's a little Puff Diddly, in case you didn't notice last night.
Se cree un poco como Puff Diddly, por si no lo notaste anoche.
- Hey, numbnuts, in case you didn't notice, I picked you up.
No estoy asustada, por si no lo habías notado.
Look. The squeeze is on in this industry, in case you didn't notice.
Mira, por si no lo habías notado estamos estrujando esta industria
In case you didn't notice, they pulled their guns on me.
En caso que no lo hayas notado, me apuntaron con sus armas.
In case you didn't notice, Rodney is a fireman, okay?
Por si no lo notaste, Rodney es bombero, ¿ sí?
In case you didn't notice, we just got flushed out.
Por si no lo notaron, nos hicieron salir.
In case you didn't notice, we aren't quite ourselves these days.
En caso de que no lo notara, ya no somos nosotros mismos.
Roman was innocent, in case you didn't notice.
Roman era inocente, por si no te has dado cuenta
Yeah, yeah, death's a big deal to you flesh bags, but in case you didn't notice, I'm a robot.
Sí, sí, la muerte es un gran problema para ti, saco de carne, pero por si no lo has notado, soy un robot.
In case you guys didn't notice, we just got patted on the head and sent off to play.
En casos de que no os hayáis dado cuenta Acabamos de recibir una palmadita en la cabeza y una invitación a jugar

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