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Involved shooting traducir español

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You have the 915-H officer-involved shooting en route?
¿ Va en ruta el 915-H a donde le dispararon a un oficial?
O.I.S. at the Jockey Club. Officer-involved shooting.
- Oficial implicado en un tiroteo.
Officer involved shooting? Who?
¿ Un tiroteo con oficial involucrado?
- We got an officer-involved shooting!
- ¡ Hirieron a un oficial!
We have an officer-involved shooting.
Un oficial ha baleado a un sospechoso.
Did you take part in an officer-involved shooting yesterday?
¿ Estuvo involucrado ayer en un tiroteo complicado?
It's important to recover all of the rounds... in an officer-involved shooting.
Es importante recuperar todas las balas de un tiroteo cuando hubo bajas en la policía.
- You know what an officer-involved shooting means?
¿ Sabes qué significa un tiroteo con un oficial involucrado?
It's an officer involved shooting.
Es un oficial envuelto en un tiroteo.
I've got an officer-involved shooting.
Tengo un tiroteo con participación de un agente policial.
PD Interrogation taking a statement from Captain James Brass regarding the officer-involved shooting that occurred around 0543 hours this morning.
Interrogatorio del Departamento de Policía tomando una declaración del Capitán James Brass con respecto al oficial-implicado en disparos Que ocurrió alrededor 0543 horas esta mañana.
You were driving a car used in an officer-involved shooting, Missy.
Conducías un auto involucrado en un tiroteo contra un policía.
You've got me involved in a dirty nightclub shooting!
Envuelto en el tiroteo de un sucio local nocturno.
All units in the vicinity on Maple between 7th and 8th, it's a gas station, a 211 and shooting just occurred, an officer involved.
Todas las unidades cercanas a Maple entre la 7ma y la 8va, es una estación de gasolina, un 211 y ha habido disparos, un oficial involucrado.
Last time we had the pleasure of your company, we was involved in four fistfights, a stabbing and a shooting... and all before midnight!
La última vez que gozamos de su compañía, nos metimos en cuatro peleas, un apuñalamiento y un tiroteo... ¡ y todo antes de medianoche!
Now, those in favor of not getting involved in the crisis which is about to befall our fair community. In other words, keeping the hell off the streets and out of the way till the shooting is over, raise your hands.
Ahora los que estén a favor de no involucrarse en la crisis que se avecina en nuestra comunidad y mantenerse fuera de las calles hasta después de la balacera levanten la mano.
One-eight-five-one, officer involved in shooting.
Uno-ocho-cinco-uno, hay un oficial herido.
Enzo was involved in shooting.
Enzo se vio envuelto en un tiroteo.
Ah, but was there a dog involved in the shooting at all?
Pero... ¿ cómo?
The bad news is that Matt was involved in a shooting The good news is that he is up the other guy is down
la mala noticia es que Matt estuvo involucrado en un tiroteo la buena es que esta bien el otro agente no
They're up in Canada,... shooting every foot of every scene in which she's not involved, but, you see, she is the lead.
Están en Canadá, rodando las escenas en la que ella no está. Ella es el personaje principal.
The Lincoln was involved in a shooting. - You're kidding.
El Lincoln fue utilizado en una balacera en el Presidio.
We started getting little bits of information, though... that David had been involved in a shooting in Dallas of a police officer.
Comenzamos a obtener retazos de información... sobre David en relación al homicidio de un oficial de policía en Dallas.
I asked him if he'd been involved in any shooting... or knew anything about a shooting, and he denied that to the end.
Le pregunté si había participado en un tiroteo... o si sabía algo sobre un tiroteo y lo negó hasta el fin.
The officer that was involved in the shooting here...
El agente que se vio envuelto en el tiroteo...
Well, every officer involved in a shooting has to see one of us for counseling at least once. Okay. L've been seen.
Todo implicado en una balacera tiene que vernos al menos una vez.
We started drinking, shooting off at the mouth and before we knew it there was this guy called Sorenson involved.
Comenzamos a beber y a hablar demasiado... y antes de darnos cuenta, se involucró este tipo llamado Sorenson.
These three policemen involved in the shooting...
Los tres policías implicados en el tiroteo...
Nobody likes to get involved with a murder case, but other than the little boy, you're the only one that I can place at the shooting... besides Phil Hartman, and he's not talking.
Ud. es el único que estuvo en el tiroteo... además de Phil Hartman, y él no hablará.
She was involved in a shooting.
Dijeron que fue herida en el pecho pero no dijeron si es grave. La policía me trajo.
We go through every file of every individual who ´ s ever been involved in a gang or a drug-related shooting.
Repasaremos todos los expedientes de cada persona involucrada en una pandilla o en un tiroteo por drogas.
The files on the people involved in the shooting incidents.
Los expedientes de la gente involucrada en incidentes de disparos.
We just have to find out whether Campbell really was involved in this shooting.
Debemos descubrir si Campbell estuvo realmente involucrado en este tiroteo.
That gun was involved in a police shooting.
Aquella arma se utilizó en un tiroteo.
187 with an officer-involved shooting.
Tiroteo, agente involucrado.
Our son, Elias, was involved in a shooting?
¿ Nuestro hijo estuvo en un tiroteo?
Val Waxman`s ex-wife, who was very hands-off when shooting began... is now very much involved.
La ex mujer de Val Waxman, siempre ausente al principio se halla ahora muy involucrada.
My son is Eric Harris and I'm afraid he might be involved in the shooting at Columbine.
Mi hijo es Eric Harris. Temo que esté involucrado en el tiroteo.
That's a picture that the little boy that was involved in the Buell school shooting... Once he was brought back to our office...
Eso lo hizo el niño de Buell cuando lo trajimos a la oficina.
The police has discovered the body of a fugitive suspect He was involved in the Sheung Wan shooting earlier today
La policía ha descubierto... el cuerpo de un sospechoso fugitivo. Estuvo involucrado en... el tiroteo de Sheung Wan hoy temprano.
- What happened? - She was involved in a shooting.
- Se vio envuelta en un tiroteo.
Hey, Bradley's been involved in a gang shooting.
Bradley estuvo involucrado en un tiroteo de pandillas.
"We're against attacks on people not involved with the street gang, " the drug trade or the illegal business at all. "All that kidnapping and shooting drive-bys, we against that."
" Estamos en contra de ataques a gente inocente, el tráfico de drogas, o cualquier negocio ilegal, los secuestros, tiroteos.
The police has discovered the body of a fugitive suspect. He was involved in the Sheung Wan shooting earlier today.
La policía ha descubierto el cuerpo de uno de los fugitivos en el tiroteo de esta tarde en Sheung Wan.
Somebody else contacted him, and-and he wouldn't be involved in any shooting.
Alguien se contactó con él pero no le dijeron que se produciría un tiroteo.
I was involved in an on-duty shooting last month.
Estuve involucrada en un tiroteo el mes pasado.
Any agent who's involved in a shooting needs time to process it... and you may need more time than others because...
Cualquier agente implicado en un tiroteo necesita procesarlo, y usted necesita más tiempo, porque...
However, the last time Speedle was involved in a shooting, his service pistol misfired.
Sin embargo, la última vez que Speedle estuvo envuelto en un tiroteo su pistola de servicio falló el disparo.
Aside from the fact that you have no registration for that boat, it was involved in a shooting over by Star Island today.
Además de no tener licencia, ese bote estuvo hoy en un tiroteo en Star Island.
You were involved in a shooting four months ago at a club in Tribeca.
Estuvo envuelto en un tiroteo en un club en Tribeca hace 4 meses.
And that he was involved with the shooting of a security guard?
¿ Que estaba involucrado en la muerte de un guardia?

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