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Is there something going on traducir español

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Is there something going on at the Soma place?
¿ Pasa algo en casa de Soma?
Is there something going on?
¿ Hay algo en marcha?
- Is there something going on?
- ¿ Sabes si tienen algo?
- Is there something going on between-- -
- ¿ Ha pasado algo entre vosotros...?
Oh. Is there something going on in the circle?
Oh. ¿ Pasa algo en el círculo?
Oh. Is there something going on in the circle?
Oh. ¿ Está pasando algo en el circulo?
Is there something going on that I should know about?
¿ Ocurre algo que deba saber?
Andie, is there something going on between you and these ladies?
Andie, ¿ pasa algo entre estas chicas y tú?
"There is surely something strange going on on Bannec..."
" Seguramente, hay algo en Bannec...
Hey, something fishy is going on there.
¡ Tú! Hay algo que apesta en la barraca.
Buster, there is something going on.
Buster, algo está pasando.
Is there something special going on there, at the long table?
¿ Qué celebran en la mesa larga?
There is something going on around here.
Algo está pasando aquí.
There's something going on there in the West and I'd like to try and learn what it is if you feel you've got the room.
Algo se cuece en el Oeste y me gustaría saber qué es. Si os parece que tenéis sitio.
That is, there's something very mysterious going on around here.
Aquí está ocurriendo algo muy misterioso.
Something is going on down there.
Algo ocurre allá abajo.
There is something going on here.
Aquí pasa algo.
There is something going on here Kathy, and it's not very pretty.
Aquí sucede algo, Kathy. Algo malo.
There is something going on.
Aquí ocurre algo.
There's something going on, and I'm going to find out what it is.
Allí está pasando algo y voy a averiguar qué es.
Mr. Stringer, there is something going on aboard the Battledore.
Señor Stringer, algo está pasando a bordo del Battledore.
Quite apart from the fact, mr. Pierce, that you're not the most sensitive of men, did it ever occur to you there's something odd going on here and we better dispense with business as usual until we find out exactly what is going on?
Dejando aparte el hecho, señor Pierce, que usted no es el más sensible de los hombres, y nunca lo será, algo raro está pasando aquí y haríamos bien en seguir con el asunto como de costumbre hasta averiguar qué está pasando exactamente.
Something odd is going on there.
Pasan cosas extrañas.
There's something fishy going on, and I wanna find out what it is.
Está pasando algo raro, y quiero averiguar lo que es.
But I'll tell you this there's something very big going on here, and if the Daleks are involved, you can bet your life our whole galaxy is in danger!
Pero voy a decirte esto : hay algo muy grande pasando aquí, y si se trata de los Dalek, usted puede apostar su vida a que toda nuestra galaxia está en peligro!
There is something funny going on in this house.
En esta casa pasa algo raro.
let's find out what's goin'on first, huh, if there is something going on, before we start spreading around lots of lies?
Si es que está pasando algo, antes de que difundamos mentiras.
If something unusual is going on down there...
Si allá pasa algo fuera de lo normal...
I said : " What's going on, is there something wrong?
Yo le dije : "¿ Qué te pasa? ¿ Te pasa algo?" "¡ No!"
There is something very strange going on here, but he refuses to accept the new factor.
Hay algo muy extraño está pasando aquí, pero él se niega a aceptar el nuevo factor.
There is something going on.
- Está pasando algo.
There is something going on.
- Lafarge! - Está pasando algo.
I think there is something going on, somewhere...
Creo que está sucediendo algo.
There's something going on. The guy is nowhere.
El tipo no está en ninguna parte.
There is something funny going on here.
Hay algo raro aquí.
There is something odd going on in my building.
En mi edificio está pasando algo muy extraño.
Well, it's just possible there's something else going on but I don't know what it is.
Bueno, también es posible que haya otra cosa de por medio... pero no sé lo que es.
I think the answer is something fishy's going on up there!
La respuesta es que ahí pasa algo raro.
There is something monstrous going on down there.
Está sucediendo algo monstruoso allí abajo.
Look, there's something nasty going on. Do you know what it is?
Mira, hay algo malo ocurriendo. ¿ Sabes qué es?
Something peculiar is going on there.
Hay algo peculiar en esa fiebre.
But I do know one thing- - something weird is going on up there.
Pero de una cosa estoy seguro... Algo raro está pasando ahí.
There is something else going on here.
Aquí está pasando otra cosa.
Because if they make contact... and if something is going on there... we will probably have a raid of the Amahuacas down here.
porque si es así... y si algo sucede allá... probablemente habrá un ataque de los Amahuacas.
There is something going on.
Está pasando algo.
- I'm sorry to disturb you. But there really is something strange going on here.
Lamento incomodar, pero algo extraño sucede.
Amigo, if there is something going on, you will go home in the trunks of 10 different cars.
Amigo, si está pasando algo, se irá a casa en los troncos de 10 coches diferentes.
Gary, I think you have got to accept the fact... that there is something very unusual going on in your relationship.
Gary, creo que tienes que aceptar el hecho... de que algo muy extraño sucede en tu relación.
Someone out there must be able to see that something is going on in here.
Alguien intentará entrar al edificio tarde o temprano.
There is something weird going on around here.
Aquí está pasando algo raro.
There is something going on here.
Y sé que aquí está pasando algo.

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