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Is there something wrong with me traducir español

148 traducción paralela
Is there something wrong with me?
¿ Me pasa algo raro?
Jamie, I'm being stared at. Is there something wrong with me?
Jamie, me están mirando. ¿ Me pasa algo raro?
Is there something wrong with me?
¿ Tengo algo?
Doc, uh... is there something wrong with me?
Doctor... ¿ me pasa algo malo?
What's wrong with me? Is there something wrong with me?
¿ Algo me pasa a mí?
Mr. Longtooth... is there something wrong with me?
Sr. Longtooth ¿ hay algo malo en mí?
Is there something wrong with me?
- Siempre de broma, ¿ que te pasa?
Is there something wrong with me?
¿ Tengo algún defecto?
- Is there something wrong with me?
¿ Hay algo malo en mí? Sí, cariño.
Is there something wrong with me?
¿ Crees que voy a recuperarme?
Is there something wrong with me, denny?
Ni siquiera pienso en Gloria.
Is there something wrong with me?
¿ Hay algo malo en mí?
Is there something wrong with me?
¿ Tiene algo que ver conmigo?
Is there something wrong with me?
¿ Me sucede algo malo?
- Is there something wrong with me?
- ¿ Hay algo malo en mí? - Oh, Ally.
Is there something wrong with me?
¿ Pasa algo malo conmigo?
Is there something wrong with me, madam?
¿ Tengo algo malo, Sra.?
Is there something wrong with me?
¿ Qué es lo que no te gusta de mí?
I'm wondering, is there something wrong with me, Father?
Me pregunto, ¿ tendré algo malo, Padre?
You can keep laying there, I've got the feeling something is wrong with him.
Puedes quedarte tranquilo en la cama. Creo que hay algo que no me cuadra.
Is there something really wrong with me?
¿ Me pasa algo malo?
There is something wrong with me.
Me pasa algo.
Was there something wrong with that, or is it just my hangover?
¿ Oigo bien o es que todavía me dura la resaca?
Excuse me, sir, is there something wrong with your teeth?
Discúlpeme, señor, ¿ tiene algún problema en los dientes?
There is something wrong with me.
Me ocurre algo.
Is there something wrong with that which you don't want me to know?
¿ Va algo mal que no quieres que me entere?
Is there something wrong with me?
¿ Hay algo mal? Tal vez usted tiene la lechuga en la nariz.
You can tell me right now. is there something wrong with that?
¿ Tiene algo de malo?
The truth is, there ´ s surely something wrong with me.
Pero una cosa es cierta algo falla en mi está claro...
Am i mistaken or is there something wrong with the two of you?
¿ Me equivoco o algo os esta pasando a vosotros dos?
Is there something wrong with what I'm wearing?
¿ No te gusta lo que me he puesto?
Creo que la carne no me cayó muy bien.
I think there is something wrong with me.
No muy bien..
- [Cuckoo, Cuckoo] - Seems to work fine The man said there was something wrong with the clock but he wouldn't tell me what is was
Parece que funciona bien, si hubiera algo malo con el reloj Anthony me lo hubiera dicho.
Is there something really wrong with me?
¿ Hay algún problema conmigo?
I like to be with my mother. Is there something wrong with that?
Me gusta estar con mi madre hay algo mal con eso?
Yes, and I believe there is something intrinsically wrong with that system, and have dedicated myself to changing it.
Ya, y creo que hay algo que está intrínsicamente mal en ese sistema, y me he dedicado a cambiarlo.
Doctor, there's something wrong with me. What is it?
Doctor, no me encuentro bien.
There is something wrong with me.
He caído muy bajo. Algo está mal conmigo.
Maybe there is something wrong with me.
Quizá sí tenga un problema.
- What? is there something hideously wrong with me?
¿ Tengo algo malo?
Maybe there is something wrong with me.
Quizá tenga un problema.
What I want you to tell me... is whether there's something wrong with you.
Lo que quiero que me digas... es si hay algo mal contigo.
So either the stock market crashed or there's something wrong with me and no one is willing to talk about it.
¿ Entonces qué?
Boss, just in case there is something wrong with the potion, allow me to take the first sip.
Jefe, sólo por si la poción tiene algo malo, déjame tomar primero.
Is there something wrong with a girl being attracted to me? Is that a problem?
¿ Tiene algo de malo que yo le atraiga a una chica?
Just'cause I eat chicken and watermelon... they think there's something wrong with me. If you don't like chicken or watermelon... something is wrong with you, motherfucker.
sólo porque como pollo y sandía... piensan que algo raro me pasa si no te gusta el pollo o la sandía... algo te pasa, hijo puta
That's what I'm waiting for...'cause the timing of this Michael Jackson shit is what makes me doubt it. Every time there's wars going out of control, or the economy is bad... or something is wrong with the world at large... it's always these moments in history... that Michael Jackson will coincidentally... jerk off a kid. This is getting ridiculous.
eso es lo que estoy esperando... porque el tiempo de esta mierda de Michael Jackson es cada vez que hay guerras que se salen de control, o hay algo mal con el mundo entero... es siempre este momento en la historia... que Michael Jackson por coincidencia... pajea a un niño, esto se está volviendo ridículo
- There is something wrong with me.
Algo malo me pasa.
What pisses me off the most is if they think Jerri more worthy to stay in this game than I am, then... that there's something wrong with their screws in their head, and-and I don't know what game they're playing.
lo que mas me molesta es que si ellos creen que Jerri vale mas la pena de quedarse en el juego que yo, entonces... tienen algo mal en sus cabezas y la verdad que no se que juego estan jugando.
There is something wrong with me.
Hay algo, ¿ verdad?

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