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It'll be over soon traducir español

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I'm going to Europe pretty soon. I'll be back in the fall, and then we'll talk it over.
Me voy a Europa, ya hablaremos.
It'll soon be over.
Esto pasará pronto.
but it'll be over soon do you think it'll turn out alright?
Pronto habrá terminado... ¿ Crees que todo irá bien?
It'll soon be over.
Pronto estará fuera.
You'll be a good boy when you stop wetting the bed You sure are a good boy you'll get over it soon
Serás un buen chico cuando dejes de mojar la cama.
Anyway, for me it's almost over, soon I'll be gone.
Ahora, quizás esto se acabe para mí y me largue de aquí.
It'll be over soon.
Pronto se acabará.
It'll soon be over, John.
Pronto terminará todo, John.
It'll be over soon. 33,333!
Apúrese, no va se acabar el sorteo.
It'll be over as soon as it starts, now that Bridger lit the fuse.
Podriamos haberlo consegujdo ya, pero ese Brjdger se njega.
It'll be over soon.
- Sólo es un momento. No puedo!
Yes, well it'll soon be over, they'll all be broke.
Pronto habrá acabado. Estarán todas arruinadas.
It'll soon be over.
Pronto se va a acabar.
Well, it'll be over soon.
Pronto se acabará.
We'll be over, sir as soon as we can fit it in our schedule.
Iremos a visitarlo en cuanto tengamos tiempo.
It'll soon be over.
Es poco tiempo.
I'm sorry. It'll be over soon.
- Terminaremos pronto.
It's a passing phase. Very soon it'll all be over.
Pronto acabará.
You'll see how soon I'll be over it.
Verás qué pronto se me pasa.
Look, it's all over and done with, and as soon as I pay you the rest of the tab and blow this town, it'll be like it never was.
Mire, se acabó todo y termino con, Y tan pronto pague el resto saldre volando de esta ciudad, será como que nunca lo fue.
But it'll be over soon!
¡ Pero se le terminará pronto!
It'll soon be over, you'll see.
¡ Ya lo verás! Todo acabará, muy pronto.
Don't be afraid. It'll be over soon.
No temas, pronto terminará todo.
It'll be over soon. I hope.
Pronto se acabará, espero.
It'll soon be over.
Pronto todo habrá terminado.
I'll be over as soon as it gets dark.
Iré en cuanto oscurezca.
I'll be over as soon as it's dark.
Iré en cuanto oscurezca.
Oh, Todd... as soon as this is over, it'll be just like before.
En cuanto esto acabe, todo será igual que antes.
The listener think s it'll soon be over, but one story creates another, and then another.
El oyente cree que todo acabará en pronto, pero una historia crea otra, y después otra.
It'll be over soon.
Terminará pronto.
We have people all over the countryside looking for it so I'll be right back with you as soon as we can find it.
Pero hemos enviado gente a buscarlo. De modo que volveré no bien lo encuentren.
It'll soon be over.
Pronto habrá pasado todo. Así es.
But believe me, it'll all be over soon.
Pero créeme pronto terminará todo.
I think it'll all be over soon, Herr Rittmeister.
Creo que se acabará pronto, Herr Rittmeister.
Don't worry. It'll soon be over.
No te preocupes.
It's all over now and soon it'll be dark.
todo terminó y pronto oscurecerá.
It'll be over soon.
Se me pasará pronto.
Yeah, I'll die soon and it'll all be over, John.
Sí, me moriré pronto y todo se habrá terminado, John.
It'll all be over soon.
Terminará pronto.
A sort of temporary breakdown, but I'll be over it soon. My dear chap, I'm so sorry.
Tengo una especie de agotamiento, pero pronto me recuperare.
After all, you're only here a week or two, at the most. And anyway, as soon as it's over, you'll be going home.
Después de todo sólo va a estar aquí dos o tres semanas y de todas formas cuando acabe esto, se marchará
- You think it'll be over soon?
- ¿ Crees que terminará pronto?
So it'll be over soon.
Así terminamos antes.
It'll all be over soon.
Todo terminará pronto.
They say we'll be over it soon.
Dicen que acabará pronto.
Don't worry over it. You'll see, you'll soon be back.
No te preocupes por eso.
It'll all be over soon.
Todo va a terminar pronto.
Don't go yet, Charles. It'll be over soon.
No te vayas todavía, Charles, pronto terminará.
Wait. It'll be over soon.
Pronto habrá acabado todo.
Oh, it'll soon be over.
Oh, pronto habrá terminado.
I know it's a nightmare, okay? But it'll be over soon.
Sé que es una pesadilla, pero pronto terminará.

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