It's about that time traducir español
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I think it's about time for me to start going out to things like that.
Creo que es hora de que empiece a salir a cosas así.
Isn't it about time we took our leave? that's right.
De alguna manera, no se librarás de mí esta noche.
I know all about that other time, it's now or never!
Esa'otra vez'ya me la conozco, ¡ ahora o nunca!
Don't you think it's about time that you and I split 50-50 in something?
¿ No crees que es hora que tú y yo dividamos 50-50 en algo?
It's just that one day I realized that I had stopped thinking about you for quite some time.
Es sólo que un día me dí cuenta que había dejado de pensar en ti durante bastante tiempo.
It's about time to send her up to that home.
Ya va siendo hora de mandarla de vuelta a casa.
Oh, well, it's about time that everybody gets introduced to everybody.
Empecemos con las presentaciones.
Time enough to worry about that when it's all gone. Here.
Nos preocuparemos de eso cuando se acabe.
Listen.. I wouldn't give those dopes any time when they beef about that dough. It's like I said to the gang in the office..
No les haga caso a esos, es lo que dije en la oficina.
I knew it, see? That's the crazy thing about me. I knew it all the time.
Mira eso es extraño lo sabía todo el tiempo.
It's about time Grenock got down off that pole.
Ya es hora de que Grenock baje de ese poste.
It's just about that time.
Uh, justo era la hora.
But when a whole town begins to talk about a connection between the missing bodies and whatever it is that goes on in this house well, I figure it's time I found out what is going on.
Pero cuando todo un pueblo empieza a hablar sobre una conexión entre los cuerpos desaparecidos y lo que sea que ocurre en esta casa bueno, es el momento de que averigue que está pasando.
It's about time you realized... that my wedding is more important to me than your stupid business.
Es hora de que entiendas... que mi boda es más importante para mí que tu tonto negocio.
Father, don't you think it's about time That our children had their, um... yes, dear.
Padre, no te parece es hora de que nuestros niños tuvieran su, eh...
- Hey, it's about time you stopped that.
- Ya es hora de olvidarlo.
"It was about this time That a celebrated doctor"... underlined... " for years Liszt's most relentless critic,
Fue entonces cuando un ilustre médico, subrayado el crítico más férreo de Liszt, se retiró de la desigual batalla a su mansión en Pertisau...
It's about time you asked me that.
Es hora de que me lo pidiera.
Oh please Mr Povey this is not the time to talk about that. Oh, it's the time alright!
Si hiciera eso, este viaje terminaría antes de empezar.
It was about the time that Micky rang Netta's doorbell... and found that she'd disappeared.
A la hora que Micky tocó la puerta de Netta... y descubrió que había desaparecido.
Well, that's about it. Mrs. Pierce needs time to get started.
Necesita tiempo para empezar.
Well, it's about time you were asking me that.
Ya era hora de que me lo preguntaras.
It's time that you understood about me and mother.
Es hora de que entiendas lo que pasa con mamá.
That's when you get it...'long about the time you start eating vegetables.
Las coges cuando empiezas a comerlas.
It's about time you realize that Harry is like other men.
Debes comprender que Harry es como los demás hombres.
well, if you want to put it that way. After all, it's time you thought a little bit about Tommy and me.
Si quieres decirlo así, después de todo es hora de que pienses un poco en Tommy y en mí.
If you ask me, son, I think it's about time that young chap had a bit of a rest.
Pero creo que va siendo hora de que este joven se tome unos dias de descanso.
You think it's a proper time to talk about things like that? Walking along a dirty hotel corridor looking at numbers on bedroom doors.
¿ Crees apropiado hablar sobre esas cosas... mientras buscas las habitaciones de este hotel inmundo?
It's just that you caught me off guard, you know, not knowing too muoh about you, because you always make me talk about myself all the time, so that for a minute there, I wasn't very bright on the uptake.
- Me tomaste por sorpresa. No sé mucho de ti porque siempre me haces hablar de mí. Así que no fui muy brillante.
Don't you think it's about time you put that imagination of yours to work?
¿ No crees que ya es hora de que hagas uso de tu imaginación?
Yeah, it's about that time.
Sí, ya es hora.
That's the first time anyone said that about me and it's one of the few times when I am.
Es la primera vez que alguien dice eso de mí y es una de las pocas veces que lo soy.
Guess it's about that time.
Supongo que ya es la hora.
Come to think of it, it's about time that I fed you.
Ahora que lo pienso, ya era hora de que empezara a darte un sustento.
It's about that time, ain't it?
- Debe ser la hora.
It's about time people began to realize that we've got a job ahead of us here, cleaning up this town.
Ya es hora de que la gente se dé cuenta de que tenemos una ciudad por limpiar.
It's about time General Keitel told Corporal Hitler that military intelligence is not a murder organisation.
Es hora que el General Keitel le diga al Cabo Hitler... que la inteligencia militar no es una organización criminal.
It's possible that at this time, sister, you're about to pass the deciding test.
Es posible que en estos momentos, hermana, esté a punto de superar la prueba decisiva.
Well, it's just about that time, you night owls.
Así que nunca lo hizo. "Bueno amigos, es la hora de los buhos".
Mr. Aldrich, I think it's about time that you learn to enjoy water.
Sr. Aldrich, creo que es hora que comience a disfrutar del agua.
I guess it's about time I told you a few more things about that Sefton guy.
Ya es hora de que les cuente más sobre él.
It's about time you wore something besides that old black velvet.
Ya era hora que jubilaras ese viejo vestido de terciopelo negro.
That's what I mean. It's about time you learned.
Eso significa que ya es hora de que aprendas.
Why, that'll be very nice It's about time he married too
, esto es muy bonito también es hora de que se case
It's just about time for the sun to hit that vacant lot.
Ya debe de haber algún rayito de sol.
I don't know if you left a call with the desk,... but it's about that time.
No sé si dejaste recado para que te despertaran, pero arriba.
If you're gonna catch that show, it's just about curtain time.
Si van a ir al teatro, deberían irse.
It's about time you learned that girls want to do the same things as boys.
Ya es hora que aprendas que las chicas quieren hacer lo mismo que los chicos.
This time it's something that I'M terribly sorry about.
Hay algo que lamento profundamente.
That's about the fourth time this summer it's broken loose.
Es la cuarta vez este verano que se va a la deriva.
It's about that time.
Ya era hora.
it's about damn time 34
it's about fucking time 24
it's about time 533
it's about 350
it's about to start 25
it's about me 95
it's about trust 19
it's about this 19
it's about family 16
it's about you 142
it's about fucking time 24
it's about time 533
it's about 350
it's about to start 25
it's about me 95
it's about trust 19
it's about this 19
it's about family 16
it's about you 142
it's about him 23
it's about money 31
it's about us 42
it's about her 19
that time 73
it's fine 7136
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
it's done 1271
it's been so long 173
it's about money 31
it's about us 42
it's about her 19
that time 73
it's fine 7136
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
it's done 1271
it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
it's warm 139
it's over 4654
it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
it's me 10254
it's all right 8832
it's not 5855
it's a boy 347
it's cool 1584
it's warm 139
it's over 4654
it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
it's me 10254
it's all right 8832
it's not 5855
it's a boy 347
it's cool 1584