It's been traducir español
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Yeah, it has been awhile, that's why I'm calling.
Sí, ha pasado un tiempo, por eso llamaba.
Work has been really demanding. It always is this time of year, but more than that, my son's visit soon has added crazy stress at home.
Siempre es así en esta época del año, pero más que nada la inminente visita de mi hijo ha causado mucho estrés en casa.
It's been a long road, but we're both still here.
Ha sido un largo camino, pero ambos estamos todavía aquí.
It's always been real.
Siempre lo ha sido.
It's been a while since I trained.
Hace ya tiempo que no entreno.
And it's been in your family for centuries.
Y ha estado en su familia durante siglos.
Every Lord I've ever met it's been a cunt.
Cada Señor que he conocido es un coño.
It's been a while.
Ha pasado mucho tiempo.
- It's been a really long time.
- Ha pasado mucho tiempo.
And I was bowing before the great Burning Man itself, which, if you've never been... it's sort of like an idol?
Y me incliné ante el mismísimo Hombre en llamas del festival, que, si no lo habéis visto, es como una especie de ídolo.
We've been talking about whether it's time for us to end our tour here.
Hemos estado hablando sobre si ha llegado el momento de acabar nuestra misión.
It's been a long night.
Ha sido una noche larga.
Okay. It's been fun.
Vale, ha sido divertido.
It's been a long time.
Ha pasado mucho tiempo.
It's been a rough one for you.
Ha sido un caso difícil para ti.
It's been known to boost memory functions in mice.
Ha probado estimular las funciones de la memoria en ratones.
But it's been tested on humans, too, right?
Pero también lo han probado en humanos, ¿ verdad?
Oh, Tom, it's been the most wonderful day.
Tom, ha sido un día maravilloso.
Because we've been dredging up the past, and it's been...
Tenemos como 16. Porque hemos estado desenterrando el pasado, y ha sido...
It's just been such a long time since Bruce has introduced us to any of his girlfriends.
Hace ya mucho tiempo que Bruce no nos presenta a alguna de sus amigas.
It's been kind of depressing, actually.
En realidad, ha sido deprimente.
I got certified to sub at the school, it's just there've been no openings.
Me certificaron sub en la escuela, es sólo que no ha habido aperturas.
- It's been so long.
- Ha pasado tanto tiempo...
Look, it's... it's been a really hard day, and I-I want to be alone.
Mira, es... Ha sido un día muy duro, Y yo... quiero estar sola.
It's just that I've been coming to church for six years and I've volunteered at Helping Hands for three, and I have never heard you say a word about this Hollow Sky.
Es solo que llevo yendo a la iglesia seis años y he sido voluntaria en Manos Amigas tres, y nunca te he oído decir ni una palabra sobre Cielo Vacío.
It's always been about you and Frost.
Siempre ha sido sobre ti y Frost.
It's been my experience that blood will always rise to the occasion if you give it the chance.
Por mi experiencia sé que la familia siempre ayuda cuando existe la necesidad si le das la oportunidad.
It's who we've always been.
Siempre hemos sido así.
But it's been a very difficult time for the entire family.
Pero han sido tiempos muy difíciles para la familia.
It's been turned off all day, and there was a meeting today at Martin's school, and it was an important meeting, and he didn't show up, so I'm just...
Ha estado apagado durante todo el día y hoy hubo una reunión en la escuela de Martin. Y era una reunión importante pero él no apareció.
What's it been?
¿ Cuánto tiempo pasó?
What's it been, 25 years, 30?
¿ Cuánto ha pasado, 25 años, 30?
I'm hoping that by talking to someone else who's been through it, it'll help.
Espero que hablando con alguien más que haya pasado por eso, ayude.
It's been, what, 24 hours?
Han pasado, ¿ qué, 24 horas?
It's been a pleasure.
Ha sido un placer.
I told you, it's been taken care of.
Te lo dije, ya se ha resuelto.
Huck guaranteed me that it's been closed.
Huck me aseguró que estaba cerrada.
It is about every woman who has been told her entire life that her dreams, her desires are crazy and impossible and that the ceiling's too high and unbreakable.
Va por todas las mujeres a las que le han dicho toda su vida que sus sueños, sus deseos son una locura e imposibles y que el techo está demasiado alto y es irrompible.
It's been four hours.
Han pasado cuatro horas.
It's been two years, Abby.
Han pasado dos años, Abby.
And it's been 2 1 / 2 years since he lost the election.
Y han pasado dos años y medio desde que perdió las elecciones.
It's why you would've been a great President.
Es por eso que habrías sido una gran presidenta.
It's been too long.
Ha pasado mucho tiempo.
The electors. It's been taken care of.
Los electores, se han ocupado de eso.
It's the only way to prevent Mellie from becoming President and to keep these people from getting what they've been after the entire time.
Es la única forma de evitar que Mellie se convierta en presidenta y evitar que esa gente consiga lo que ha estado persiguiendo todo este tiempo.
And it's been great, it's just my residency interviews are coming up, so...
Y ha sido genial, pero mis entrevistas de residencia están cerca, así que...
Ganymede is the worst it's ever been between our nations.
Ganímedes es lo peor que ha pasado entre nuestras naciones.
It's been a while.
Sí, fue hace mucho.
Yeah, it's been customized.
Sí, ha sido personalizado.
I know I've been stupid and made mistakes and I'm not asking you to forgive me, but when I think of this place it's not my family, my father... it's you.
Sé que he sido estúpido y he cometido errores... y no te pido que me perdones, pero cuando pienso en este lugar no es en mi familia, en mi padre... es en ti.
It's called The Dorsia. You've never been?
Se llama el Dorsia. ¿ No ha estado nunca?
it's been so long 173
it's been a while 672
it's been a long day 229
it's been a pleasure 97
it's been a long time 584
it's been forever 36
it's been a long time coming 29
it's been too long 172
it's been a year 51
it's been awhile 61
it's been a while 672
it's been a long day 229
it's been a pleasure 97
it's been a long time 584
it's been forever 36
it's been a long time coming 29
it's been too long 172
it's been a year 51
it's been awhile 61