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It's called traducir español

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Do you know what it's called when you get pregnant after 35?
¿ sabes cómo le dicen?
What that vamp did to you back at the bar... it's called encanto.
Lo que ese vampiro te hizo en el bar... se llama encanto.
I've never been, but it's called the Bleu Room.
Nunca he estado, pero se llama Bleu Room.
- Oh, it's called police work.
- Se llama trabajo policial.
It's called tit for tat.
Se llama tal para cual.
- I believe it's called a sit-in.
- Creo que lo llaman sentada.
I don't know what it's called, saw it on TV.
No sé cómo se llama, lo vi en la televisión.
- It's called entrapment.
- Eso es trampa.
It's called free-balling, Mom. I swear.
Se llama "bolas libres", mamá.
It's called "voir dire."
Se llama "voir diré".
It's called being better.
Se llama mejorar.
It's called multitasking.
Se le llama multitareas.
It's Valentina's security badge for a place called
Es el distintivo con pase de seguridad de Valentina para un lugar llamado
It's called New Beginnings.
Se llama Nuevos inicios.
French guy called Tavernier stole it from the eye of a statue of the goddess Khali in an Indian temple, back in the 1600's.
- El Ojo Azul... Un tal Tavernier lo saqueó del ojo de una estatua de la diosa Kali en un templo indio, en el s. XVII.
It's been called in.
Se te reclama.
It's sometimes called Bombay blood.
También lo llaman "sangre Bombay".
It's called the Prince of Wales. Stay there.
Se llama el Príncipe de Gales.
What's it called?
¿ Cómo se llama?
It's called an IBM.
Se llama IBM.
It's called having a dick.
Basta con tener verga.
That's what it's called and they serve tapas.
Así es como se llama y sirven tapas.
Ah, well, the paramedics weren't called, so it's better than your average night in my house growing up.
Bueno, no se ha llamado a los paramédicos, así que es mejor que cualquiera de mis noches en mi casa de pequeño.
Hey. It's called the Wild Hunt.
Se llama la Cacería Salvaje.
It's called shooting back.
Se llama devolver los disparos.
It's called the Beast.
Lo llaman la Bestia.
It's called a Hellhound.
Se llamaba el Sabueso del Infierno.
It's called a Hellhound.
Se le llama Perro del Infierno.
It's called "I'm not going to take another arrow to my stomach-phobia."
Se llama "no voy a recibir otra flecha en mi estómago-fobia"
It's called a pike.
Es llamado un Pike.
You can't just go buy one at the... what's it called?
¿ No puedes ir y comprar uno en... cómo se llame?
Isn't that what it's called?
¿ No se llama así?
Look, I called what's going on with you anger management because I don't know what else to call it.
Mira, llamé a lo que te pasa control de la ira porque no sé de qué otra forma llamarlo.
It's called a freeport it holds commodities while they're in transit between international destinations.
Se llama puerto franco. Almacena mercancía en tránsito entre destinos internacionales.
It's called the Lotus.
Se llama el Lotus.
I called the CCPD, and they have been looking everywhere, but it's already been 48 hours, and still nothing, but then a crime scene technician pulled me aside and said that I needed to talk to you about this.
Llamé a la CCPD, y buscaron en todas partes, pero iban 48 horas, y todavía nada, pero uno de los técnicos me dijo aparte que necesitaba que hablara contigo de esto.
They stole a cyber weapon called Rubicon and now are using it to commandeer the world's nukes, so we have less than 24 hours to stop it, or the world is going to experience the sequel to "Wargames."
Robaron un arma cibernética llamada Rubicón y ahora lo están utilizando para comandar los misiles nucleares del mundo entero, así que nos quedan menos de 24 horas para detenerlo, o el mundo va a experimentar la secuela de "Juegos de guerra".
It's called gallows humor.
Se le llama humor negro.
It's called a bill, Mom.
Se llaman decretos, Mama.
It's called loyalty.
Se llama lealtad.
And there it is right there- - everything that's wrong with you as a so-called "leader."
Y ahí está... todo lo que haces mal como la llamada "líder".
It's called a gun!
¡ Y se le llama arma!
It's called love.
Se llama amor.
- I'm also going to need a list of everybody that knew Michael Thompson was stashed on Shetland, because we've got a second murder there - a young boy called Robbie Morton - and it's connected to the murder
- Voy a necesitar una lista de... los que sabían que Michael Thompson se escondía en Shetland, porque tenemos un segundo asesinato allá. Un joven llamado Robbie Morton. Y está conectado con el asesinato... de tu testigo estrella.
It's called "The F Word."
Se llama "La palabra con F"
No, it's'cause Gus wrote a song about me called "The F Word," and he played it in front of about 100 people.
No, es porque Gus escribió una canción sobre mí titulada "la palabra con F" y la tocó delante de unas cien personas.
- It's called being human.
- Se llama ser humano.
- No, it's called being a pussy.
- No, se llama ser cobarde.
I forget what it's called.
Olvidé cómo se llama.
It's called "time drift."
Esto se llama "tiempo a la deriva."
- It's probably been called off.
- Quizá lo cancelaron.

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