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It's not bad at all traducir español

94 traducción paralela
Well, it's not bad at all.
No está nada mal.
Not bad at all, but it's a long way from my real interest, research.
Nada mal, pero me aleja de la investigación.
It's not bad at all He'll treat us tonight, I hope
Espero que esta noche nos invite.
- Yeah. It's not at all bad. Untrained, but I've got an eye for talent.
Claro, habría que educarla pero la base esta ahí.
Oh no.. it's not bad at all.
No, no me duele en absoluto.
It's not bad at all. Are you sure this is the minimum? Sure I'm sure.
Usted quería la dirección actual de un individuo llamado Smithers, Alfred Smithers.
It's not bad. It's not bad at all.
No está mal, no está del todo mal.
You should, it's not bad at all.
Deberías, no es tan malo.
I hate to admit it, Jack, but it's not a bad idea at all.
Odio admitirlo, Jack, pero la idea no está mal pensada.
It's not bad at all.
Nada mal.
- Good, it's not bad at all.
- Bueno, pues no estoy mal del todo.
It's not bad at all, really.
No está nada mal, en verdad.
It's not a bad shape at all
- No es un mal estado.
~ Not bad at all. It's a bargain!
- No está mal, no. ¡ Es una ganga!
Oh, dear. Slip of the hand and it's off to dreamland. I say, that's not at all bad.
No, no debo probar porque me pondría a soñar.
[En] That, no, it's not bad at all.
- No está mal del todo.
They are too much, but, it's not bad at all.
Quizás yo sea un poquito sentimental, lo reconozco, pero
- It's not bad at all.
- No está nada mal.
Not bad at all. It's rather good, I think.
No está nada mal.
It's not just that a normal murderer has bad reasons, or none at all, for committing a murder.
Un asesino común y corriente sólo tiene, qué sé yo, pocos o ningún motivo para el asesinato.
It's not bad at all.
¡ No está tan malo!
- All right, all right, it's not bad at all.
- Tranquilos, no está mal.
It's not bad at all.
No está nada mal.
For a big truck, it's not bad at all.
Para ser un camión, no es malo.
You got some hard days in the winter and stuff... but otherwise, it's not a bad occupation at all.
Hay días duros, en invierno, pero no es un mal trabajo.
Don't move it at all. I'm gonna take care of your cut. It's not too bad, Bobby.
Me ocuparé de la herida, no tiene mucha importancia.
Yes, and it's not bad at all.
- Está muy buena.
- It's not bad at all.
- No está tan mal.
- Oh, it's not too bad at all.
Desde luego, muy bueno.
You think it's such a bad thing, but it's not like that at all.
"Lo dices como si fuera una monstruosidad, pero no lo es."
- No, no, it's not bad at all.
- No está tan mal.
But our master is not a suggar daddy at all. It's too bad.
- Es imposible!
- But it's not bad at all. Bye.
No está nada mal!
No, it's not a bad time at all.
No, no es un mal momento para nada.
No, it's not bad at all.
No, no es malo en absoluto.
No, it's not bad at all.
No, no es para nada malo.
Well, if you're going to be getting out today it's not going to be too bad at all...
Gracias, chicos. El mundo se está calentando, pero hoy no.
It's not bad living here, not bad at all.
No es malo vivir aquí, no malo del todo.
No, it's not bad. It's not bad at all.
No, no es nada malo.
It's not bad at all.
No huele nada mal.
Uh, James, this book of yours? It's... not bad. It's not bad at all.
James, en cuanto a tu libro... no está mal.
But it's not bad at all, is it?
Pero no está completamente mal, ¿ no?
Yeah. Actually, it's not bad at all.
Si, en realidad no está mal del todo.
It's not bad at all.
No está para nada mal.
It's not really bad at all.
No, de hecho no está mal.
It's Not A... Bad Idea At All.
- No es una... mala idea del todo.
It's, uh, not bad at all.
No, no está nada mal.
It's not bad at all!
Es genial!
It's not bad at all!
¡ No está mal en absoluto!
It's not bad at all.
No está tan mal para nada.
Hey, at least It's not all bad - you don't have to face the lezzers from hell.
Por lo menos no es tan malo, no tendrás que enfrentarte al infierno.

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