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It's not that easy traducir español

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It's not really that easy.
No es tan fácil.
Although I'll admit that the distinction is a nice one, and perhaps not easy for the layman to make, with fiction, with art and writing, it's important that even if you're dealing with areas of complete outrageous fantasy,
Aunque reconozco que la distinción es atractiva, y tal vez no es fácil de hacer para alguien ajeno al comic, con la narrativa, con el arte, con la escritura, es importante que, aunque estés trabajando con áreas de fantasía totalmente excesiva,
It's not easy, that... doing a woman's job.
No es fácil, hacer el trabajo de una mujer.
And the current is of course not favorable, That's OK, It wouldn't be fun if it was easy, right?
No importa, si fuera fácil, no sería divertido.
But it's not that easy.
Pero no es tan fácil.
It's not that easy.
- No es tan fácil.
But it's not that easy.
Pero las cosas no son tan fáciles.
As for the now-infamous Millennium Goals, obviously it has not been easy... but I believe there's a good deal in sight and we should go ruthlessly for that.
Y en cuanto a los ahora infames Objetivos del Milenio, obviamente no ha sido fácil... pero creo que habrá un buen acuerdo y deberiamos aceptarlo.
Mom, I got fed up of looking. It's not that easy.
Me harté de buscar por todos lados.
It's not that easy!
¡ No es tan sencillo!
It's not that easy.
No es tan fácil.
That's not true, it wasn't easy... not until another one aroused him.
No, no era con facilidad ; mientras no hubiera otra que despertara en él...
It's not going to be that easy.
Eso no va a ser fácil.
It's not that easy,
- No es tan fácil.
They try to turn off the human part of you because that's what'll get you killed. But when you're out in the field, it's not that easy.
Intentan quitarte tu parte humana porque eso es lo que hace que te maten, pero cuando estás afuera en la cancha, no es tan fácil.
- I'm not sure it's that easy.
Estoy segura de que no es fácil.
It's not gonna be that easy.
Vamos. Esto no será fácil.
It's not gonna be that easy.
No será tan fácil.
- It's not that easy, Kendra.
Olvídalo. No es tan fácil, Kendra.
It's not always that easy to distinguish the good guys from the bad guys.
No siempre es fácil distinguir a los buenos chicos de los malos chicos.
And I think sometimes, when you get to the empty place and there's someone who understands you, it's easy to confuse that feeling for - - for love, but it's not the same thing.
Creo que a veces, cuando te sientes así y encuentras a alguien que te comprende es fácil confundir ese sentimiento con el amor, pero no es lo mismo
Life after high school. I mean, I know you think you've got it figured out when you pick your major and you pack your bags, but it's just it's not as easy as that.
La vida después del instituto ya sé que ahora crees que es fácil y que sólo tienes que hacer las maletas pero no es tan sencillo
See, it's not that easy, is it?
¿ Ves como no es tan fácil?
... and it's not the kind of thing that's easy for me to say, so....
Tengo algo que decirte, y es no es el tipo de cosa que es fácil de decir para mí, así que...
No. It's not going to be as easy as that.
No será tan fácil como eso.
It's not that easy.
No va a ser fácil.
You know, these days it's not that easy.
Bueno, ahora no es tan fácil. - Sí.
No, we were just saying that after a dry spell it ´ s not easy to get back in the saddle.
Sólo estábamos diciendo que después... de un período de sequía,... no es fácil volver a tomar las riendas.
Both of you! I'm afraid it's not gonna be that easy, Dr. McNamara.
Me temo que no será tan fácil, Dr. McNamara.
- a new equation, right? - It's not that easy, man.
No es tan fácil, hombre.
It's not that easy because, uh... there's something else that has to be considered.
No es tan fácil porque hay algo más que tenemos que considerar.
It's just not that easy.
Es sólo que no es fácil.
You see, it's not so easy getting back in the ring, especially with the one that knocked you out in the first place.
Ya ves, no es fácil volver con alguien, especialmente si ese alguien te ha noqueado en primer lugar.
It's not that easy.
No es tan sencillo.
- It's not that easy, fish.
No es tan fácil, Trucha.
It may not be easy, but at least it gets you out of the house. That's what Michael said.
No será facil, pero al menos nos saca de casa
But given that it's not quite as easy for us,
Pero ya que no es tan facil para nosotros,
I'm not here to hurt anyone and I really do hope this leads to something fabulous for all of us, but it's not easy out there, and I'm sure you can appreciate that a girl has to do what a girl has to do to get by.
No vine aquí para hacer daño a nadie Y de verdad espero que esto nos lleve a un fabuloso tesoro para todos nosotros pero no es sencillo vivir ahí fuera y seguro que aprecias que una chica haga lo que tenga que hacer para sobrevi...
Well obviously it's not all that easy or Atlantis wouldn't still be relying on ZPM's.
Bueno, obviamente no era tan sencillo, o los Atlantes habría sustituído a los ZPM.
Turns out it's not that easy.
Aunque resulta difícil.
It's not that easy meeting guys.
- No es tan fácil conocer chicos.
So the ants must get rid of them. It's quite hard to get a grip on the polished shell of a ladybird. That's not easy.
Cuando los grandes animales cortejan, se lucen.
Father, I really struggled to get this work It was not easy to say that Mel's parents renew the Villa, and now this.
Padre, realmente me esforcé para darte este trabajo, no fue fácil decirle a los padres de Mel que renovarías el Chalet, y ahora esto.
That's not easy. It's quite hard to get a grip on the polished shell of a ladybird.
Eso no es fácil, es bastante difícil agarrar el pulido caparazón de una mariquita
That's not easy when there are others all around you trying to do precisely the same thing. It might seem that he's absolutely motionless.
Eso no es fácil cuando hay otros alrededor tratando precisamente la misma cosa parece como si estuviera completamente inmóvil
It's not that easy I'm afraid.
Me temo que no es tan sencillo.
It's, uh - - it's just not that easy to get across the border.
El problema es que no es fácil cruzar la frontera.
That would- - actually, it's not that easy.
Sería en realidad, no es tan fácil.
It's not easy for an immigrant, with racism and all that.
Como inmigrante no es fácil, con el racismo y todo eso.
- It's not that easy.
- No es tan fácil.
That's not as easy as it sounds, Fay.
No es tan fácil como parece, Fay.

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