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It's only natural traducir español

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We're only human. It's only natural we fall in love.
Es normal que las personas se enamoren.
It's only natural.
Es lógico.
It's only natural that you should get excited about something that puzzles you.
Es natutal que se preocupe de cosas que no entiende.
Well, it's only natural for a guy to want to earn a bit more dough.
Sólo quiero ganar más pasta.
It's only natural.
Eso es natural.
It's only natural.
Es natural.
It's only natural that I stand tral for you!
¡ Lo normal sería que fuese yo quien tuviera que responder ante la justicia!
But, after all, it's only human to plan.
Pero natural y humano es planear.
It's only natural for them to expect him to come here.
Para ellos es natural esperar que él venga por aquí.
It's only natural that you should want to talk about it.
Es natural que quieras hablar de ello.
I think it's only natural you've lived a lonely life long enough, and time passes so quickly
Lo encuentro natural. Has vivido sola lo suficiente y el tiempo pasa tan rápido...
It's only natural to suppose that you should wish to legalize your position- -
Es natural suponer que desearía legalizar su posición- -
It's only natural you'd think that, feeling the way you do about her.
Es natural que piense eso, sintiendo lo que siente por ella.
It's only natural for a wife who can't sleep when her husband is out... in danger maybe
Es natural que una esposa no pueda dormir... cuando su marido está fuera. Quizás,... en peligro.
It's only natural that we defend ourselves.
Me parece muy natural que tratemos de defendernos.
- Oh, dear friend, it's only natural.
- Es natural, amigo mío, nadie lo sabía.
You are young and it's only natural if you fall in love.
Eres joven y es normal que te enamoras de alguien.
It's only natural to want to look young and be young when you are young.
Es natural querer parecer joven cuando se es joven.
And since we found no weapons with Linden and Tennant It's only natural to assume that the third man still has them
Y como no hallamos armas en Linden y Tennant es de lógica suponer que el 3er hombre aún las tiene.
It's only natural that I'd be nervous.
La duda me está matando.
After all I've lived here many years. It's only natural that I'd have a few friends.
Después de haber vivido aquí tantos años es natural que tenga algunos amigos.
After hard work like that, well, it's only natural that Daniel Webster gets tired.
Daniel Webster, que alzó la voz en el Congreso para proteger... a los granjeros de los prestamistas con una nueva ley, y después... de un trabajo tan duro, es natural que se sienta cansado.
It's only natural that you should have a weakness for Stephen, but you'll never be happy until you've fought it and conquered it.
Es normal que tengas debilidad por Stephen, pero no serás feliz hasta que la superes.
- It's only natural you...
- Pero es natural...
It's only natural...
Es natural que...
It's only natural for you to be concerned.
- Es normal que estés preocupado
Yes, Seraphine, it's only natural ;
Sí, Séraphine, es natural.
It's only natural that I - - it's not natural at all.
No es bueno. - Es muy natural...
- It's only natural you should feel that way about things.
Es natural que pienses así.
It's only natural that Gerhard and dietrich Should be interested In military matters.
Es muy natural que Gerhard y Dietrich se interesen por cuestiones militares.
You see, my mother's american, And it's Only natural That she'd want to Live in her own country.
Mamá es norteamericana y es natural que quiera vivir allí.
It's only natural.
Es normal.
It's only natural.
Bueno, es natural.
It's only natural, between women.
Entre mujeres es lo mínimo que podemos hacer.
Well, if people are hungry, it's only natural cats should be.
Si la gente pasa hambre, es normal que también la pasen los gatos.
It's only natural after all these years of living good.
Es natural, después de algunos años de buena vida.
- Darling, it's only natural.
- Cariño, es algo natural.
It's only natural for new babies to lose a little weight, Bob.
Eso es natural en los recién nacidos. Suelen perder peso.
Of course, when you think... at her age, it's only natural.
Claro que, teniendo en cuenta su edad, es algo lógico.
It's only natural you felt a certain blame.
Es natural que haya sentido cierta culpa.
It's only natural that you wouldn't understand.
- Es normal que no lo entiendas.
It's only natural that I ask you- -
Es simplemente natural que te lo pregunte.
If they are brother and sister, it's only natural...
- Si son hermanos, es natural...
I think it's only natural when you're in love.
Yo encuentro que es de lo más natural cuando uno ama.
- It's only natural that I'd be concerned.
- Es natural que me preocupe.
It's only natural
Así que debes tener paciencia
My dear child, it's natural to be nervous, and I understand. But you'll only...
Mi pequeña, es natural que esté nerviosa, y yo lo entiendo, pero...
I suppose it's only natural that she should be.
Pero es natural.
Coincidence is only extraordinary because it's so natural.
Lo extraordinario de las casualidades es que son naturales.
It's true that I told your husband that I'd only stay..... for a few days, but it was only natural I should tell him that.
A tu marido le dije que me quedaría sólo unos días. Es lógico que se lo dijese.
It's only natural.
No podía ser de otro modo.

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