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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ I ] / It belongs to us

It belongs to us traducir español

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- A bit dilapidated, but it belongs to us anyway.
- Un poco dilapidada, pero nuestra.
Now it belongs to us both!
Ahora nos pertenece a los dos.
It belongs to us, don't it?
Ese pedazo de tierra.
It belongs to us!
Nos pertenece.
It's ours, it belongs to us, it belongs to the museum.
Es nuestro, nos pertenece, tenemos que devolverlo al museo.
If the state treasury paid, it belongs to us as well.
Si el tesoro del Estado la ha pagado, también nos pertenece a nosotros.
And some of it belongs to us by rights.
Y una parte nos pertenece por derecho.
It belongs to us, belongs to us.
Es nuestro, es nuestro
It belongs to us.
Nos pertenece.
Right now it belongs to us because we're producing.
Es nuestro porque nosotros producimos.
Because it belongs to us.
Porque nos pertenece.
It belongs to us all.
Nos pertenece a todos.
It was taken from our fishing waters, so it belongs to us.
así que reclamamos su propiedad.
It belongs to us.
Es nuestro.
What's mine is yours, it belongs to us.
Todo lo mío nos pertenece a los dos
It belongs to us, and we belong to it.
Nos pertenece, y le pertenecemos.
Well, not mine exactly, but let's say it belongs to us, eh?
Bueno, no exactamente mía, pero digamos que nos pertenece a nosotros, ¿ eh?
You might get word to a newspaper, but it belongs to us.
Puede dirigirse a un periódico, pero será nuestro.
It belongs to us now.
Ahora nos pertenece.
And it belongs to us!
¡ Y nos pertenece!
So when you ask me why we want to stay here, Captain... we want to stay here because it's ours- - it belongs to us.
Entonces cuando Ud. me pregunta por que nos queremos quedar aquí, Capitán... nos queremos quedar aquí porque es nuestro- - nos pertenece a nosotros.
It's ours. It belongs to us.
Nos pertenece.
It belongs to us. We didn't want to...!
¡ Nos pertenece, no queríamos- -!
It belongs to us.
Pertenece a nosotros.
Dear spectators, the ear, which are you looking at, before belonged to the strangler, and now it belongs to us.
Queridos espectadores, la oreja que están contemplando pertenecía al estrangulador y ahora nos pertenece a nosotros.
If the mask is real, it belongs to us.
Si la máscara existe, nos pertenece.
That land rightfully belongs to us, and we mean to have it.
Ese terreno nos pertenece a nosotros y lo queremos.
That it belongs to all of us, to live peacefully together loyal only to Richard and to England.
Que pertenece a todos para vivir en paz, y leales a Ricardo y a Inglaterra.
And if Rocky does go up, it all belongs to us.
Si encarcelan a Rocky, el dinero será nuestro.
Well, the way to begin is to find it to find something that belongs to us alone.
Hay que empezar por crearla para encontrar lo que nos pertenece a nosotros.
The Earth belongs to us, the people, if we fight for it.
La tierra nos pertenece. A nosotros, al pueblo si luchamos por ella.
It belongs to both of us.
Nos pertenece a los dos.
"The flock belongs to the Lord" And it also belongs to us!
"EI rebano Ie pertenece al senor" ; Y también nos pertenece a nosotros!
It makes them realize that the Bible belongs to us all.
Así se dan cuenta de que la Biblia es patrimonio de todos nosotros.
It belongs to both of us.
De los dos.
But, mother, the paper belongs to us. Why do we have to go to court to sell it?
El periódico nos pertenece, ¿ por qué ir a los tribunales para venderlo?
Yes, it says that Gitano belongs to us... to Papa and me!
¿ De Don Alejandro? ¡ Sí! ¡ Dice que Gitano nos pertenece!
But in the future it belongs to whoever has the brains.. The nerve and the skill to take it away from us.
Pero en el futuro será de quien tenga el suficiente cerebro, talento y fuerza para llevarlo.
Anything we get in this bay, whether it's fish or eggs, belongs to us.
¡ La playa nos pertenece! ¡ Así como los peces y el huevo que hay en ella! ¡ ¿ De acuerdo?
That egg belongs to us. Return it to us, please.
por favor!
It belongs to an old magician who accompanies us.
Pertenece a un viejo mago que nos acompaña.
It's not your dog, he belongs to all of us.
No es tu perro, es de todos.
When freedom is a privilege of the few it does not have anything to do with real freedom the same freedom that belongs to every man and that each of us has the right to hold on to.
Una libertad privilegio de pocos... no tiene nada que ver... con la auténtica libertad, con la libertad que pertenece a todos... y de la que todos debemos... poder disfrutar.
Anyway, it doesn't belong to us, it belongs to the bank.
De todas formas, no nos pertenece, le pertenece al Banco.
'Cause it now belongs to us and we want to take it home.
Dice "por qué".
'Cause it now belongs to us and we wanna take it home, see? Where?
Porque ahora nos pertenece y queremos llevarlo a casa.
Yeah, it all belongs to us.
Si, todo esto nos pertenece.
And according to the courts, our water finally belongs to who it should belong to... us.
Y según los tribunales, el agua al fin es de quien deberia ser : de nosotros.
This castle, and everything in it, belongs to us.
Este castillo y todo en él nos pertenece.
But Sir, technical still he belongs to the Agency, e this makes with that let us have obligation with it.
Pero Señor, técnicamente el todavía pertenece a la agencia, y eso hace que tengamos obligación con él.
This house belongs to the city, which offered it to us.
Esta casa nos la ha ofrecido la Ciudad de Asís!

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