It doesn't even matter traducir español
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Even if the first thing you noticed about me was my money... it doesn't really matter to me.
No me importa si te fijaste primero en mi dinero.
But even if it's not true, it doesn't matter.
Pero, aunque no fuera verdad, no importa, ¿ sabes?
It doesn't matter what happens to me or even what you think of me
No me importa lo que me pase o lo que pienses de mí
It doesn't matter where. Nobody will find it. Not even you.
No importa, nadie lo encontrará, ni siquiera tú.
It doesn't matter. I know it may sound incredible, it even sounds it to me... I only saw you once, but what I feel for you I've never felt for another woman!
Le parecerá increíble, lo es incluso para mí, sólo la vi una vez y siento por Ud. algo que nunca había sentido.
Oh, yes. Even if you arrive at the last moment, it doesn't matter.
Sí, aunque sea en el último momento, no se puede hacer nada.
I don't know what you're father did or didn't do. I couldn't possibly know. But you've got to realise, even if it's very hard to... that that really doesn't matter.
No sé lo que hizo o no hizo tu padre, pero debes entender que no importa.
We introduce you accountant Mazza the typical Southern clerical worker diligent, indefatigable, bright who even though he doesn't work too hard every task, no matter how easy he does it with care and integrity and this is me
Les presentamos al contable Mazza, el clásico empleadillo meridional diligente, infatigable y genial que si bien no se mata a trabajar cualquier faena, por simple que sea, la hace con diligencia y atildamiento. Y éste soy yo...
Well, it doesn't matter much anyway since none of us swim stripped at the Y, even when people are watching.
Bueno, tampoco importa mucho, porque ninguna de nosotras va a nadar desnuda aunque haya gente mirando.
Even if they fall on your head, it doesn't matter!
Si te cae alguno en la cabeza, es el deber. No pasa nada.
It doesn't matter even if you don't get one, you've ancestral wealth.
No importa si no lo consigues. Tienes una riqueza ancestral.
But even if I did, I'd never betray him. It doesn't matter...
No lo sé, pero aunque lo supiera no te lo diría nunca.
A couple of million or even more, it doesn't matter.
Dele uno o dos millones, o más, no importa.
So that even if later we don't agree or act alike, it doesn't matter.
Así, si después no estuviéramos de acuerdo o no actuáramos del mismo modo, daría igual.
Even if you wear a cassock, it doesn't matter to me.
Es inútil que me mire de esa manera.
A foreign movie. It doesn't even matter which country.
Película extranjera.
It doesn't matter. Even Venus was cross-eyed.
No importa, incluso Venus era bizca.
What I want for you is to be pretty- - even prettier. But I told you it doesn't matter.
Pero ya te dije que no importa.
- Well, of course it'll work, and even if it doesn't work, what does it matter?
- Pues, claro que funcionará, e incluso si no funciona, ¿ qué importa?
The relay itself doesn't matter, i mean, any one of a million things could fail and cause our complex civilization to colapse for an hour, for a day, however long, because that's when you find out the extent to which you are reliant on technology, and don't even know it.
El relay en sí mismo no importa. Pudo ser un millón de cosas que pueden fallar lo que provocara que nuestra complicada civilización colapsara durante una hora, un día o el tiempo que sea. Porque solo entonces descubrimos hasta que punto tenemos que depender de la tecnología sin siquiera saberlo.
It doesn't matter even if we had more dishes
No importa, de hecho tenemos más platos
If a woman decides it doesn't matter... And even if I had chosen... to normalise relations... there are images you never forget.
Si una mujer decide que eso no tiene importancia, e igual si ha decidido que que las cosas vuelven a ser normal.
Even if of a larger size, it doesn't matter.
Incluso, si es de mayor tamaño, no importa.
It doesn't even matter which one... and you go on the attack! You take either side...
Tienes que escoger un bando...
So, see, it doesn't matter much what else goes on in the world or in this house, even.
Entonces, como ves, no importa demasiado lo que pueda pasar en el mundo o en esta casa siquiera.
even if you do, it doesn't matter.
Y si lo haces, no importa.
It doesn't matter to me any more, because, I mean, even if I'm gonna lose my badge and I'll be on the streets, it doesn't matter to me because...
Porque estaré en la ruina y en la calle hablándole a los parquímetros. Ya no me importa nada.
It doesn't even matter.
No importa.
Even if we are defeated, it doesn't matter.
Aún si somos derrotados, no importa.
It doesn't even matter anymore.
Ya ni siquiera importa.
No, you haven't. Even if you had it doesn't matter.
Aunque lo hayas descifrado, no importa.
Even if it was, it doesn't matter.
Y si lo fue, no importa.
- It doesn't matter, even pennies.
- No importa también centavos.
And they're always trying to cast their buddies. It doesn't even matter if they're right for the part.
Y siempre quieren meter a sus amigos de actores.
Doesn't matter if it's Mr Harry or Mr George,... or Superintendent Sugden, even.
O el Superintendente Sugden.
But even if it was, it doesn't matter because I love them.
Y así fueran, no importaría porque las adoro.
Maybe it doesn't even matter what we find.
Quizá no le importe lo que descubramos.
- That's crazy, and it doesn't even matter.
- Es una locura, y ni siquiera importa.
I mean, we're not even seeing each other anymore so it doesn't matter.
De verdad. Ya no salimos juntos, así que no importa, de verdad.
And you know what, it doesn't even matter... that we told, like, what, four people some dumb lie.
Entonces, ¿ sabes? Ni siquiera importa que le hayamos contado una tonta mentira a cuatro personas.
Doesn't matter even if it's a death warrant
No es gran cosa aun cuando sea una sentencia de muerte
- Even so, it doesn't matter.
- Incluso así, no importa.
You know what? It doesn't even matter what I think.
Ni siquiera importa lo que creo.
Oh, Kevvy, I only kissed Robert to get even with you for kissing Zoe, it didn't mean anything, and now I know you do love me and you really mean it when you say smart doesn't matter,
- Um, creo que tengo que estar en alguna otra parte... - Acabo de recordar una cita al otro lado de la ciudad... Oh, Kevvy, sólo bese a Robert para desquitarme contigo por besar a Zoe, no significo nada, y ahora sé que me quieres y que era verdad cuando dijiste que la inteligencia no era importante,
But it doesn't even matter. Because of football camp?
¿ A causa del campamento?
It doesn't even matter.
Ni siquiera tiene importancia.
Even if, there's no one else, it doesn't matter
Incluso si, no hubiera nadie más, no importaría
It doesn't even matter which one.
No importa cuál sea.
It doesn't even matter. You know what I was thinking?
No importa. ¿ Sabes en qué pensaba?
It doesn't even matter what it's about, because father tardone is gonna hate it.
Estoy calentando.
It doesn't even matter. I know the truth about what happened.
Yo sé la verdad sobre lo que aconteció.
it doesn't hurt 114
it doesn't matter 3827
it doesn't fit 43
it doesn't exist 124
it doesn't make sense 437
it doesn't suit you 52
it doesn't work 306
it doesn't bother me 71
it doesn't matter to me 71
it doesn't matter anymore 84
it doesn't matter 3827
it doesn't fit 43
it doesn't exist 124
it doesn't make sense 437
it doesn't suit you 52
it doesn't work 306
it doesn't bother me 71
it doesn't matter to me 71
it doesn't matter anymore 84