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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ I ] / It has nothing to do with that

It has nothing to do with that traducir español

472 traducción paralela
No, no, it has nothing to do with that.
No, no tiene nada que ver.
It has nothing to do with that.
No tiene nada que ver.
It has nothing to do with that!
¡ No se trata de eso!
- No, it has nothing to do with that.
- No tiene nada que ver con eso.
It's not because I'm biased... That has nothing to do with it.
Ya no es por interés personal, eso lo dejo de lado.
- That has nothing to do with it.
- Eso no tiene nada que ver.
That has nothing whatever to do with it.
Eso no tiene nada que ver con ello.
That is, it has nothing to do with you.
Eso es, no tiene nada que ver contigo.
That has nothing to do with it.
No tiene nada que ver con esto.
- That has nothing to do with it.
- Yo estoy hablando de otra cosa.
That has nothing to do with it.
Eso no tiene nada que ver con esto.
That has nothing to do with it either.
Eso no tiene nada que ver.
The pigeon has nothing to do with it, but it is the symbol of the order that I have to defend.
La paloma es un símbolo del orden que debo defender.
But that has nothing to do with it.
Con entusiasmo espero. No ansiedad.
That has nothing to do with it.
Eso no tiene nada que ver.
but you've taught me to appreciate the higher things in art, my aunt the sublime not to be compared to daily life marriage has nothing to do with art it's a matter of interest of the state and the interest of the state must tell him that he cannot marry his... what's her name anyway?
pero usted me ha enseñado a apreciar las cosas superiores en el arte, mi tía, lo sublime para no ser comparado a la vida diaria el matrimonio no tiene nada que ver con el arte es una cuestión de interés de estado y el interés del estado debe decirle que no puede casarse... ¿ cuál es su nombre?
- That has nothing to do with it.
- Eso es irrelevante.
That has nothing to do with it.
No tiene nada que ver con eso.
- That has nothing to do with it.
- Eso no importa.
That has nothing to do with it. - I'll make out alright.
No tiene nada que ver.
Well, it was just a vulgar little joke that a man told at dinner. It has nothing to do with this.
Es una broma vulgar que un hombre contó en la cena.
That has nothing to do with it.
Eso no tiene nada que ver con eso.
That has nothing to do with it.
No tiene nada que ver con ello.
- That has nothing to do with it!
- ¡ Eso no tiene nada que ver!
Certainly it was. But that has nothing to do with it.
Desde luego, pero eso no tiene nada que ver.
Well, I know that in comparison with Althoff has nothing to do, but it seems he's crazy for you, which I can understand.
Bueno, ya sé que en comparación con Althoff no tiene nada que hacer, pero parece que está loco por ti, cosa que puedo entender.
- That has nothing to do with it.
- No tiene nada que ver con eso.
Others will be delighted if my presence here pleases you It has nothing to do with me it is the will of those that brought me here
Hay mucha gente muy interesada en que yo viniera, pero yo... no tenía ningún interés.
That has nothing to do with it.
Esto no tiene nada que ver con eso.
That has nothing to do with age, it's not military!
Magdalena es un gran partido. Un compañera ideal.
That has nothing to do with it.
¡ No tiene nada que ver!
Sergeant, excuse me that my ignorance is not on your level, but "seduction" has nothing to do with it.
Perdone, Sargento, si mi ignorancia no está a la altura de la suya, pero esto no tiene nada que ver con la sedición.
My wife has money, but that had nothing to do with it.
Mi mujer tiene dinero, pero eso no tiene nada que ver.
That has nothing to do with it.
No tiene nada que ver.
I don't know why I'm telling you all this, except that it has absolutely nothing to do with your situation at all.
Ah, no sé por qué le cuento todo esto, no tiene nada que ver con su situación.
That's a good toy. Very good, but that has nothing to do with it.
Es un buen juguete.
Oh no, that duel has nothing to do with it.
No tiene nada que ver con ese duelo.
What I worry about... has nothing to do with pleasure... it's much more than that.
Cosas mías. Lo que siento por ti no tiene que ver con el placer. Está mucho más allá.
Not that there is anything secret about it or even unusual. It has nothing to do with your program of learning. - First slide.
No por que tenga algo secreto o poco común... pero no tiene nada que ver con tu programa de aprendizaje.
We're satisfied that Beiber himself has nothing to do with it.
Estamos satisfechos con que Beiber no tiene nada que ver.
It's something that has nothing to do with the Apaches.
Es algo que no tiene nada que ver con los apaches.
- That has got nothing to do with it!
- ¡ Eso no tiene nada que ver!
Everybody has noticed it seeing you with that papers, like if all this has nothing to do with you.
Todo el mundo lo ha notado al verte ahí sobre los papeles, como si esto no fuera contigo.
We know how the world ends, and it has nothing to do with Earth, except that it gets wiped out too.
Nosotros sabemos cómo acabará el mundo, y no tiene nada que ver con la Tierra,... salvo en que ésta también desaparecerá.
My father isn't here now, but that has nothing to do with it anyway!
¡ Mi padre no está aquí ahora, y el no tiene en nada con esto!
Number two, even if I do have it, it has nothing to do with Karl Lessing because I never touched that vial.
Si la tuviera, no tiene nada que ver con Karl Lessing porque nunca toqué ese frasco.
Did you ever think of that? It has nothing to do with me, and even less to do with you.
No tiene que ver conmigo, y mucho menos contigo.
That has nothing to do with it.
No importa.
Can you give me your solemn oath, as a foreigner that if the answer has nothing to do with the murder, you'll treat it confidentially? I will.
¿ Puede darme su palabra como extranjero... que si no tiene nada que ver con el caso le dará confidencialidad?
~ That has nothing to do with it.
- No tiene nada que ver.
That has nothing to do with it.
Eso nada tiene que ver con esto.

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