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It has to be him traducir español

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- Then it has to be him or me.
- ¿ Estarías dispuesto a todo?
It has to be him.
Tiene que ser él a la fuerza.
It has to be him.
Seguro que es ese chico.
It has to be him.
Tiene que haber sido él.
But it has to be him.
Pero tiene que ser él.
Kalas knows music. It has to be him.
Kalas sabe de música, debe ser el.
- It has to be him, Sheriff.
Tiene que ser él, comisario.
I'm not saying it has to be him.
No digo que tenga que ser él.
- It has to be him. - Not so fast.
- Tiene que ser él.
It has to be him.
Tiene que ser él.
Because of you, this child has finally come back to me, and it will be my task to turn him into a gentleman.
Finalmente este chico regresó a mí, gracias a usted y será mi tarea convertirlo en un caballero.
It will be hard for him, but I think that boy has enough spirit to outlive anything.
Sé que será difícil para él, pero es un chico muy fuerte y superará cualquier cosa.
but you've taught me to appreciate the higher things in art, my aunt the sublime not to be compared to daily life marriage has nothing to do with art it's a matter of interest of the state and the interest of the state must tell him that he cannot marry his... what's her name anyway?
pero usted me ha enseñado a apreciar las cosas superiores en el arte, mi tía, lo sublime para no ser comparado a la vida diaria el matrimonio no tiene nada que ver con el arte es una cuestión de interés de estado y el interés del estado debe decirle que no puede casarse... ¿ cuál es su nombre?
no idea look at him the young gentleman calls here each day too to enquire after her perhaps he too has claims on the fugitive no claims, only an urgent request do I have for Madame Neuber it would be best if he addresses his request to Weißenfels
ni idea mírelo el joven llama aquí también cada día para inquirir por ella quizás él tiene reclamos también por la fugitiva ningun reclamo, sólo algo urgente para la Señora Neuber sería mejor si se dirige a Weißenfels
If has to be won it, not him they would give more than 50 a week.
Si tuviese que ganárselo, no le darían más de 50 a la semana.
It has to be proved it's him.
Habría que probar que es él...
The saboteur has to try for it, and I'll be waiting for him.
El saboteador seguro querrá destruirlo, y lo estaré esperando.
If you don't believe he has nothing but love for you... you don't believe when he's well he'll be running right over to see you... if you don't know him better than that... you or your riflemen, it doesn't matter, go ahead.
Si no crees que te ama... Tampoco creerás que cuando se recupere irá a verte a las montañas. Como si no lo conocieras...
A man can be like that, Paula, something has to happen, a big thing or a little thing, but it can make him realise how much someone means to him, how much he really loves,
Un hombre puede ser así, tiene que pasar algo, importante o no, para comprender qué significa alguien para él, cuánto quiere realmente.
Nothing has been proved against him. If there's any mistake to be made, I aim to make it in our favor, not in his.
Si hay algún error para cometer, cometámoslo en nuestro favor, no en el suyo.
You call it sport to starve a poor beast and release him to be killed? What chance has he?
¿ Le llamas deporte a dejar pasar hambre a una pobre bestia y liberarla para que la maten sin oportunidad?
You made it plain to him that we are to be spared?
¿ Le has hablado de salvarnos?
When Johnny's old enough, when he has to be told, it will make him proud.
Cuando Johnny crezca lo suficiente, cuando se lo tenga que decir... se sentirá orgulloso de él.
Tell him it has to be within our budget.
Dile que tiene que ser dentro de nuestro presupuesto.
Qué placer me dará eliminarlo.
... has honored us with his presence, we want to give him an award. It may not be as impressive as the lions and palms he's already won, but it's given with fondness, admiration, modesty, and if I dare say, brotherly affection.
... ha querido honrar casa Paganelli con su presencia hemos querido darle un premio que no será tan importante los leones, el grolle, la palma y los nastri que ha recibido hasta ahora, pero es un premio dado con afecto con admiración, con sencillez y me atrevo a decir que con calor fraterno.
It will be easy to control him as long as he has something to keep him entertained, just as I predicted.
Será fácil para él gobernar, porque así podrá divertirse mejor. Ya lo tenía previsto.
No, I'll find him tonight, he has to know I have more information... and that it would be unwise to hurt us.
No, voy a buscarle esta noche. Debe saber que tengo más información - y que no le conviene hacernos daño.
- His normal fee would be 10 crowns, but since this is an emergency, and he has a charitable disposition perhaps i could persuade him to do it for five?
- La tarifa es 1 0 coronas. Pero como es una urgencia y él es caritativo, podría hacerlo por cinco.
So far, my family has remained neutral, but maybe it would be possible to talk to him?
Hasta ahora, mi familia se ha mantenido neutral, pero tal vez sería posible hablar con él?
It has to be my Tigre, God bless him!
¡ Tenía que ser mi Tigre, Dios lo bendiga!
There has to be a reason for him to recover it.
Pero si debe haber un motivo para recuperarla
But, before I say more, let me tell you I know I depend on my father and that the name of son subjects me to his will that it would be wrong to engage ourselves without his consent that heaven has made him our master and that it is our duty not to dispose of ourselves but in accordance to their wish.
Pero antes de ir más lejos, sé que dependo de mi padre, que soy sometido a su voluntad, que no debemos comprometer nuestra fe sin su permiso, que el Cielo los ha hecho señores y nos ordena comportarnos según su conducta.
It must be him... whose portrait my soul... lost in the whirl... has often liked to paint... in secret colors.
Quizás es él a quien mi alma solitaria le gustaba imaginar en todo su misterio
Wouldn't it be fairer to qualify him as a desperate man? because many of these offenders whom society has defined as degenerate are merely victims of the system
No sería más justo calificarle como a un hombre desesperado porque muchos de estos delincuentes que la sociedad define como degenerados
as long as he's keeping it between him and us, you know what has to be done.
Mientras el lo mantenga entre él y nosotros, vos sabés que tiene que hacerse.
Take this electric bill over to Mano and tell him it has to be paid this afternoon.
Llévale esta factura de electricidad a Mano y dile que tiene que ser pagada esta tarde.
Don't make it any harder on him than it has to be.
No se lo hagas más difícil de lo que es.
Well, you've told him already, it's nothing to be shameful of.
Bueno, si ya se lo has dicho, no hay de qué avergonzarse.
But he has been here a year, and has fitted out the vicarage so comfortably, it would be a shame to have him single any longer.
Pero lleva aquí un año entero, y ha arreglado su casa tan cómoda, que sería una vergüenza dejarle solo más tiempo.
- There's so much bullshit, I'm lost. But I get the idea that you need him to be creative, that he has to choose something "artistic", and do it well.
- Están hablando tanto al pedo que me fui al carajo pero tengo la sensación de que le estás exigiendo que sea creativo que tiene que elegir algo que tenga que ver con la... con la expresión artística y que además lo haga bien, y que sea exitoso.
- What? It has been decided that you will take on a new partner and train him to be able to take over for you.
Vas a entrenar a un nuevo compañero que te pueda sustituir.
Yes, well, just because he likes something doesn't mean it's good for him. But just because something's good for him doesn't mean that he has to be stuck with it day after day. True.
Sí, bueno, sólo porque a él le guste algo no significa que sea bueno para él.
Maybe you should explain to him that the emphasis on physical virginity has been forced upon him by patriarchal culture and it shoudn't be confused with spiritual purity.
quiza debas explicarle que el enfasis en la virginidad fisica le fue impuesta por una cultural patriarcal y no debe ser confundidad con pureza espiritual
The first part would be a documentary... of everything that Larry has to do to prepare for the special : The sets at the clubs, time alone with his family... walking down the street, whatever it is, we're gonna see how he prepares for it... leading up to the special, and then the actual special... which will be him doing straight ahead stand-up.
La primera será un documental de todo lo que Larry debe hacer para preparar el especial las rutinas en los bares, el tiempo solo con su familia sus caminatas en la calle, lo que sea, veremos cómo se prepara para el especial, luego el especial en sí que comprenderá sus actuaciones en vivo.
But, as legend has it, he was saved by a magic clam, who brought him to shore and shared the vision of a new colony, which would be called Quahog.
Pero cuenta la leyenda que una almeja mágica lo salvó y lo llevó a la orilla y que compartieron la visión de una nueva colonia que pasaría a llamarse Quahog.
- No, it has to be just him and me.
- No, tenemos que ser sólo él y yo.
They can't give it back. By law, it has to be burned with him.
No puedo devolverlo, por ley, debo quemarlo.
Though it appears to be a blank page, it has a great value to him.
Parece una hoja en blanco, pero vale mucho.
But if she intends to poison him, would it not be more intelligent to, uh... Oh, what is the word? Spike the supply of beer that he has in the water garden when no one was about, hmm?
Pero si pensaba envenenarle, habría sido más inteligente, no sé, "pinchar" la cerveza que había en el jardín del agua cuando nadie la viera.
And I realized he has to know that I thought Colgate was an insane name, but if I didn't fight him on it, it must be because I knew we weren't gonna have a girl and then he would know we were gonna have a boy,
Y me d cuenta de que tiene que saber que pienso que Colgate es un nombre horrible 331 00 : 16 : 27,502 - - 00 : 16 : 31,136 pero si no luchaba, sera porque saba que no tendramos una nia y entonces sabra que vamos a tener un nio y eso le habra quitado la emocin.

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