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It has to be me traducir español

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It has to be me?
- ¿ Tengo que ser yo?
Because of you, this child has finally come back to me, and it will be my task to turn him into a gentleman.
Finalmente este chico regresó a mí, gracias a usted y será mi tarea convertirlo en un caballero.
One of us has to lose, and it won't be me.
Uno de nosotros perderá y no seré yo.
Madame... it's me who has to be grateful, for your trust in me.
Señora... Yo soy quien tiene que darle las gracias... por su confianza.
You know, father, it has just occurred to me that we might be able to help each other, you and I.
Sabe, padre, sólo se me ha ocurrido que podamos ayudarnos el uno al otro, usted y yo. ¿ En serio?
but it has to be your sermons are too long recently I was almost late for parade, because of you therefore I brought you an hour glass an hour glass?
Pero tengo que hacerlo, es necesario. Vuestros sermones me resultan demasiado largos. Últimamente casi llego tarde al desfile, por vuestra culpa... por eso... os he traído...
I'll be obedient, but tell me it isn't true the lieutenant Hans Hermann von Katte has been sentenced to death but Katte is innocent!
¡ Voy a ser obediente, pero dígame que no es cierto! El teniente Hans Hermann von Katte ha sido condenado a muerte. ¡ Pero Katte es inocente!
It will just be that "something". And I'll know that you've done, what.. What I've tried to do and..
Será justo eso lo que me probará que lo has conseguido, aquello en lo que yo fracasé, tratando de ayudarte.
Have you ever thought how it is for me to be alone so much?
¿ Nunca has pensado cómo es para mí estar sola tanto tiempo?
Well, Sam, it had to be either you or me, and I guess you lost.
Sam, eras tú o yo, y diría que has perdido.
I laugh because it must be dreadful to love... a woman who has a cold.
Me río, porque debe ser abrumador amar... a una mujer acatarrada.
Well, if the money were mine, I'd be glad to help you, but this money has got to go right back where it came from.
Si el dinero fuese mío, me encantaría ayudarla, pero este dinero debe volver al sitio del que vino.
There may be nothing to it, but a rumor has come to me that Curly Bill might try a holdup.
Quizá no sea nada, pero se rumora que Curly Bill intentará asaltarla.
It'll be a comfort to me to know that she has you.
Me consolará saber que te tiene a ti.
It has taken me many years of ruling England, my Essex to discover that a ruler must be without friendship without mercy, and without love.
Me ha llevado muchos años de gobernar a Inglaterra, mi Essex para descubrir que una reina no debe tener amistades ni piedad, ni amores.
It has been brought to my attention that last night a special meeting of the Council took place, in which, as my advisor Mister Oppenheimer informs me, it was suggested that I'd be arrested.
Ha sido traído a mi atención que anoche tomó lugar una reunión especial del Concejo, en la cual, como me informa mi consejero el Señor Oppenheimer, se sugirió que yo fuera arrestado.
It shows me, this splendid torchbearer, that you have understood what I have tried to impart. And that into your young hands will be given the torch of science when it has fallen from the hands of your masters.
Esto me demuestra que han comprendido lo que he tratado de impartirles, y que sus jóvenes manos recogerán la antorcha de la ciencia cuando hayan caído de las manos de sus maestros.
It shows me, this splendid torchbearer, that you have understood what I have desired to impart and that into your young hands will be given the torch of science when it has fallen from the hands of your masters.
Me demuestra que han comprendido lo que he tratado de impartirles. y que sus jóvenes manos recogerán la antorcha de la ciencia cuando hayan caído de las manos de sus maestros.
Being with you has made me feel like it used to be at home.
Estar con Uds. me ha hecho sentir como antes en casa.
but you've taught me to appreciate the higher things in art, my aunt the sublime not to be compared to daily life marriage has nothing to do with art it's a matter of interest of the state and the interest of the state must tell him that he cannot marry his... what's her name anyway?
pero usted me ha enseñado a apreciar las cosas superiores en el arte, mi tía, lo sublime para no ser comparado a la vida diaria el matrimonio no tiene nada que ver con el arte es una cuestión de interés de estado y el interés del estado debe decirle que no puede casarse... ¿ cuál es su nombre?
I got in because it was a hard, dirty job that has to be done before I can go back to doing what I liked.
Me enrolé porque era un sucio y odioso trabajo que había que cumplir para poder hacer lo que me gusta.
It seems to me that your patrol has done about all that can be done.
Me parece que su patrulla ya ha hecho todo lo que debía.
Sure, Anita... once it has to be again... now don't cry my girl, come... come, give me a kiss... you were... sure enough not too bad...
Seguro, Anita... algún día... tenía que pasar, ¿ no? ... pero no llores, hija mía, ven aquí... Venga, dame un beso... seguro... seguro que no has sido la peor...
In fact, just so there would be no misunderstanding about it, he has given me his word that in no circumstances would he permit his name to be presented to the legislature as a candidate for re-election to the United States senate,
Por eso, y para que no hubiese malentendidos al respecto...,... me ha dado su palabra de que por ninguna circunstancia...,... permitiría que su nombre fuera presentado a la legislatura...
Doctor, I'd hoped you'd be able to explain to me a happening which, to put it mildly, has always puzzled me.
¿ Podría explicarme... un suceso que me tiene intrigada desde hace tiempo?
It has to be you and me, Cathy.
Tenemos que estar juntos, Cathy.
This... this pillar of virtue has suddenly decided... That it wouldn't be safe to leave me alone in the house with Mr. Belvedere. Oh, are you kidding?
Este esposo modelo ahora sale con que no puede dejarme sola en casa con el señor Belvedere.
Since it has value to you and not to me, it should be yours.
Ya que tiene más valor para ti que para mí, debería ser tuya.
And I promise you that my first consideration, and that of Mrs D'Ascoyne, who has done me the honour to consent to be my bride, will be the welfare of the estate and of the people who live on it.
Y les prometo que mi primera preocupación... y la de la Sra. D'Ascoyne, que me ha hecho el honor de aceptar ser mi novia... será el bienestar de la propiedad y de los que viven en ella.
Mr. Laurence has commissions for me in Washington. It will give me great pleasure to be of service to you.
Realizaré unos encargos en Washington y será un placer ayudarla.
Could it be that it isn't just his gold you're interested in... that you've been lying to me? Could that be?
¿ No será que no es sólo su oro lo que te interesa, que me has estado mintiendo?
I know you're angry very angry with me but don't be harsh I want to get back with you forgive for what has happened forget it and don't be spiteful if you think about it we all make mistakes.
Yo sé que estás enojada muy enojada conmigo pero no seas renegada quiero regresar contigo perdona lo que ha pasado olvida y no seas ingrata pos viéndolo bien mira'o todos metemos la pata.
A decision has to be made about how to handle this situation, and it's up to me to make it.
Hay que tomar una decisión sobre cómo llevar esta situación, y soy yo quien debe tomarla.
No experience, sir, but i'm glad you thought of me. It has to be something just as special as donna is.
No sé, pero me halaga que recurras a mí.
It ain't me they'll be throwing down on when their family has to do without.
A mí no me reprocharán que sus esposas e hijos no puedan vivir.
But it seems to me - ! don't know how you feel - j that now that the boy has turned himself in, the charge of aiding and abetting could be dropped.
A mí se me antoja sin embargo, y desconozco su opinión,... que respecto al encubrimiento tras la entrega del chico,... el caso realmente pierde peso.
With me it has to be that way.
En mi caso, quiero que sea así.
She has to be introduced to a girl, but, believe me, when it's a man, she...
A una chica hay que presentarla, pero, créeme, si es un chico...
If anything has to be really seriously attacked, then it's a job for me.
Cuando el ataque es serio, me lo encargan a mí.
This is the second day of our blessing... and so to remind ye... Mr. Lundie has drawn up a map of our town... and asked me to hang it in the public square here... where ye all can see it and be reminded.
Hoy es el segundo día de nuestro don... y para recordárselo... el Sr. Lundie ha dibujado un mapa de nuestro pueblo... y me ha pedido que lo cuelgue aquí en la plaza... donde todos puedan verlo y así acordarse.
There has to be a place for strange characters like me, only I should have been a gardener, not a doctor. But it's too late now.
Debe haber otros excéntricos como yo, aunque debería haber sido jardinero y no médico.
My God. What has it served me to be rich?
Dios mío,... ¿ de qué me habrá servido ser tan rica?
It's already sunrise and you told me you have to be in Verona before sunset.
Está amaneciendo... y has dicho que tenías que estar en Verona antes del anochecer.
And don't let me out of the room. No matter what I say or promise - or how much I beg. Because if I get out, it'll only be to go out and find a fix.
No me dejes salir de la habitación diga lo que diga... o te prometa lo que te prometa, porque si me dejas salir será para... ir a ponerme una inyección, ¿ lo has entendido bien?
Others will be delighted if my presence here pleases you It has nothing to do with me it is the will of those that brought me here
Hay mucha gente muy interesada en que yo viniera, pero yo... no tenía ningún interés.
My life is troubling me, and it has yet to be lived.
Y a mí esta vida, que aún tengo que vivir.
Ma'am, if I might be allowed to offer you a word of warning that man has power, and he can use it for you or against you.
Señora, si me permite hacerle una advertencia ese hombre tiene poder, y puede usarlo para Ud. o contra Ud.
It is clear to me now. I know what has to be done.
Ahora está todo claro. ¿ Tienes dudas sobre lo que debemos hacer?
- Then it has to be him or me.
- ¿ Estarías dispuesto a todo?
~ I'm going with you, but it has to be right now.
- Que me voy con usted, pero ha de ser ahora mismo.
It seems to me that this terrible wave of vice and sexual excess which has been flooding the world since the war might in part be due to the decline of the old standards.
Me parece que esta ola terrible de vicios y excesos sexuales... que ha inundado el mundo desde la guerra... podría deberse al declive de antiguos valores.

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