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It just doesn't feel right traducir español

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And if he doesn't feel it, just let him die. Right?
Y si no la siente, que se muera. ¿ Verdad?
Sam, you're exploiting this situation and it just doesn't feel right to me.
Sam, te aprovechas de la situación y no me parece que sea correcto.
I mean, I like you, I think you're a very nice person... but, I mean, it just doesn't feel right.
Quiero decir, me gustas, pienso que eres una buena persona... pero, quiero decir, esto no esta bien.
I don't know. It just doesn't feel right.
No lo sé, simplemente no parece estar bien.
It just doesn't feel right.
No creo que esté bien.
No, Martha, it just doesn't feel right, because... Clark is not normal.
No se siente bien porque Clark no es normal.
- It just doesn't feel right.
- No me parece bien.
Oh, Al, it just doesn't feel right.
Oh, Al, simplemente no se siente bien.
It just doesn't feel right leaving you here.
Simplemente no se siente bien salir de aquí.
At this point the way things are now... it just doesn't feel right to make plans.
En este momento, por la forma en la que están las cosas... no me parece bien hacer planes
It just doesn't feel right.
No me parece bien.
Doesn't it just feel right?
¿ No se siente bien?
No, I haven't. It just doesn't feel right to start the day without him licking me awake.
No se siente bien comenzar el día sin él, lamiéndome para despertarme.
I'm telling you, Commander, it just doesn't feel right.
Le digo, comandante, que hay algo que no encaja.
Well, it just doesn't feel right to me.
Bueno, no se siente correcto para mí.
It just doesn't feel right anymore.
Ya no me parece lo correcto.
It just doesn't feel right. OK?
Y no me parece correcto, ¿ vale?
- It just doesn't feel right.
- Siento que no está bien.
It just doesn't feel right.
Algo está mal.
It just doesn't feel right, you not telling me.
No me parece bien que no me contaras.
It just doesn't feel right.
Todo esto no encaja.
Look, if this doesn't feel right, we'll just... cut it short and come home.
Mira, si esto no se siente bien,... sólo tendremos que cortar corto y regresar a casa.
I don't know. It just doesn't feel right. Why?
Es que no lo sé, no me parece bien
I don't know, it just doesn't really feel right to me anymore.
No sé, pero no siento que esto sea lo correcto.
I mean, it just doesn't feel right, does it?
Digo, no se siente bien o si?
I know. It's just that that Jack's my friend and this really doesn't feel right anymore.
Lo sé, pero Jack es mi amigo y esto ya no me parece correcto.
But this... it just doesn't feel right.
Pero esto... esto no está bien.
It just doesn't feel right.
No me acaban de gustar.
Look, I know I'm all worked up about it but it's my first holiday season in L.A., and it just- - It doesn't feel right, okay?
Sí, ya sé que estoy muy emocionado por eso, pero son mis primeras fiestas en L.A. y no se siente bien.
But this - it just doesn't feel right.
Pero esto no está bien.
I don't want to go back either... but it just doesn't feel right.
Entiendo. Yo tampoco quiero volver pero no me parece correcto.
It just does... This doesn't feel right.
No me parece bien.
It just doesn't feel right.
Es que no queda bien.
It just doesn't feel right to me.
No me parece justo.
It just doesn't feel right.
Simplemente no me parece bien.
It just- - it doesn't feel right.
Es solo que, no quiero hacerlo.
Sometimes it feels completely normal and natural but other times it doesn't feel right somehow, it just feels like :
Me siento un poco como :
It Just Doesn't Feel Right When My Job Is Less Pressure Than My Marriage.
No está bien que tenga menos presión en el trabajo que en mi matrimonio.
It just... doesn't feel right.
Hay algo que no me cuadra.
No, Alicia, it just doesn't feel right.
No, Alicia. Algo no está bien.
Like, right now, I see your lips moving and I hear you talking, but it just doesn't feel real to me.
Ahora mismo, veo que tus labios se mueven y te oigo hablar, pero no lo siento real.
She's just really religious, and because we're both young and single, it just doesn't feel right for us to stay in the garage...
Bueno ella es muy devota y como somos jóvenes y solteros, no me pareció bien que conviviéramos en el garaje.
I know it's my idea, but it just doesn't feel right anymore.
Sé que fue mi idea, pero ya no me parece buena.
It Just doesn't feel right getting married, you know, without asking your father.
Sólo que no me parece correcto casarnos, sabes, sin preguntarle a tu padre.
It doesn't feel right, just leaving.
No parece justo, simplemente irme.
But in my heart it just doesn't feel right.
Pero en mi corazón no lo siento como lo correcto.
I'm sorry. But it just doesn't feel right.
Lo siento, pero no me siento bien.
Well, it just doesn't feel right to put my name on some manufactured story That's based on an out-Of-Focus photograph.
No creo que sea correcto poner mi nombre en una historia manufacturada basada en una fotografía desenfocada.
Suddenly it just doesn't feel right.
De pronto no se siente bien.
you're thinking up a new theory for every object, and it just doesn't sit well, you know, it doesn't seem right, it doesn't feel right.
un resultado de este tipo sería un hallazgo doble por primera vez en la historia existiría evidencia empírica para respaldar las teorías de Hawking sobre los agujeros negros
They're telling me that it's Sylar, but... I don't know. Something just doesn't feel right.
Me dicen que es Sylar, pero no sé algo no está bien.

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