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It makes no difference to me traducir español

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It makes no difference to me as long as I am buried in Finnish soil.
Me sentiría satisfecha, si fuese enterrada en tierra finlandesa.
I know. But it makes no difference to me.
Lo sé, pero eso no significa nada para mí.
It makes no difference to me.
A mí me da igual.
No, it makes no difference to me.
Para mí no hay diferencia.
Si es que Io consigo.
It makes no difference to me whether you're here or not.
No importa que estés aquí.
It makes no difference to me if you go back to the docks or drive a garbage truck!
No me importa si vuelves al puerto o si conduces un camión de basura...
It makes no difference to me.
Eso no me importa.
It makes no difference to me that you are a cripple.
Me da igual.
War or peace, it makes no difference to me.
La guerra o la paz me da lo mismo.
It makes no difference to me.
- Lo que sea.
- No, no, it makes no difference to me.
- No, no, a mí me da igual.
So you go ahead. It makes no difference to me who kills who. But, be careful.
Por mí haga lo que quiera, muera quien muera no pienso llevar luto.
It makes no difference to me.
Eso a mí me trae sin cuidado.
When it comes right down to it, it makes no difference to me.
Para mí no hay diferencias.
I was never interested in you or your sister, and I'm getting married, so it makes no difference to me.
No tengo nada que ver con vosotras y me caso en ocho días, así que no tengo ningún interés.
It makes no difference to me.
Te aseguro que me da igual.
It makes no difference to me.
No hay diferencia para mí.
It makes no difference to me!
¡ ¡ Ve y haz lo que quieras!
It makes no difference to me either way.
No hay diferencia de todos modos.
It makes no difference to me.
¿ Qué importancia tiene eso?
It makes no difference to me.
Para mí no hay diferencia.
Well, it makes no difference to me.
Me da exactamente igual.
You can die, too. It makes no difference to me.
Tú también puedes morir.
It makes no difference to me.
A mí me es lo mismo.
It makes no difference to me.
Para mí, sí.
It makes no difference to me that you're a woman.
A mí no me importa que usted sea mujer.
If it's any reassurance, it makes no difference to me that you're a man.
Para su tranquilidad, a mí no me importa que usted sea hombre.
Dead or alive, it makes no difference to me.
Vivo o muerto, no hace ninguna diferencia para mí.
- Well, it makes no difference to me.
- A mí me da igual.
Good-looking or not, young or old, it makes no difference to me.
Apuesto o no, joven o viejo, para mí no hace diferencia.
- Shit, it makes no difference to me.
- Eso no importa.
It makes no difference to me.
No me importa.
- It makes no difference to me.
- Haga lo que quiera.
It makes no difference to me which one our money's in, so how about you just take our 20 points out of Freaks and put'em in this other one, this Mr. Loverboy.
Da lo mismo en cual invertimos. Cambia nuestro porcentaje de Fenómenos - a Sr. Loverboy.
Take it or leave it, it makes no difference to me, nor to His Grace.
O lo tomas o lo dejas, a mí me da igual, y a milord también.
I don't know what they have to say It makes no difference anyway
No sé qué querrán decirme, pero me da igual
but that makes all the difference, you mutton-head it's beyond my comprehension no army leader in the whole word can go to battle with a band of vagabonds impossible. but just you wait, the generals will have their say
¡ Cómo se me ocurriera decir algo así de mi capitán! ¡ Ésa es precisamente la diferencia, borrego! ¡ Es incomprensible!
Makes no difference to me personally, but you made a bargain and you can't run out on it.
¡ Escucha, Dios te oiga!
Makes no difference to me. Alright, put it back in the deck.
Después póngala en la baraja.
It makes no difference to you how I feel about it.
A ti no te importa qué me parece a mí.
Not that it makes any difference to me, but why did you come to me?
No es que eso me importe mucho, ¿ pero por qué has acudido a mí?
It makes no difference to me.
A mí que más me da. Tengo que estar aquí hasta las tres.
- It makes a difference to me, Robert.
- Me importa a mí, Robert. - A mí no.
See if it makes any difference to me.
No hay diferencia alguna para mí.
Giovanna, to me it makes no difference, I'm taking off now.
Giovanna, si me continúas hablando de él, me tiro por la ventana.
It makes no difference what you do to me.
No tengo miedo a lo que Vd. me haga.
It no longer makes any difference to me. So it's entirely for your sake, Rodion Romanovich.
Ahora me da igual, es decir, que estoy aquí sólo por usted, Rodión Románovich.
Think it makes any difference to me whether you like it or not?
¿ Y cree que me importa si le gusta o no?
A degree or a lack of it won't make a difference lt does, sir. lt makes a difference to my father lf he knows I failed put me in the garage!
Un grado o una falta de eso no representará una diferencia Lo es, señor. Hace una diferencia a mi padre
It hurts to know that my being there makes no bloody difference whatso-bloody-ever!
Me duele saber que estar ahí no hace ninguna maldita diferencia!

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