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It saved my life traducir español

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And once, long after when he'd forgotten and was angry it saved my life.
Y una vez, mucho tiempo después cuando se había olvidado y estaba enojado me salvó la vida.
Honey, it saved my life a thousand times.
. Esto me ha salvado la vida mil veces.
It saved my life.
En tus manos, salvó mi vida.
I don't know how many times it saved my life.
No sé cuántas veces me ha salvado la vida.
It saved my life.
El 1 % en la Tierra.
It saved my life.
Él me salvo la vida.
The medicine made me better, It saved my life, Urko.
La medicina me sanó. ¡ Me salvó la vida!
It saved my life.
Me salvó la vida.
Like it? It saved my life.
¡ Sí, quiero! " Me ha salvado la vida.
- Newman's helmet, it saved my life. - Look at that.
Sí, el casco de Newman me salvó la vida.
Is it my fault that my life was saved and your Dr. Hudson was drowned?
¿ Tengo yo la culpa de que el Dr. Hudson muriera y yo me salvara?
Did I borrow it? Did I ask to have my life saved?
¿ Es que les pedí yo que me salvaran?
I was feeling when he saved my life but I just didn't know what it was then.
Sentí algo cuando me salvó Ia vida, pero no supe qué era entonces.
Oh, Enoch, you saved my life. Oh, it was nothing.
Me ha salvado la vida, doctor.
It isn't only that you saved my life, you've all been so wonderful to me.
No sólo salvaron mi vida, también han sido tan maravillosos conmigo.
It wouldn't be fitting to thank a kind woman who saved my husband's life?
¿ No es apropiado agradecerle el salvar a mi esposo?
It saved my life, sir.
Ella me salvó la vida, señor.
He saved my mother's life and wouldn't take money for it.
¿ Recuerda que salvó la vida de mi madre y no quiso aceptar ni un centavo?
It was your timely warning when you drew our attention to the empty tobacco jar and saved the life of my dear friend and colleague, Doctor John H. Watson.
Su oportuna advertencia atrajo nuestra atención hacia la caja de tabaco salvando así la vida de mi colega y amigo, el Dr. John Watson.
saved my life, inspired it.
Me salvaste la vida. La inspiraste.
Nancy, this fellow here in the paper, it's Peter, the one I told you about, the kid that saved my life.
Nancy, este tipo del periódico es Peter,... ese del que te hablé, el chico que me salvó la vida.
Since you saved my life, uou decided you have the right to run it. How can I? You won't let me.
Como podria?
I saved your precious life for you. I had to kill my father to do it.
Para salvar tu preciosa vida he tenido que matar a mi padre.
You may not know it but you saved my life
Quiero darte las gracias, entre otras cosas.
It was him who had saved my life, and Avdeyich's life too.
Él fue quien me salvó y también salvó a Avdéyevich.
And it wasn't until one of my father's friends saved me that really turned my life around.
Mi vida cambió al salvarme un amigo de mi padre.
It's Miyagawa Shingo, you saved my life.
Soy Miyagawa Shingo, salvó mi vida.
She saved my life, and it's done you no harm!
Me salvó la vida.
My friend, I don't know what it's all about, but clearly you've saved my life.
Amigos, no se de qué se trata, pero me habéis salvado la vida.
Think nothing of it, you saved my life.
No es nada, me salvó la vida.
My memory is quite clear regarding the date my cousin saved my life, and it is tomorrow.
Recuerdo muy bien la fecha en que el primo me salvó la vida... y es manana.
It belonged to the man who saved my father's life.
Era del hombre que salvó la vida de mi padre.
Luther's calling it rape is what saved my sister's life.
Luther lo llamó abuso y eso salvó a mi hermana.
By pure chance, believe it or not however incredible it may sound my life was saved.
Por accidente, lo crea o no, aunque suene increíble, me salvó la vida.
You saved my life. I'll... I'll never forget it.
Salvaste mi vida y nunca lo olvidaré.
You saved my life. I have no reward for you, but... If any part of me pleases you, I would give it to you willingly.
No tengo recompensa que darte, pero si alguna parte de mí te gusta, será un placer entregártela.
In my youth... it saved my mother's life.
Cuando era joven... salvé la vida de mi madre.
To the one who just saved my life... and to the other who's been saving it for years, only I was too preoccupied to notice.
Por la que me acaba de salvar la vida y por la que hace años que me la salva. Sólo que estuve demasiado ocupado para darme cuenta.
I'd have given my life if it would have saved his.
Hubiese dado mi vida por él.
I don't know what it was but, but God bless him,'cause he saved my life.
No sé quién era. ¡ Pero Dios lo bendiga, porque me salvo!
It was you. It was your man who saved my life.
Pero si la vida de mi hijo corre peligro fue usted. uno de sus hombres me salvo la vida.
I am giving him back his command, but it is this worthy gent who saved my life.
Soy yo quien le entrego su mandato pero es a ese digno señor a quien debo la vida.
It was you who saved my life.
Es usted quien salvó mi vida.
It is he who has saved my life.. as it is I who shall save the life of this country!
Es él quien ha salvado mi vida... y seré yo quien salvaré la vida de su país.
It was God who saved my life today.
Fué Dios quien me salvó la vida hoy.
But I couldn't have done it if he hadn't saved my life first.
Pero no habría podido hacerlo si él no me hubiera salvado a mí.
Master Pin, it's alright for my wife... to have saved your life
Maestro Pin, mi mujer... te ha salvado la vida
Homer, you saved my life, and I'm not gonna forget it.
Homero, me salvaste la vida. No lo olvidaré nunca.
It probably saved my life.
Creo que a mi me salvó la vida.
If you saved my life, you must've saved it for a good reason.
Si me salvaste la vida, alguna razón has de haber tenido.
- It saved my life.
- Me salvó la vida.

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