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It took a long time traducir español

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- No, only... It took a long time to walk from that church to the bridal suite.
Tardamos mucho tiempo en ir de esa iglesia a la suite nupcial.
And we ran out of our money and we cabled to America. And it took a long time to come.
Nos quedamos sin dinero y mandamos un cable a América,... y tardaron mucho en contestar.
It took a long time, Peg!
Me costó mucho tiempo.
It took a long time but it's all set now.
Has tardado pero ya está dicho.
It took a long time for the truth to come out, didn't it?
Ha tardado mucho en aflorar la verdad, ¿ eh?
It took a long time to convince her it wasn't her fault.
Tardé en convencerla de que eso no era cierto.
- I did but it took a long time.
Lo hice pero me llevó tiempo.
- It took a long time.
- Con tiempo.
It took a long time and a great deal of patience to discover their secret.
Necesité mucho tiempo... para descubrir su secreto.
When those photos fell in my hands, It took a long time to make mi mind up.
Cuando esas fotos cayeron en mis manos tardé mucho en decidirme.
It took a long time!
Ha sido un largo camino.
I have wondered for a long time why it was said that Nosferatu took his coffins with him filled with dirt.
Mucho medité acerca de por qué se contó que Nosferatu viajara con ataúdes llenos de tierra.
- It took you a long time.
Tardaste mucho en llegar.
Got over that a long time ago... when I first took to crime I was quite squeamish about it.
Yo lo superé hace tiempo. Cuando empecé a dedicarme al crimen, era muy remilgado.
It took me a long time To find it out.
Me tomó un largo tiempo descubrirlo.
So it lasts a long time, I took a word that exists longer in French.
¡ Que esto dure mucho tiempo! Escribí la palabra más larga que existe en francés.
But it took me a long time to get it off.
Pero me tomó mucho tiempo quitártelos.
It took me a long time to have an audience to you, didn't it?
Me ha llevado mucho tiempo tener una audiencia... con usted, no es cierto?
It took me a long time to catch up with you.
Me tomó mucho tiempo descifrar su juego.
Took me a long time to fill it.
CANCELADA Me llevó mucho tiempo llenarla.
You sure took a long enough time about wearing it.
Has tardado mucho en ponértela.
It took me rather a long time to dress.
Me tomó mucho tiempo vestirme.
It took you a long time to get home.
- Ha tardado mucho en volver a casa.
Ha tardado un buen rato, Sr. Halloway.
It took him a long time to write it, mem.
Le llevó mucho tiempo escribirlo, mem.
After all, it took him a long time to decide he was guilty.
También le llevó mucho tiempo... decidir que era culpable. Por eso me agrada.
It took me a long time to realize it, but I know now what I want.
Tardé mucho tiempo en darme cuenta, pero ahora sé lo que quiero.
You said it took you a long time to realize where you stood.
Dijiste que tardaste mucho tiempo en saber qué querías.
It certainly took you a long time to say that.
Has tardado mucho tiempo en decir eso.
It took you a long time to make up your mind.
Ha tardado mucho en decidirse.
It took me a long time to realize I was to die from a disease that rarely strikes people of my age.
Tardé en comprender que iba a morir por un mal que raramente afecta a los jóvenes.
You know, it took me a long time to figure you.
Me llevó algo de tiempo decidirme a ir a verte.
The answer was so simple, it took Mick a long time to figure it out.
La respuesta era muy sencilla, pero a Mick le costó mucho hallarla.
Remember I told you it took us a long time to find the right answer?
Recuerda que te dije que nosotros también tardamos mucho.
Look, you better not cross me off now, because it took me a long time and I finally found out you come first.
Será mejor que no me taches de la lista ahora porque me ha llevado tiempo pero por fin me he dado cuenta de que tí vas primero.
You know, it took me a long time to learn that two people like us could love each other
Me ha llevado mucho tiempo darme cuenta de que dos personas como nosotros, aunque hechas el uno para el otro,
I'm sorry, boys, but it took me a long time to build up this act.
Lo siento, muchachos, pero me tomó mucho tiempo levantar este espectáculo.
It took such a long time getting from the convent.
Nos ha costado mucho venir desde el convento.
Here you are, finally. It took you a long time. Next time you'll hire me a hackney-coach.
Mi padre sirvió a la República, al Emperador y a Francia.
Do you know, it's a long time since we took a trip together?
¿ Sabes, hace mucho tiempo ya que viajamos juntos?
It took a long, hard time, and now I've got to do it again.
Me costó mucho tiempo y esfuerzo, y ahora tengo que volver a las andadas.
It didn't take me very long to write the screenplay but it took a great deal of time doing the preliminaries, the talking took time.
No me llevó mucho tiempo escribir el guión, pero se necesitó mucho tiempo para hacer los preparativos, las charlas nos llevaron mucho tiempo.
It took us a long time to get home.
Tardamos bastante en volver a casa.
- It took you a long time!
- ¡ Cuánto has tardado!
It took me a long, long time to learn my elbow from a hot rock.
He tardado mucho tiempo en aprender lo que es bueno.
It took me a long time to get over his death.
Me costó mucho superar su muerte.
It took me a long time to see it.
He tardado en averiguarlo.
Oh, it took him a long time to learn.
Claro que le costó mucho tiempo aprenderlo.
It took me a long time to find you.
Me llevó mucho tiempo encontraos,
"It's about time the public took a long, hard look" "At this patron saint of the working class."
Es hora de que el público dé un vistazo serio y a fondo a éste santo patrón de la clase trabajadora
It took me a long time to forget.
Me tomó un tiempo olvidar.

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