It wasn't him traducir español
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It wasn't just the shooting, it was the driving him down from the prison.
No fue solo... el tiroteo. Fue llevarle desde la prisión.
It wasn't the pardon that worried me, it was what he threatened to expose if I didn't get it for him.
No era el perdón lo que me preocupó, era lo que amenazó con destapar si no se lo conseguía.
He had a shadow on him, it wasn't his fault.
Le seguían de cerca, no fue culpa suya.
It wasn't him.
No fue él.
55 If it wasn't him?
¿ Y si no lo hizo?
And that it was just complete healing in the moment that I slide down that door and that I'm crying and I'm feeling that wasn't acting, that was my moment with God and him with me, to say, "It's okay, it's over and you've been forgiven."
Fue una sanación total en cuanto cerré esa puerta y empecé a llorar y a sentir que no estaba actuando, que era mi momento con Dios y de Él conmigo, diciéndome : "Está bien, se acabó has sido perdonada".
There was a lot of emotion in that first weekend for him to win on that bike. Trust me, it wasn't a given.
Hubo mucha emoción en ese primer fin de semana, para él ganar en esa moto... creeme, no era un hecho.
But if you ask him, he'll say, "Did you think I wasn't able to do it?"
Pero si le preguntas, él va a decir : "¿ pensaste que no era capaz de hacerlo?"
Hell, in fact, if it wasn't for him, dead girl probably would be alive today.
Diablos, de hecho, si no fuese por él, chica muerta probablemente estaría viva hoy.
I know you, Nick, and you wouldn't have done shit if it wasn't for him.No!
Te conozco, Nick, y tú no habrías hecho tonterías. si fuera para él. ¡ No!
Hell, in fact, if it wasn't for him, dead girl probably would be alive today.
De hecho, si no fuera por él, la chica tal vez estaría con vida.
That was you calling him, wasn't it?
Por eso es que lo estabas llamando, ¿ no es así?
Steven was very easily flustered, and I told him it wasn't time to put it up.
Steven era muy fácil nervioso, y yo le dije que no era el momento ponerlo arriba.
It wasn't until we... Officer Peck searched the missing persons photos that we found him.
No fue hasta que... la oficial Peck buscó imágenes de personas desaparecidas cuando le encontramos.
I spoke with her boyfriend Oscar, and it wasn't him.
Hablé con su novio Oscar, y no fue él.
We showed him the photo of the fourth victim's tongue in a dish and he didn't say it wasn't right.
Le enseñamos la foto de la lengua de la cuarta víctima en un plato y no dijo que no fuera correcto.
It wasn't enough that they take him away from me once.
No ha sido suficiente con que me lo hayan arrebatado una vez.
- I told him it wasn't a good idea.
- Ya le dije que no era buena idea.
I shouldn't talk badly about the dead, but if it wasn't for him - -
No debería hablar mal de los muertos... pero si no fuera por él...
I was hoping your rendition would be enough to scare him. It wasn't.
Esperaba que tu redención pudiese ser suficiente para asustarle.
Can you honestly say that when we were doing it, There wasn't a second where you were thinking about him?
¿ Puedes honestamente decir que mientras lo hacíamos no hubo un segundo en el que pensaras en él?
Unless it wasn't him that raped her.
A menos de que no haya sido él quien la violó.
He just said that he wasn't gonna let him get away with it.
Él sólo dijo que no dejaría que se saliera con la suya.
The slug we pulled out of your husband's body was a match to the gun that Spenser had on him, and the thing is, it wasn't just Spenser's prints that we found on the gun.
La bala que sacamos del cuerpo de su marido tuvo una coincidencia con el arma que Spenser tenia con el, y la cosa es, no sólo encontramos las huellas de Spenser en el arma.
But it wasn't for him.
Pero no era para él.
If it wasn't for him, none of us would be here.
Si fuera por él, ninguno de nosotros estaría aquí.
There's something up with the Doctor, and we owe him, I wouldn't have you or Mummy if it wasn't for him!
Hay algo con el doctor, ¡ Y se lo debemos, no los hubiese tenido ni a ti ni a tu mami si no fuera por él!
At first I wasn't sure it was him, but I got a closer look, and now there's no question in my mind.
Al principio no estaba seguro de que era el, pero lo vi de cerca, y ahora no hay duda en mi mente.
It wasn't for him.
- ¿ Qué tienes que perder?
But you said it wasn't him.
- Pero dijiste que no fue él.
It was a violent blaze, and there wasn't much left of him.
Fue un incendio muy violento, no quedaba mucho de él.
I'm not proud to admit, but I have made a few attempts at, like, ending my life, but if it wasn't for him and a lot of the stuff that I have on my iPod at the moment, I wouldn't be here.
No me enorgullece admitirlo, pero he llevado a cabo algunos intentos de, acabar con mi vida pero si no fuera por él y mucho de lo que tengo en mi iPod en este momento, no estaría aquí.
Maybe it wasn't you who creeped him out.
Quizás no fuiste tú quien lo asustó.
I told him I wasn't a killer, but he made me do it.
Le dije que no era un asesino, pero me hizo hacerlo.
It just wasn't fair of me to give him an ultimatum in the first place.
No era justo darle un ultimátum.
It wasn't my choice to turn him.
No fué mi elección convertirle.
He just wishes it was him that wasn't Frank's kid.
Él sólo desea que fuera él que no fuera hijo de Frank.
I'm telling you, I would not have gotten through that if it wasn't for him, okay?
Y te lo digo, no habría salido de todo eso si no era para él, ¿ Vale?
Then he married someone else and I realised it wasn't him that was useless, it was me.
Luego se casó con otra y me di cuenta de que no era él el negado. Era yo.
It wasn't him.
No era él.
Then they went away. I went to him and turned him around. It wasn't him.
Yo me acercaba a él, lo daba vuelta... y no era él.
It... it wasn't like him.
No... no le gustaba.
She denied it, insisted that Gansa was good for her, that she wasn't leaving him.
Ella lo negó, insistió en que Gansa era bueno para ella, que no lo dejaba.
- It wasn't him.
- ¡ No ha sido él!
You wouldn't be where you were if it wasn't for him.
No estarías aquí si no fuese por él.
I looked and looked, hoping it wasn't, hoping it was just somebody that looked like him, but it was him.
Lo he mirado y remirado, esperando que no fuera, que fuera alguien parecido, pero era él.
It wasn't the door that got him.
No ha sido la puerta lo que le ha dado.
It's probably more about seeing Matt because we're really close and I think if he realizes I wasn't one that voted him out he could come back and be an asset to have.
Así que, estoy bastante emocionada. Probablemente, más que nada por ver a Matt. Porque éramos muy cercanos.
But it wasn't the money that changed him, Rachel.
Pero no fue el dinero lo que lo cambió, Rachel.
When Kurt died, it wasn't just that my friend died. It was my whole life kinda died around it and with him, you know?
Cuando Kurt murió, no solo murió un amigo, sino que lo hizo toda mi vida a su alrededor.
In the days before Sky +, it wasn't possible to rewind and check that you'd seen what you thought you'd just seen, and Ghostwatch knowingly toyed with viewers, replaying footage of one of Pipes's appearances later with him missing so that viewers would start to think they were seeing things.
En los tiempos anteriores a la TV digital, no era posible rebobinar y comprobar si habías visto lo que creías y Ghostwatch jugueteó a sabiendas con los espectadores, repitiendo las imágenes de una de las apariciones del Sr. Pipes más tarde sin él presente, para que los espectadores empezaran a pensar que veían visiones.
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't my fault 280
it wasn't hard 37
it wasn't a big deal 50
it wasn't fair 35
it wasn't a date 37
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't my fault 280
it wasn't hard 37
it wasn't a big deal 50
it wasn't fair 35
it wasn't a date 37